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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 30 October 2013

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   30th October 2013 Meeting No:  115



Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connetable D.W. Mezbourian


Deputy R.J. Rondel



In attendance

Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the public records of meetings held on 10th, 11th,  16th  and  21st  October  2013  and  the  private  record  of  the meeting held on 21st October 2013.


16/10/13 Item 2


2.  Population and Migration/Long Term Plan

The Panel received an update on the status of work. The Panel noted receipt  of  information  it  had  requested  from  the  States  Chief Statistician in regards to the Names and Addresses Register. It was agreed that the Panel would re-visit the response during its post- implementation review of the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law in 2014.

The Panel further noted receipt of a letter received from Senator P.F. Routier MBE, Assistant Chief Minister, which provided an outline of what the Interim Population Policy should contain and the timescales in which it should progress. The Panel agreed that the timetable that had been provided for the development of the Policy would not provide sufficient  time  to  carry  out  an  in-depth  Scrutiny  of  the  work. Furthermore, in order to provide an exact indication of how much more time would be required to undertake a thorough review, the Panel agreed that it would require more information of the Policy content. In this regard, the Officer was requested to draft a response to Senator Routier broaching these issues and requesting further information.

It was suggested that it would be beneficial  if the Panel met the Assistant Chief Minister and Director of Corporate Policy in private to discuss the Policy and its development. The Panel agreed that, once it had received the further information that it had requested, such a meeting would be arranged. The Officer was requested to enact the necessary arrangements.

The  Panel  recalled  that  the  Statistics  Unit's  year-end  population figures  were  due  to  be  produced  in  June  2014.  The  Officer  was requested to provide a list of other statistical information that was due to be produced in 2013, that might be relevant to the Panel's work on




the Interim Population Policy.

The Panel recalled previous information it had received from the Chief Minister's Department in regard to the Long-Term Plan. The Panel further  recalled  the  Chief  Minister's  decision  to  defer  the  detailed development of the Long-Term Plan to the new Council of Ministers taking office in 2014. The Panel agreed to request a further update from the Department in regard to the work that was currently being undertaken on the Long-Term Plan and how this work fitted in with the Long Term Revenue Plan.

The Panel recalled its request for detailed information regarding the exemption contained within the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law which meant that a person could work in Jersey for a period of 10 days or less in any 12 months period without needing to obtain a registration card. The Officer was asked to follow-up on this request.




16/10/13 Item 4


3. Public Finances Law Amendments

The Panel recalled that at its last meeting consideration had been given to the timescale for the presentation of Ministerial Responses. It was  noted  that  the  Ministerial  Response  to  SR10/2013  had  been presented four weeks after the relevant debate. It was further recalled that the Panel had agreed that it would be extremely beneficial if Ministerial  Responses  could  be  presented  to  Panels  and  States Members prior to the related debate, to help inform the debate. The Panel was advised that although it would be very helpful to receive Ministerial Reponses in advance of a debate, procedurally the Minister was not under any obligation to do so. It was noted that the only requirement in respect of Ministerial Responses within the Code of Practice  was  that  they  were  presented  within  six  weeks  of  the presentation of the relevant Scrutiny Report.

In  considering  what  action  to  take,  the  Panel  agreed  to  ask  the Chairmen's Committee to consider this issue at its next meeting. The Panel  was  advised  however  that  this  issue  had  previously  been discussed by the Chairmen's Committee. At that time, the Committee had agreed that its Chairman would broach the subject at her next meeting with the Chief Minister, the outcome of which is awaited. Despite this, the Panel agreed the matter should be raised again with the Chairmen's Committee. The Officer was asked to request for this subject to be included as an item on the next Committee meeting.


16/10/13 Item 3


4.  Work Programme

The Panel considered its Work Programme for the remainder of 2013 and 2014. It was noted that although the Panel was due to undertake a review of the Interim Population Policy later on in the year, it had capacity to start another review alongside its current work on the 2014 Budget.

