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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 10th April 2013 Meeting No: 82
Present | Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Deputy S. Power |
Apologies | Connétable D.J. Murphy Deputy R.J. Rondel |
Absent |
In attendance | Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
02/04/13 Item 1 513/37(2) | 1. Deposit Loan Scheme The Panel, recalling that it had presented Starter Home Deposit Loan Scheme (SR5/2013) to the States on 4th April 2013, considered its subsequent course of action in respect of Starter Home Deposit Loan Scheme (P.131/2012). The Panel noted that the Chairman and Deputy R.J. Rondel had met Senator P.F.C. Ozouf , Minister for Treasury and Resources, and Deputy A.K.F. Green MBE, Minister for Housing, on 4th April 2013 to discuss the Panel's recommendations. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to circulate the file note of the meeting. The Panel was advised that it was anticipated that the Ministerial Response to SR5/2013 would be received later that week with the information the Panel had requested in its recommendations. It was noted that P.131/2012 was due to be debated on 16th April 2013. The Panel agreed that, as it had yet to receive information from the Executive and the debate on P.131/2012 was imminent, it would propose during the debate that the proposition be referred back under Standing Order 83. The provisions of the Standing Order were noted, in particular that the Panel would need to provide a clear indication of the matters on which it required further information. It was agreed that the Vice-Chairman would make the proposition under Standing Order 83 and that he would circulate a draft of the speech he would make to the remainder of the Panel ahead of the debate. Consideration was subsequently given to the Panel's recommendations in SR5/2013 and to the report it had received from the Chartered Institute of Housing in order to identify the matters to which the Vice-Chairman would refer when proposing the reference back. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to construct and circulate a timeline in respect of the finalisation and presentation of the Panel's report. Consideration was given to whether other courses of action were available to the Panel. It was agreed that a proposition under Standing Order 83 would be the best course of action. Consideration | WM JR WM |
| was also given to whether the Panel would advise the Minister for Treasury and Resources of the Panel's intentions. It was agreed that the Panel would not so advise the Minister. |
27/02/13 Item 7 513/1(40) | 2. Pensions The Panel recalled that, during a briefing on 27th February 2013 on work being undertaken in respect of pensions, the Department of Treasury and Resources had undertaken to provide the Panel with further documentation. The Panel was advised that the documentation had been received. |
27/03/13 Item 3 513/1(40) | 3. States of Jersey Development Company The Panel recalled that the Managing Director of the States of Jersey Development Company (SoJDC) had undertaken to provide the Panel with documentation subsequent to the briefing it had received on 27th February 2013. The Panel was advised that the documentation had yet to be received and that the Scrutiny Office had been in further correspondence with the Department of Treasury and Resources about the matter. The Panel, recalling the advice it had received during the briefing on the SoJDC, agreed that it would include questions on the matter at its Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources on 18th April 2013. |
27/03/13 Item 6 513/35 | 4. Medium Term Financial Plan The Panel recalled that implementation of three of the recommendations made in Review of the Medium Term Financial Plan (SR18/2013) and which had been accepted by the Minister for Treasury and Resources was due to occur in either March or April 2013. It was noted that questions on that matter would therefore be put at its Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources on 18th April 2013. |
| 5. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the private records of its meetings held on 25th and 27th February 2013 and the public records of its meetings held on 14th, 19th, 20th and 27th March and 2nd April 2013. The records were signed accordingly. |
27/03/13 Item 4 513/37(3) | 6. Minister for External Relations The Panel received an update on the course of its review of proposals to establish a Minister for External Relations. The Panel was advised that a number of written submissions had been received, copies of which were distributed. It was noted that written submissions had not been received from Senator A.J.H. Maclean, Minister for Economic Development, the Bailiff and the Privileges and Procedures Committee. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to ascertain whether written submissions would be received from these parties. The Panel was further advised that HM Attorney General had written to advise that he would like to make a submission but that it would not be received until the week beginning 15th April 2013. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to advise HM Attorney General that this timescale would be acceptable. The Panel noted that a public hearing with Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief | WM WM |
