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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 17 December 2012

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:  17th December 2012 Meeting No: 38



Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman Connétable S.W. Pallett, Vice-Chairman


Connétable M.J. Paddock

In attendance

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer Mrs J. Hales , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 28th November and  3rd  December  2012,  which  were  signed  accordingly  by  the Chairman.


03/12/12 Item 1


2. Tourism Shadow Board  

The Panel considered and approved its draft Heads of Report, and agreed an outline timetable for the drafting and approval of the report ahead of States debate of the Tourism Shadow Board proposals on 15th January 2013.


28/11/12 Item 3


3. Digital Skills/ Digital Jersey

It was recalled that at its meeting on 28th November, the Panel had welcomed the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel to discuss plans for  a Review of the Education Department's response to the findings of the report by Skills Jersey and Digital Jersey, entitled The Digital Picture (Interim report) dated September 2012. Both Panels had agreed  to  the  establishment  of  a  Sub-Panel,  which  would  initially undertake a Review of the proposed development of digital skills by the Education,  Sport  and  Culture  Department,  commencing  in  the  first quarter of 2013, to be followed at a later stage by a Review of progress in developing the digital economy in Jersey.

Connétable S.W. Pallett confirmed his agreement to act as Chairman of the Sub-Panel, which would be a Sub-Panel of the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel. It was agreed that he would begin work to identify its membership over the coming weeks.


28/11/12 Item 4


4. Intellectual Property Unregistered Rights (IPURL)

The Panel considered correspondence and a report from its adviser regarding Image Rights. It agreed that, with the consent of its adviser, this  information  should  be  forwarded  to  the  Minister  for  Economic Development  who  would  be  invited  to  respond  to  a  Panel recommendation that he should undertake further work in this area, as outlined  within  the  adviser's  report.  Upon  receipt  of  the  Minister's response, the correspondence and adviser's report would be published



on the Scrutiny website.


28/11/12 Item 5


5. Skills Strategy

The Panel considered a draft copy of the Skills Strategy that, at its request, had been distributed to itself, the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel and Health, Social Security and Housing Scrutiny Panel, within whose remits the Skills Strategy fell. It was decided that the Chairman would raise the matter of how best to co-ordinate any related Scrutiny work at the next meeting of the Chairmen's Committee.


31/10/12 Item 4


6. Jersey Innovation Fund

Subject to agreed minor amendments, the Panel approved its updated Project Plan, draft Terms of Reference and Scoping Document for its Review of the proposals to establish a Jersey Innovation Fund. After consideration  of  its  options,  it  also  requested  that  the  necessary arrangements be made to progress the appointment of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) as expert adviser to the Panel for the purpose of this Review.

The Panel noted that targeted written submission requests would be sent to key stakeholders, and arrangements explored for initial Public Hearings  early  in  January  2013  with  the  Ministers  for  Economic Development and Treasury and Resources.


14/11/12 Item 4


7. Financial Services Ombudsman

The Panel recalled that it was due to receive a publishable version of the draft legislation before the end of the year. It agreed to request confirmation  from  the  Economic  Development  Department  that  this remained the case, and that the timetable that the Panel had been given by the Minster, for the remainder of the drafting process, was envisaged to progress as outlined.



8. Financial Services Legislation

The Panel received and considered correspondence from the Economic Development Department relating to the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes and Limited Liability Partnerships, the draft Limited Liability Partnerships (Amendment of Law)  (Jersey)  Regulations  201/,  and  Financial  Regulation (Miscellaneous Amendments - Accounting Records Etc (Jersey) Law 201/. It agreed to request clarification regarding industry consultation on the draft Limited Liability Partnerships Amendment and the anticipated levels of associated economic activity.



9. Licensing Law

An  update  on  recent  difficulties  encountered  by  the  Economic Development Department with progressing the draft Licensing Law, and the associated White Paper, was received by the Panel. It agreed to request further information regarding the comments of the Licensing Assembly on the proposals, related paperwork to those comments and the Department's timetable for the remainder of the drafting process.  



10. La Collette Terminal Ltd

The Panel considered information relating to a proposed change of ownership of La Collette Terminal Ltd. The proposed acquisition was subject to an ongoing Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority process, and the Panel agreed to establish further details about the issue before



determining what, if any, work it would undertake.



11. Future Meetings

The Panel agreed to next meet at 9.30am on 3rd January 2013 to consider its Tourism Shadow Board report. The Panel's subsequent meeting was scheduled to take place at 9.30am on 9th January, Le Capelain Room, States Building.