The Panel recalled that provision had already been made within its Work  Programme  to  undertake  a  review  of  the  Modernisation Programme.  It  was  further  recalled  however  that  during  previous discussions the Panel had agreed to undertake such a review in 2014 given that it wished to increase its scope. Despite this, it was agreed that Modernisation Programme was the Panel's next priority and, if the subject was broken down into manageable areas, it would be possible to begin work as soon as possible. In order to assist the Panel in



deciding the first area to review, the Officer was requested to obtain a detailed timetable from the Department and an electronic copy of the PowerPoint slides that were shown during a States Members Briefing on Public Reform.

The Panel recalled that it had previously agreed to make provision within its Work Programme for a review of the States Employment Board (SEB). The Panel now agreed that, rather than reviewing this subject  as  a  separate  piece  of  work,  it  would  consider  SEB  and Human  Resources  as  part  of  its  review  of  the  Modernisation Programme.  For  future  reference,   Connétable  D.W.   Mezbourian formally announced a conflict of interest on this subject as she was a Member of the States Employment Board. As a result, it was further agreed that, if the review of this area of the Modernisation Programme coincided  with  a  Health,  Social  Security  and  Housing  Sub-Panel review of the new hospital, then Connetable Mezbourian would sit on that Sub-Panel as a representative of the Corporate Services Panel.

The Panel recalled that at the last Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister he had suggested to the Panel that it arrange a visit to the Department of Social Security to receive a presentation from its staff about its recently implemented Lean Programme. Subsequently, the Panel had requested the Officer to look into this matter. The Panel confirmed its availability to visit the Department on 15th January 2014 at 9:30am. The Officer was requested to confirm this date with the Department and send out meeting requests to Members.

The Panel noted a number of other subjects, to those that had already been discussed, in which the Departments were currently undertaking work, such as Foreign Policy and Freedom of Information. The Panel agreed that it would be mindful of such work when considering its own Work Programme for 2014.



24/10/13 Item 1


5.  2014 Budget

Consideration  was  given  to  draft  Heads  of  Report.   The  Panel considered  the  lines  of  enquiry  it  had  pursued  and  requested amendments to be made to the Heads of Report. The Heads of Report were approved, as amended. The Panel identified a number of questions, which the Scrutiny Officer was requested to investigate:

  1. How  much  income  was  expected  to be  obtained  with  the introduction of the Long-Term Care Charge?
  2. What  figures  were  available  in  respect  of  capacity  within  the construction industry?
  3. Were higher childcare allowances in respect of children in nursery education applicable to all taxpayer or only those assessed at the Marginal Rate?
  4. How was the proposed reduction in the Marginal Rate of Income Tax  a  first  step  towards  the  implementation  of  independent taxation?

During its deliberations, the Panel was advised that the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel was likely to provide it with a note on the Budget proposal to increase Income Tax allowances for individuals with children in higher education.

The Panel was advised that its request that the Fiscal Policy Panel



consider the economic impact of reducing the Marginal Rate of Income Tax from 27% to 26% had been forwarded by the Scrutiny Office.

Consideration was given to the timetable for the Panel's review. It was recalled  that  the  Minister  for  Treasury  and  Resources  had  asked whether the report could be presented two weeks before the debate on Draft Budget Statement 2014 (P.122/2013), namely 19th November 2013. The Panel was advised that this represented an earlier deadline than  had  initially  been  planned  but  that  it  might  be  feasible, notwithstanding that the Panel had yet to receive all of the information it had requested from the Department of Treasury and Resources and that,  consequently,  the  expert  advisors  had  not  yet  been  able  to furnish the Panel with their reports. The Panel was advised that the timetable for production of the report therefore remained challenging but that work would begin on drafting. The Panel agreed to pencil in a provisional meeting for 9:30am on 8th November 2013 in the event that progress on the draft allowed for a discursive meeting to take place. Following  its  consideration  of  the  timetable  for  its  Budget review, the Panel considered more generally the timetables to which it worked during its reviews and the impact that receipt of information from the Executive could have on those timetables. It was suggested that it would be beneficial if Ministerial propositions could be provided to Scrutiny five days ahead of being lodged. It was agreed to request that the Chairmen's Committee consider the matter.

The Panel agreed that it would seek to amend the Draft Budget in order to ensure that additional income generated from increases in Impôts were placed in the Health Insurance Fund so that the sums would  be  expended  on  health  matters.   The Scrutiny  Officer  was requested to look into the necessary arrangements.





6.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 13th November 2013.