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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 17 December 2012

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   17th December 2012 Meeting No:  25



Deputy J. M. Maçon, Chairman

Connétable M. P. S. Le Troquer, Vice Chairman

In attendance

Deputy M. Tadier

M. Haden, Scrutiny Officer


Connétable S. W. Pallett


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Minutes The Minutes of the meetings held on 26th, 28th and 29th November 2012 were approved and signed.



2. Resignation of Panel member and welcome to new member

The  Panel  noted  that   Connétable  S.  Pallett  had  indicated  that  he intended  to  resign  from  the  Panel  in  view  of  pressures  of  work. Meanwhile the Panel welcomed Deputy M. Tadier who had indicated that he wished to join the Panel as from the next States sitting.



Item 1 28.11.12

Item 2 11.09.12

Item 5 29.10.12

3. Work Programme 2013

The Panel noted an update report on its current work programme and considered an indicative programme for 2013. The following reviews were discussed:

Digital Skills Review

The Panel recalled the decision to establish a Sub Panel to review the development of digital skills in the Island. It was noted that, in view of Connétable Pallett's resignation from the Panel, it was appropriate that this  review  should  be  led  by  the  Economic  Affairs  Panel,  with representation from the Education and Home Affairs Panel.

Skills Strategy

The  Panel  received  an  advance  copy  in  confidence  of  the  Skills Strategy. It was noted that the Strategy set out four high level strategic objectives and a plan of activities through which the objectives would be achieved. It was the responsibility of each contributing department to integrate their responsibilities for delivering these activities into their business plans.

It was considered that the way forward in scrutinising this strategy might be for the three Scrutiny Panels with interest in this strategy to identify particular  activities  which  they  might  examine  in  depth  rather  than setting up a Sub Panel to monitor the Strategy as a whole.

Higher Education Funding

The Panel noted the key points of the discussion with the Minister at the Quarterly hearing on 23rd November. It was recognised that there was increasing financial pressures on parents: means testing thresholds for grants remained at 2001 levels and the full maintenance grant had not


Item 3 01.10.1 516/1(58)

Item 2 01.10.12

kept up with rising costs of living. The Greenlight report illustrated how the balance of shared costs between parents and the States had shifted significantly  since  2001.  The  report,  dated  February  2010,  had concluded that current financial arrangements were affecting the ability of students in the island to attend university and was putting at risk the strategic aims of developing the skills required by the economy and enabling  people  to  fulfil  their  potential.  Nevertheless  the  Education Department's bid for additional funding in the Medium Term Financial Plan  had  not  been  successful  and  no  additional  money  had  been identified to address threshold levels and the maintenance grant.

The Panel agreed that a further review of Higher Education funding at this time would not be capable of achieving an effective change to grant levels for the period of the current MTFP; however a review in two year's time might inform future input into the next MTFP.

Deputy Tadier informed the Panel that he had raised an issue with the Minister for Social Security which he believed was prejudicial to mature students who wished to pursue higher education courses on the Island but faced the risk of losing Income Support as they were not in a position to actively seek work while taking a full time course of study (reference  oral  question  25th  September  2012).  He  said  that  the Minister for Social Security had agreed to an amnesty of any affected student pending discussions with the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture.

Higher Education: methods of assessment:

The  Panel  noted  that   Deputy  Baudains  had  lodged  a  proposition (P.134/2012) seeking to request the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture  not  to  implement  proposed  changes  to  the  method  of assessment  of  income  when  calculating  means-tested  grants  for university students and to retain the current provisions that the income of the natural parents of the student was used as the principal basis of assessment. The Panel agreed to invite Deputy Baudains to its next Panel  meeting  to  discuss  his  proposition  and  a  potential  Scrutiny Review.

Social Inclusion

The  Panel  requested  clarification  whether  the Community  Relations Trust was still looking for funding support for this research project.

Raising standards of achievement in Education

The Panel considered a draft scoping document for this review. Mindful that the Education Department had recently commissioned reviews of the three core subjects, the Panel agreed that it would be appropriate to defer the commencement of the Scrutiny Review pending consideration of the outcome of the Department's reviews.



4. Education Green Paper - consultation responses

The  Panel  received  a  draft  copy  of  the  consultation  responses  in confidence. Members decided to request an opportunity to discuss the response document with the Minister in the New Year.


Item 1 26.11.12


5. Relocation of Police HQ

The Panel considered a draft addendum to its report on the relocation of the States of Jersey Police Headquarters (SR.19/2012).



The Panel noted that some responses had been received from civilian staff  however  States  Human  Resources  had  objected  to  a  direct approach. It was also noted that a further drop-in session with the architects had been arranged for all staff on 12th December and that a report  with  comments  made  and  issues  resolved  would  be  made available  in  due  course.  The  Panel  nevertheless  decided  that  they wished  to  ensure  that  all  staff  had  the  opportunity  to  express  any outstanding  concerns  and  asked  that  States  Human  Resources  be requested to make arrangements for a message to be circulated to all staff. The Panel agreed to finalise its report once any further comments had been received.

The Panel also noted information on establishment changes at the States of Jersey Police since 1995. It was noted that although there had been a reduction in 20 police officer posts since 1995 (down from 247 to 227) there had been an increase of 39 civilian staff (up from 69 to 108) with a further circa 7 posts in the pipeline. The comments showed that this increase had been necessary due to the growth of financial crime, the introduction of new legislation (in relation to terrorism, the regulation of investigatory powers and sex offences) and the growth in compliance requirements (vetting and IT). This increase in staffing had occurred during a period when crimes levels were falling and appeared to give weight to the Panel's belief that the Police Station should take account of the potential for future expansion.



6. Police Procedures and Criminal Evidence (Codes of Practice) Amendment No 2 (Jersey) Order 201-

The Panel considered a briefing note, prepared by the Scrutiny Officer, on the above amendment. It was noted that the Codes were being updated with regard to the media which can be used to take evidence so that they reflect modern media including digital recording.

Members requested a briefing on the proposed changes.


Item 4 26.11.12


7. Prison Service: Treatment of prisoners with emotional or mental health problems

The Panel received the Executive Director and Independent Mental Health Advocate of Mind Jersey to discuss issues relating to the mental health treatment of prisoners.



8. Financial report for 2012

The Panel noted the financial report for 2012 and agreed an adjustment to its budget for the Taser review to reflect the advertising costs for this review.



9. Meeting Dates 2013

The Panel agreed a schedule of meeting dates for 2013. The next meeting will take place on Monday 14th January.