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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 4 May 2012

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   4th May 2012 Meeting No:  12



Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman

Connétable S.W. Pallett, Vice-Chairman (Except Item 2 in part) Connétable M.J. Paddock

Minister for Economic Development (Item 1)

Chief Officer, Economic Development (Item 1)

Deputy Chief Executive, Economic Development (Item 1)

Strategic Policy Manager, Economic Development (Item 1)

Performance and Operations Manager, Economic Development (Items 1

& 2)

Deputy J.P.G. Baker, Assistant Minister Economic Development (Item 2) Chairman, Harbours and Airport Shadow Board (Item 2)

Group CEO Harbours and Airport (Item 2)

In attendance

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter


25/04/12 Item 3


1. Aircraft Registry

The  Panel  received  hard  copies  of  recently  received  written submissions. It also noted that a site visit to Jersey Airport had been arranged to take place on the morning of 11th May.

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Economic Development and his Officers  to  a  Public  Hearing.  The  Hearing  was  recorded  and transcribed.



2. Incorporation of Harbours and Airport

The Panel welcomed Deputy J.P.G. Baker, Assistant Minister Economic Development, the Chairman, Harbours and Airport Shadow Board, the Group CEO Harbours and Airport and the Performance and Operations Manager, Economic Development, who provided a briefing on the draft Report and Proposition for the incorporation of the harbours and airport.



3. Tourism Development Fund

The Panel noted that the Corporate Services Panel was in the process of establishing a Sub-Panel to review P.26/2012 Tourism Development Fund;  Assistance  to  the  Private  Sector,  and  had  requested representation from the Economic Affairs Panel. The Panel agreed that the Chairman would represent the Panel on that Sub-Panel.



4. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled for 23rd May, Blampied Room, States Building, provisionally including a briefing from the Treasurer of the States regarding the Medium Term Financial Plan as part of the process agreed by the Chairmen's Committee.


04.05.12  18