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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 27th March 2013 Meeting No: 79
Present | Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Connétable D.J. Murphy Deputy R.J. Rondel |
Apologies | Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Deputy S. Power |
Absent |
In attendance | Mr. D. Warr , President – Chamber of Commerce [Item 1] Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
14/03/13 Item 4 513/1(46) | 1. GST De Minimis The Panel received Mr. D. Warr , President of the Chamber of Commerce, in order to discuss Mr. Warr 's proposal that the Panel undertake a Scrutiny Review in respect of the de minimis waiver for the Goods and Services Tax (GST). Subsequent to the Panel's discussions with Mr. Warr , it was agreed to include questions on the de minimis waiver at the next Quarterly Public Hearing with Senator P.F.C. Ozouf , Minister for Treasury and Resources. | WM |
| 2. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 15th, 18th, 25th and 27th February and 4th and 14th March 2013. The records were signed accordingly. |
27/02/13 Item 10 513/1(40) | 3. States of Jersey Development Company The Panel recalled that the Managing Director of the States of Jersey Development Company had undertaken to provide the Panel with documentation subsequent to the briefing it had received on 27th February 2013. The Panel was advised that the documentation had yet to be received and that the Scrutiny Office was in correspondence with the Department of Treasury and Resources about the matter. |
19/03/13 Item 1 513/37(3) | 4. Minister for External Relations The Panel noted that the call for evidence had appeared in the Jersey Evening Post on 25th March 2013 and would appear again on 2nd April 2013. The Panel was advised that no written submissions had yet been received, either in response to the call for evidence or to the Panel's requests to identified stakeholders. The Panel was informed that the Scrutiny Office had been approached by Channel 103 as to whether the Panel would like to procure radio advertising. The Panel agreed not to pursue that course of action. |
| The Panel was informed that research was being undertaken on the corresponding situation in other jurisdictions and that the Scrutiny Office had made a request to the Chief Minister's Department in respect of the matter. The Panel noted that a public hearing with Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief Minister, and Senator Sir P.M. Bailhache , Assistant Chief Minister with responsibility for external relations, would be held at 2:30pm on 15th April 2013. It was noted that there would potentially be a clash with a meeting of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC). |
04/03/13 Item 1 513/36 | 5. Population and Migration The Panel noted that the Council of Ministers was due to discuss the timetable for development of the Population Policy at its meeting on 27th March 2013. The Panel was advised that the Scrutiny Office had corresponded with the Chief Minister's Department regarding the timing of the Panel's review of the Policy. The Panel, considering the draft timetable which it had previously received, agreed that it would seek to review the Policy once it had been developed and completed by the Executive. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to advise the Department accordingly. | WM |
23/01/13 Item 8 513/35 | 6. Medium Term Financial Plan The Panel noted that implementation of three of the recommendations made in Review of the Medium Term Financial Plan (SR18/2013) and which had been accepted by the Minister for Treasury and Resources was due to occur in either March or April 2013. It was agreed to request an update on implementation of the recommendations and to include questions on the matter at the next Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister. | WM |
14/03/13 Item 5 513/1(43) | 7. Public Finances Law The Panel noted receipt of correspondence, dated 20th March 2013, from the PAC in respect of proposed amendments to the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005. The Panel, taking into account the PAC's comments on the matter and recalling the invitation of the Minister for Treasury and Resources to consider the proposed amendments, agreed that it would undertake a Scrutiny Review of the subject. The Panel recalled that the Minister intended to lodge the proposed amendments in May 2013 for subsequent debate by the States Assembly in July 2013. It was therefore noted that the Panel's review would effectively begin in May 2013. The Panel was advised of an offer by the Department of Treasury and Resources to brief the Panel on the proposed amendments. It was agreed that the briefing would take place on 18th April 2013, after that day's Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister. The Panel was informed that a request had been made to the Department for a copy of the Law with changes tracked to indicate how the Law would change if the proposed amendments were adopted. It was noted that a copy of the Law, as amended, had not yet been received. | WM WM |
19/11/12 Item 3 | 8. Quarterly Public Hearing with the Chief Minister The Panel considered a draft question plan for its Quarterly Public |
513/1(40) | Hearing with the Chief Minister at 1:00pm on 9th April 2013. Additional questions were identified, which the Scrutiny Officer was requested to add to the plan. | WM |
19/09/12 Item 6 513/1(40) | 9. Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources The Panel noted that a Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources would take place at 10:00am on 18th April 2013. The Panel identified questions it would seek to ask the Minister and the Scrutiny Officer was requested to draft a question plan. The Panel was informed that the Department of Treasury and Resources had requested to brief the Panel on a number of topics following the Quarterly Public Hearing. The Panel considered the list of topics suggested and identified those on which it would wish to be briefed. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to inform the Department accordingly. | WM WM |
| 10. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 10th April 2013. |
20/03/13 Item 1 513/37(2) | 11. Deposit Loan Scheme The Panel recalled that the draft report had been distributed to stakeholders for comment on the factual accuracy and the reporting of evidence received. The Panel was advised that a number of stakeholders, including the Chief Minister's Department, had provided their comments and that a small number of minor amendments to the main body of the draft report would be required as a result. The Panel considered its draft Key Findings and Recommendations and identified amendments which the Scrutiny Officer was requested to enact. The Panel was advised that, given the impact of Easter, the timetable for the review now indicated that the report would be presented on 4th April 2013. The Panel agreed that it would be beneficial to meet the Minister for Treasury and Resources on that day and the Scrutiny Officer was therefore requested to make the necessary arrangements. | WM |