| Minister, would be held at 2:30pm on 15th April 2013. Consideration was given to a draft question plan and the Panel agreed the areas it would cover at the public hearing, which it requested the Scrutiny Officer to incorporate within the Plan. During its consideration, the Panel was advised that sections of Second Interim Report of the Constitution Review Group (R.64/2008) were of relevance to its review and the Scrutiny Officer was therefore requested to circulate the relevant sections. Consideration was given to the timetable for the Panel's review. It was noted that presentation of the Panel's report was due to occur in early May 2013. | WM WM |
27/03/13 Item 7 513/1(43) | 7. Public Finances Law The Panel recalled its agreement to undertake a review of proposed amendments to the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005. The Panel noted that, contrary to previous indications, a briefing on the proposed amendments would not take place on 18th April 2013 and that it would therefore be arranged for a later date. The Panel agreed it would be beneficial to seek expert advice during its review and the Scrutiny Officer was requested to investigate the matter. It was agreed to seek guidance from the Comptroller and Auditor General on where the Panel might find potential advisors. In that regard, the Panel noted that it would be beneficial in a general sense to meet the Comptroller and Auditor General and the Scrutiny Officer was therefore requested to make the necessary arrangements. The Panel was informed that Deputy T.A. Vallois, Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, had expressed an interest in taking part in the Panel's review. It was therefore agreed to co-opt the Deputy to the Panel for the duration of the review under Standing Order 138(5A). The Panel recalled that a request had been made to the Department of Treasury and Resources for a copy of the Law with changes tracked to indicate how the Law would change if the proposed amendments were adopted. It was noted that a copy of the Law, as amended, had not yet been received and that such a document had yet to be prepared. The Panel also noted that it would pursue this matter further when its review began in earnest. | WM WM WM WM |
27/03/13 Item 5 513/36 | 8. Population and Migration The Panel recalled that the Council of Ministers had, on 27th March 2013, discussed the development of the Population Policy. The Panel noted that it had received the supporting papers for this discussion and was advised that the Population Policy was due to be progressed more quickly than the Panel had previously been advised. The Panel was further advised that the Scrutiny Office had informed the Chief Minister's Department of the Panel's agreement that it would seek to review the Policy once it had been developed and completed by the Executive. The Panel noted that it could potentially undertake the review in stages, albeit that such an approach would require careful management. The Panel was advised by the Chairman of the Corporate Services (Population and Migration) Sub-Panel that the Sub-Panel intended to meet quarterly in order to follow up the recommendations of |
| Population and Migration Part 2 (SR2/2013) and that it would report back to the Panel. It was noted that changes to the Sub-Panel's constitution would potentially be requested of the Panel. |
27/03/13 Item 9 513/1(40) | 9. Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources The Panel noted that the Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources on 18th April 2013 would start at 10:30am. Consideration was given to a draft question plan and the Panel agreed the areas it would seek to cover with the Minister, which the Scrutiny Officer was requested to incorporate within the plan. The Panel recalled that the Minister had previously provided the Panel with a list of his priorities, which the Scrutiny Officer was requested to circulate. | WM WM |
14/03/13 Item 6 513/1(41) | 10. Work Programme The Panel noted the status of its Work Programme for 2013. The Panel was advised that, as matters stood, there appeared to be scope for work on additional topics to be undertaken between May 2013 and the summer recess beyond the reviews which had already been agreed. The Panel noted that it could potentially undertake follow-up work in respect of its previous reviews, and it therefore agreed that it would seek to follow up the review of the Medium Term Financial Plan. The Panel also noted that, in addition, it could potentially undertake work on topics which it would expect to review in more depth at a later date. In that latter regard, the Panel noted that it would likely undertake work in respect of the Modernisation Programme and it was therefore agreed that a briefing on the Programme would be requested from the Executive. The Panel noted that a review in respect of proposals for a new general hospital was likely although it was currently unclear into which Panel's remit such a review would fall, given that it fell within both the Panel's remit and that of the Health, Social Security and Housing (HSSH) Scrutiny Panel. It was agreed to correspond with the HSSH Panel about its intentions in respect of the proposals. | WM WM |
| 11. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 24th April 2013. |