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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 28 November 2012

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   28th November 2012 Meeting No:  61



Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connétable D.J. Murphy [Items 2 to 7] Deputy S. Power [Items 1 to 3] Deputy R.J. Rondel [Items 1 to 3]





In attendance

Mr. W Millow , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The records of the meetings held on 9th, 14th and 19th November 2012 were approved and signed accordingly.


14/11/12 Item 3


2. Population and Migration

The Panel was informed that the Chairman had resigned from the Corporate Services (Population and Migration) Sub-Panel.

The Panel received an update from the Chairman of the Sub-Panel. It was noted that the Sub-Panel had received briefings from the Law Draftsman and from the Head of Statistics and that it had held a public hearing with the President of the Chamber of Commerce. It was further noted that subsequent public hearings would be held, including with the Minister for Economic Development, the Minister for Housing and the Chairman of the Migration Advisory Group. It was noted that the Sub-Panel Chairman and Vice-Chairman would undertake a visit to the Isle of Man from 28th to 30th November 2012. The Panel was subsequently  advised  that  evidence-gathering  was  due  to  be completed by Christmas in order that drafting of the report could begin in January 2013 for eventual presentation in February 2013.

The Panel was advised that the Sub-Panel had requested that the debate on the Regulations arising from the Control of Housing and Work  (Jersey)  Law  be  deferred  to  allow  the  Sub-Panel  time  to complete its work. It was noted that no response had been received to the  Sub-Panel's  request  and  that  the  Sub-Panel  Chairman  would follow up the matter in due course.

The Panel was advised that the Sub-Panel had written to HM Attorney General to request the documentation which had been provided to the Privy Council for its consideration of the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law.  


14/11/12 Item 1

3. 2013 Budget

The  Panel  considered draft  comments  on  Draft  Budget  Statement



2013 (P.102/2012). The Panel, taking into consideration information which  had  been  received  from  the  Department  of  Treasury  and Resources,  identified  amendments  and  additions  to  the  draft comments which it requested the Scrutiny Officer to enact.

During the Panel's deliberations, it was noted that the Chairman had, from research she had undertaken as an independent States Member, statistical information which would be of benefit to the Panel's work. It was agreed that the Chairman would forward the information to the Scrutiny Office for insertion in the draft comments.

The Panel recalled comments made by Senator P.F.C. Ozouf , Minister for  Treasury  and  Resources,  at  the  public  hearing  held  on  14th November  2012  that  he  had  previously  requested  the  Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA) to investigate why tobacco appeared to cost more in Jersey than in the United Kingdom (UK). The Panel agreed to request from the JCRA advice on what work, if any, had been undertaken as a result.

The Panel was advised that, under Standing Order 37A, if the Panel did not provide its comments to the Greffier of the States before noon on 30th November 2012 it would need to include a statement as to why the comments had not been provided earlier. It was therefore noted  that  revised  draft  comments  would  be  circulated  on  29th November 2012 for approval. The Panel subsequently noted that a briefing on anti-avoidance measures included in the draft 2013 Budget would be provided to all States Members at 9:30am on 30th November 2012.   It  was  therefore  agreed  that  the  comments  would  not  be provided to the Greffier until after the briefing lest the briefing raised matters which the Panel would need to address in its comments.




14/11/12 Item 6


4. Medium Term Financial Plan  

The Panel was advised that the Corporate Services (MTFP) Sub- Panel would meet on 29th November 2012 to evaluate the Scrutiny Review of the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and to consider what follow-up work to the review would be required.

The Panel noted receipt of an invoice from the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) for £6,996,60. It was noted that  payment  of  the  invoice  would  not  take  expenditure  on  the engagement of CIPFA past the previously agreed budget limit and the Panel was therefore advised that arrangements would be made for the invoice to be paid.


14/11/12 Item 4


5. Legislative Process

The  Panel,  noting  its  previous  agreement  that  research  would  be undertaken  on  the  possibility  of  reviewing  the  legislative  process, considered  a  paper  on  the  legislative  process  which  had  been prepared by the Scrutiny Office. The Panel was advised that a copy of the  paper  had  been  provided  to  the  Health,  Social  Security  and Housing  Scrutiny  Panel  to  assist  that  Panel's  consideration  of  a possible review of Discrimination legislation. Following consideration of the paper, the Panel confirmed that it was still minded to undertake work on the matter and agreed that the subject would be included as a potential review topic during its discussions at the next meeting on the work programme for 2013.


14/11/12 Item 4

6. JT Preference Shares  

The Panel recalled its consideration that work could be undertaken in respect of the redemption of preference shares held by the States in JT. Consideration was given to whether it was too late to undertake work on the matter but, noting that there remained potential lines of enquiry that could be pursued, the Panel agreed that the subject would be included as a potential review topic during its discussions at the next meeting on the work programme for 2013.



7. Future Meetings

The Panel, noting that Deputies S. Power and R.J. Rondel had already indicated their approval, agreed a schedule of meetings for 2013. It was  agreed  that  briefings  from  the  relevant  Ministers  would  be arranged for January 2013. It was further agreed that the Panel would consider the meeting schedule at its subsequent meeting in order to decide  whether  further  meeting  dates  should  be  placed  in  the schedule.

The Panel noted that it would next meet on 19th December 2012, at which meeting it would consider the work programme for 2013.