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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 31 October 2012

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   31st October 2012 Meeting No:  56



Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connétable D.J. Murphy

Deputy S. Power

Deputy R.J. Rondel





In attendance

Mr. W Millow , Scrutiny Officer Miss. S McKee , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter


17/10/12 Item 4


1. Quarterly Public Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel noted that it had become necessary to defer the Quarterly Public Hearing with Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief Minister that had been scheduled for that day. Consideration was given to alternative dates which had been proposed by the Chief Minister's Department and it was agreed to schedule the hearing at 4:30pm on 19th November 2012. The Panel noted that a draft question plan for the hearing had already been circulated. It was agreed that the Panel would revisit the question plan at its subsequent meeting on 14th November 2012.



2. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 11th, 17th, 18th,  19th  and  22nd  October  2012.  The  records  were  signed accordingly.


17/10/12 Item 2


3. Population and Migration

The Panel received an update from Deputy S. Power, Chairman of the Corporate  Services  (Population  and  Migration)  Sub-Panel. It  was confirmed that Deputy G.P. Southern had been appointed to the Sub- Panel. Consideration was given to whether logistical problems would arise from the Sub-Panel having six Members and to whether the Panel Chairman would therefore stand down from the Sub-Panel. It was confirmed, however, that the Panel Chairman would remain on the Sub-Panel.

The Panel was advised that the Sub-Panel intended to visit the Isle of Man from 28th to 30th November 2012 in order to learn about the migration mechanisms operating in that Island. It was further advised that an increase to the review budget might be required to ensure that all  Sub-Panel  Members  could  attend,  given  that  the  Sub-Panel's membership had increased to six Members. It was noted that the Sub-Panel also intended to visit Guernsey.

The Panel was advised that the Sub-Panel was currently gathering



information and that it intended to complete evidence-gathering by the end of December 2012 in order that a report could be prepared for presentation in February 2013. It was noted that the Sub-Panel would consider whether to request that the Chief Minister delay the debate on Regulations arising from the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law. It was confirmed that the Sub-Panel did not intend to appoint an expert advisor.

It was noted that the Privy Council had recently approved the Law. Consideration was given to whether the Sub-Panel would be able to access the material which the Privy Council had used in reaching its decision. The Scrutiny Officers were requested to look into the matter.


22/10/12 Item 1


4. Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP)

The Panel noted that the report prepared by the Corporate Services (MTFP) Sub-Panel had been presented to the States on 22nd October 2012  and  that  amendments to  Draft  Medium Term  Financial  Plan (P.69/2012)  had  been  lodged  on  the  Sub-Panel's  behalf  on  23rd October 2012. It was further noted that a briefing to States Members had been undertaken by the Sub-Panel on 23rd October 2012.

The  Panel  noted  that  the  Council  of  Ministers  had  lodged  an amendment to the amendment the Panel had lodged on the Sub- Panel's behalf. The Panel was advised that the Sub-Panel would meet on 1st November 2012 to discuss the matter and to consider the debate. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to make the necessary arrangements. The Panel agreed that it would be beneficial for the

Sub-Panel to receive advice from the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) on the Council's amendment and the Scrutiny Officer was therefore requested to contact CIPFA. The Panel agreed to increase the budget for work undertaken by CIPFA by £500 to accommodate this new piece of work.

The Panel noted that a number of other amendments had been lodged to P.69/2012. In particular, the Panel noted that Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré had lodged an amendment that asked the States Assembly to request the Panel to undertake a review of the proposal to dispose, by way of redemption, of the States 9% Preference Shares in the JT Group Ltd for a redemption value of £20 million. Consideration was given to whether there were other procedural means by which the Panel could seek to review that aspect of the draft MTFP and the Scrutiny  Officers  were  requested  to  ascertain  the  position  in  that regard.

The Panel considered an amendment to P.69/2012 lodged by Deputy L.J. Farnham that asked the Assembly to request the Minister for Treasury and Resources to present to the States further options for the early repayment of the PECRS Pre-1987 debt and the Jersey Teachers  Superannuation  Fund  (JTSF)  Pre-2007  debt  to  provide significant  additional  long-term  cost  reductions.   The  Panel  was advised that, on 2nd November 2012, the Public Accounts Committee would  hold  a  public  hearing  with  the  Chairman  of  the  PECRS Committee of Management at which this matter would be discussed.

The  Panel  noted  receipt  of  an  invoice  for  £2,187.50  from  MJO Consulting for work undertaken for the MTFP Sub-Panel. It was noted that  payment  of  the  invoice  would  not  take  expenditure  on  the




engagement beyond the agreed budgetary limit and arrangements would therefore be made for the invoice to be paid.


04/07/12 Item 6


5. Work Programme

Consideration was given to the Panel's work programme. The Panel agreed  that  requests  would  be  made  to  the  Chief  Minister's Department and the Department of Treasury and Resources for copies of the Departments' work programmes and updates on the delivery of their 2012 Business Plans. The Panel agreed that it would await receipt of the information before making any firm decisions regarding its next review topic although the Panel noted that it was minded to undertake a review relating to procurement in the first instance.

It was suggested that the Panel could review the legislative process that was followed in Jersey and it was agreed that research would be undertaken into the matter.

Consideration was given to Draft Budget Statement 2013 (P.102/2012) and it was agreed that the Panel would undertake work on the subject with a view to presenting comments on the proposition. It was noted that the proposition would be debated on 4th December 2012 and that the Panel therefore had limited time; nevertheless there would be some scope to gather evidence and to hold a public hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources.




19/09/12 Item 7


6.  Quarterly  Public  Hearing  with  Minister  for  Treasury  and Resources

The Panel noted that its next Quarterly Public Hearing with Senator P.F.C. Ozouf , Minister for Treasury and Resources, would take place on 14th November 2012. It was further noted that the hearing could be used to question the Minister on P.102/2012.



7. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that it would next meet on 14th November 2012.

The Panel was advised that, due to the visit by the Population and Migration Sub-Panel to the Isle of Man, the time of the Panel's meeting on  28th  November  2012  would  need  to  be  re-arranged.   It  was therefore agreed that the meeting would begin at 8:30am in order that business could be completed in time for those Panel Members who sat on the Sub-Panel to leave for the visit.