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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 8th May 2013 Meeting No: 87
Present | Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman [Absent for Items 1, 2 and 4] Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Deputy S. Power Deputy R.J. Rondel |
Apologies | Connétable D.J. Murphy |
Absent |
In attendance | Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 9th, 10th and 24th April 2013. The records were signed accordingly. In respect of the record of the meeting held on 15th April 2013, it was agreed that a statement would be inserted to clarify that the Panel's agreement on 10th April 2013 to propose a reference back in relation to Starter Home Deposit Loan Scheme (P.131/2012) had been made on the basis that, on 10th April 2013, the Panel had not yet received information from the Executive and the debate on P.131/2012 had been imminent. | WM |
10/04/13 Item 3 513/1(40) | 2. States of Jersey Development Company The Panel noted that information which the Managing Director of the States of Jersey Development Company (SoJDC) had undertaken to provide the Panel subsequent to the briefing provided on 27th February 2013 had been received. The Panel was advised that information which the Department of Treasury and Resources had undertaken to provide subsequent to the briefing had yet to be received, however, and the Scrutiny Officers were therefore requested to follow up the matter. | SM |
02/05/13 Item 1 513/1(43) | 3. Public Finances Law The Panel recalled that Deputy T.A. Vallois had been co-opted onto the Panel under Standing Order 138(5A) for the Panel's review of proposed amendments to the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005. It was noted that the Deputy had provided apologies for the day's meeting. The Panel noted receipt of a file note of the briefing provided by the Treasurer of the States on 24th April 2013. It was noted that a request had been made for a copy of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 incorporating the proposed amendments but that a copy had yet to be received. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to follow up the matter. The Panel recalled that the Scoping Document and Terms of | SM |
| Reference had been approved. The Panel was advised that a copy of the Terms of Reference had been dispatched to Senator P.F.C. Ozouf , Minister for Treasury and Resources. The Panel, recalling its agreement to seek advice from the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) regarding the identification of potential expert advisors, noted that the C&AG had suggested approaching the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA). Consideration was consequently given to a proposal received from CIPFA and it was agreed to appoint CIPFA as expert advisor for the review. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to enact the necessary contractual arrangements. It was noted that CIPFA had proposed that further time would be required than was currently allowed for within the Scoping Document and it was therefore agreed to amend the Scoping Document to increase the budgetary provision for the appointment to £10,000. Consideration was given to potential dates for a public hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources and it was agreed that the Scrutiny Officer would contact the Department to ascertain the Minister's availability. | SM SM |
10/04/13 Item 8 513/36 | 4. Population and Migration The Panel was advised that a meeting had been held at officer level between the Scrutiny Officers and the Chief Minister's Department. It was noted that the Executive was likely to incorporate work on the Population Policy within work which, in accordance with the Strategic Plan, would be undertaken on long-term planning. It was noted that the Council of Ministers would discuss these matters on 22nd May 2013, after which it would be possible to obtain further clarification on the Executive's timetable. The Panel recalled that, during the recent debate on Draft Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 (Appointed Day) Act 201- (P.42/2013), mention had been made in the States Assembly of the need for the Registration Card to contain a photograph. The Panel considered how to follow-up the recommendations made in Population and Migration Part 2 (SR2/2013), which had included a recommendation that the Chief Minister review the current policy on photographic identification within 12 months of the new Law being implemented. It was noted that follow-up work would only become feasible once the new Law had been implemented. It was agreed, however, that in the first instance the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Corporate Services (Population and Migration) Sub-Panel would consider how the recommendations of SR2/2013 had been addressed by the Executive. Consideration was given to how the Population Policy would be reviewed, particularly given that it would be incorporated within work on long-term planning. It was noted that a Panel discussion would be required on whether the review would be undertaken by a Panel or by a Sub-Panel and, if the latter, on what the membership of the Sub- Panel would be. It was ultimately agreed to await the results of the Council's discussion on 22nd May 2013 and subsequently to request a briefing from the Executive on these matters. | SP / RR / SM SM |
