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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 19 September 2012

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Electronic Meeting

Date:   19th September 2012 Meeting No:  28



Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman Connétable S.W. Pallett, Vice-Chairman Connétable M.J. Paddock



In attendance

Director Strategic Development, Economic Development (Item 3) Intellectual Property Adviser, Economic Development (Item 3)

Minister for Economic Development (Item 5)

Chief Officer Economic Development (Item 5)

Group Chief Executive Ports of Jersey (Item 5)

Group Resources Director Ports of Jersey (Item 5) Deputy Chief Executive Economic Department (Item 5)

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings  

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 29th August and  5th  September  2012,  which  were  signed  accordingly  by  the Chairman.


05/09/12 Item 2


2. Aircraft Registry  

The  Panel  noted  the  initial  stakeholder  and  press  responses  to  its Aircraft Registry report, presented on 14th September 2012. It further noted that the Ministerial response would be due for presentation to the States by 26th October 2012.


05/09/12 Item 3


3. Intellectual Property Unregistered Rights (IPURL)

The Panel welcomed the Director Strategic Development, Economic Development  and  the  Intellectual  Property  Adviser,  Economic Development,  who  provided  the  Panel  with  a  briefing  on  the  draft subordinate IPURL legislation. The Panel was informed that the draft legislation was due to lodged shortly, with the intention that it should be debated by the States before the end of the year.


05/09/12 Item 4


4. Financial Ombudsman Scheme

The Panel agreed that it would request an update briefing from the Economic Development Department to explain ongoing delays to the development of Financial Ombudsman Scheme legislation. The Panel reiterated  its  concern  about  this  situation,  and  noted  its  previous agreement to re-commence its Review imminently. It had agreed the need to focus initially on what was causing the delays before moving on to its existing scoped Review, which was to examine the legislation once it had reached a suitably advanced stage of drafting.


05/09/12 Item 5

5. Harbours and Airport Incorporation



The Panel welcomed the Minister for Economic Development, Group Chief Executive Ports of Jersey, Group Resources Director Ports of Jersey,  Chief  Officer  Economic  Development  and   Deputy  Chief Executive  Economic  Department  to  a  Public  Hearing  relating  to P.70/2012 Incorporation of Ports of Jersey. The Hearing was recorded and transcribed.

The Panel agreed its approach to drafting its Comments on P.70/2012 Incorporation of Ports of Jersey, which it would present to the States ahead of the debate scheduled for 10th October 2102.



6. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled to take place at 9.30am on 3rd October, Blampied Room States Building.