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Corporate Services - Approved Sub-Panel Minutes - 23 July 2012

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Sub-Panel

Medium Term Financial Plan Record of Meeting

Date:   23rd July 2012 Meeting No:  6



Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.M. Maçon, Vice-Chairman Deputy J.H. Young

Deputy S.G. Luce


Deputy J.G. Reed



In attendance

Professor M. Oliver, MJO Consulting – Expert Advisor Mr. S. Fair, CIPFA – Expert Advisor

Ms. L. Rowley, Treasurer of the States

Mr. D. Peedle, Economic Advisor

Mr. A. Macleod, Finance Director for Taxation Ms. L. Ridley, Decision Support Officer

Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer Mrs. J. Hales , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1.  Lines of Enquiry

The Sub-Panel was briefed by its expert advisors on their Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) findings to date.

The Sub-Panel requested that the expert advisors each provide it with a written report by the end of July 2012. The Sub-Panel advised the expert advisors that 14th September 2012 was the deadline for the Sub-Panel to gather evidence from the Scrutiny Panels. The Sub-Panel requested that a copy of the timetable be made available to the expert advisors.

The Sub-Panel discussed that should any issues arise from the expert advisor reports or evidence gathered from other Scrutiny Panels, such information should be raised before the October deadline when the Sub- Panel Report was due to be presented to States Members.

There was discussion as to whether the expert advisors should attend the Public Hearings for other Scrutiny Panels. The Sub-Panel concluded it could be useful for the expert advisors to sit at the table during the Scrutiny Public Hearings to enable them to ask questions which might assist with their research on the MTFP.

The Sub-Panel was advised that the Code of Practice stated that expert



advisors should not ask questions of States Members and there was no budgetary provision for them to attend.

The  Sub-Panel  agreed  Panels  would  request  permission  from  the relevant Minister at the Public Hearing and ask if they had any objections to the expert Advisor being present at the table.

The  Sub-Panel  discussed  the  attendance  of  expert  Advisors  at forthcoming  Sub-Panel  meetings. It  was  agreed  that  it  was  not necessary for the expert Advisors to attend all forthcoming meetings and that diary requests would be delivered to the expert Advisors in order to attend the appropriate meetings. The Sub-Panel requested an electronic copy of the MTFP, if available.

Consideration was given from the expert Advisors as to whether the numerical  tables  in  the  MTFP  could  be  provided  in  Microsoft  Excel format. This was to be discussed with the Treasurer of the States.

The  Sub-Panel  was  advised  by  the  Chairman  that  the  Minister  for Treasury and Resources had provided an amendment in relation to the MTFP. This was to be verified with the department.

The  Sub-Panel  was  advised  that  all  correspondence  from  expert Advisors must come via the Scrutiny Office.

The Sub-Panel requested that a media release be made available to announce that the Sub-Panel had begun work and to advise that it wished to hear from any party which might already have contacted the Executive.




2.  Forecasting

The Treasurer of the States and various members of the Department of Treasury and Resources joined the meeting at 11.00am to provide a briefing on forecasting. This part of the meeting was held in private session  under  Paragraphs  3.2.1(a)(i)  and  3.2.1.(b)  of  the  Code  of Practice on Public Access to Official Information and a private record was therefore taken.



3.  Future Meetings

The future meetings and arrangements were agreed.