27/02/13 Item 6 | 5. Modernisation Programme |
513/1(41) | The Panel was advised that a briefing on the Modernisation Programme had been arranged for 20th May 2013. |
513/1(41) | 6. New Hospital The Panel recalled that a review in respect of proposals for a new general hospital was likely and that it had agreed to correspond with the Health, Social Security and Housing (HSSH) Scrutiny Panel regarding that Panel's intentions in respect of the proposals. The Panel was advised that the HSSH Panel had discussed the matter and that it was minded to establish a Sub-Panel on which Members of the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel could sit. It was noted that the Chairman would be interested in sitting on such a Sub-Panel. It was further noted that if all Members of the HSSH Panel wished to take part in the proposed review, the HSSH Panel could feasibly co-opt the Chairman under Standing Order 138(5A) rather than establish a Sub- Panel. It was agreed that the Vice-Chairman, given that he was also a Member of the HSSH Panel, would discuss the matter with the HSSH Panel and report back. | JR |
10/04/13 Item 10 513/1(41) | 7. Work Programme The Panel noted the status of its 2013 Work Programme. It was noted that, dependent upon the outcome of the discussions of the Council of Ministers in respect of the Population Policy and the Panel's subsequent decision about a review of the matter, there would potentially be two significant reviews undertaken in the second half of 2013, namely of the Population Policy / Long-Term Plan and of the 2014 Budget Statement. It was noted that other potential review topics might also become apparent and that the Panel would potentially need to prioritise and be selective in determining its Work Programme. It was agreed that subsequent consideration of the Work Programme would take into account both 2013 and 2014. | WM |
| 8. Budget Report The Panel noted a report on its expenditure as of 31st March 2013. |
| 9. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 22nd May 2013. The Panel was advised that confirmation was awaited from the Department of Treasury and Resources as to whether a briefing on capital financing could take place during the meeting. The apologies of Deputy R.J. Rondel for 22nd May 2013 were received. The Scrutiny Officers were requested to determine whether the Panel would be quorate on that date. The Panel noted that a meeting with the Comptroller and Auditor General had been arranged for 2:30pm on 29th May 2013. | WM |
09/04/13 Item 1 513/1(40) | 10. Quarterly Public Hearing with Chief Minister The Panel noted that its next Quarterly Public Hearing with Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief Minister, would take place on 6th June 2013. |
15/04/134 Item 1 513/37(3) | 11. Minister for External Relations The Panel was advised that not all correspondents had responded to the Panel's request for written submissions. The Scrutiny Officer was therefore requested to follow up the matter. | WM |
| Consideration was given to the draft report. The Panel identified amendments which the Scrutiny Officer was requested to enact. During the Panel's consideration, it was agreed that further information in respect of the budget underpinning the external relations function was required and the Scrutiny Officer was therefore requested to contact the Chief Minister's Department about the matter. The Panel noted that a revised draft report would be circulated the following week. The Panel recalled that it had initially advised the Chief Minister that it would seek to present its report in early May. The Panel was advised that presentation of the report within the following fortnight currently appeared feasible. | WM WM |
24/04/13 Item 1 513/38(9) | 12. Deposit Loan Scheme The Panel considered how to follow up the recommendations it had made in Starter Home Deposit Loan Scheme (SR5/2013). It was agreed to request from the Minister for Treasury and Resources an update subsequent to the States Assembly's approval of Starter Home Deposit Loan Scheme (P.131/2012) and confirmation of when the Scheme would be implemented. The Panel recalled that, in SR5/2013, it had recommended that the Council of Ministers should ensure that, for any future ministerial proposition lodged for debate by the States Assembly, a statement be included in the accompanying report to indicate when the Council noted or discussed the proposition at a formal meeting. It was noted that, in his Ministerial Response, the Minister for Treasury and Resources had advised that this would be a matter for the Council to consider. It was therefore agreed to write to the Chief Minister to advise him of the recommendation and to request that it be considered by the Council. The Panel agreed to defer consideration of an evaluation of the Starter Home Deposit Loan Scheme Review to its next meeting. | WM WM |