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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 12 June 2013

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 12th June 2013 Meeting No: 54



Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman Connétable S.W. Pallett, Vice-Chairman


Connétable M.J. Paddock

In attendance

Strategy Manager Economic Development (Items 5 and 6)

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer Mrs J. Hales , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Record of Meeting

The  record  of  the  Panel's  meeting  held  on  23rd  May  2013  was approved by the Panel and signed accordingly by the Chairman.


23/05/13 Item 2


2. McKinsey Review

The Panel was informed by the Chairman of an agreement reached with the Chief Minister for it to receive confidential documentation relating to the McKinsey Report from Jersey Finance. Upon signing confidentially agreements, the Panel would be able to consider the documents over the course of several days, before returning them at a meeting with representatives of Jersey Finance. This meeting would also offer the opportunity for the Panel to ask questions about the content of the documents, and to discuss the appropriate approach to any further work given their commercial sensitivities.

The Panel agreed to request that arrangements be made for collection of the documents on Thursday 4th July, with the subsequent meeting to be arranged for the morning of 10th July.


23/05/13 Item 4


3. Tourism Shadow Board

The publication of recent appointments to the Tourism Shadow Board was noted by the Panel. Following up its report S.R.1/2013, it was agreed  that  an  update  meeting  with  the  Tourism  Shadow  Board Chairman would be sought, to discuss the progress made to date and the timetable for development of the new Tourism Strategy.


23/05/13 Item 6


4. Digital Skills/Digital Jersey

The  Panel  received  an  update  from  the  Vice-Chairman  on  the progress of the Digital Skills Sub-Panel Review, and was advised about an expected delay, until late July, of receipt of the draft IT Skills Strategy from the Education, Sport and Culture Department. In the meantime,  the  Sub-Panel  was  making  arrangements  for  potential informal background briefings, and other areas of research were being pursued.


23/05/13 Item 7


5. Financial Services Ombudsman

The  Panel  welcomed  the  Strategy  Manager  from  the  Economic Development  Department,  who  provided  a  detailed  update  on  the progress of drafting the Financial Services Ombudsman legislation. It was  noted  that  significant  progress  continued  to  be  made  with Guernsey counterparts on this pan-island issue, with further political progress  anticipated  there  shortly.  Therefore,  while  certain  issues were  subject  to  further  stakeholder  discussions,  the  Primary Legislation was in the final stages of drafting and should be available ahead of the summer recess to the Panel to begin to review publically. It remained the intention that the Ombudsman would be operational, as previously outlined, early in 2014.



6. Gambling

The Strategy Manager from the Economic Development Department further provided a detailed briefing on the relevant responsibilities of the  Department  regarding  public  lotteries  and  gambling,  and  its relationship with the Jersey Gambling Commission.


23/05/13 Item 8


7. Enterprise Strategy

The Panel recalled that it has previously received a Programme Plan from the Economic Development Department, which advised that a draft Enterprise Strategy White Paper would be produced during the week  commencing  27th  May  2013,  ahead  of  the  lodging  of  an associated  Proposition.  However,  the  Panel  was  advised  that  the Department had since revised its plan, and the draft Strategy would be circulated  to  targeted  stakeholders  for  consultation,  before  being presented as a report to the States. The precise timetable had not been established at this time.

The Panel agreed that it would request receipt of the submissions arising from the Department's consultation, before deciding what work it might undertake in reviewing the Strategy.


23/05/13 Item 12


8. Aircraft Registry

Recent  correspondence  between  the  Minister  for  Economic Development  and  the  Minister  for  Commerce  and  Employment  in Guernsey, outlining Jersey's preferred approach to the aircraft registry project, was noted by the Panel.

The Panel agreed that it continued to be disappointed at the scale and pace  of  progress  being  made  by  the  Economic  Development Department on the matter, and would raise its concerns at the planned Quarterly Update Public Hearing.


23/05/13 Item 15


9. Security Interests (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 201-

The Panel received the draft Security Interests (Amendment of Law) (Jersey)  Regulations  201-  and  noted  arrangements  for  a  related briefing at the Panel's next meeting on 25th June.



10. Financial Services: Transfer of Ministerial Responsibilities

P.75/2013,  draft  Regulations  relating  to  the  transfer  of  certain Ministerial responsibilities, including from the Minister for Economic Development to the Chief Minister, was considered by the Panel along



with related Ministerial Decisions. It was agreed that the implications of this matter for the Minister for Economic Development would be followed up at the next Quarterly Update Public Hearing.

Additionally, the Chairman informed the Panel that concerns about the impact on Scrutiny of issues arising out of P.75/2013 were being addressed  by  the  Chairmen's  Committee.  When  discussing  the matter, the Chairmen's Committee had been in agreement that all of the responsibilities that were currently acknowledged to be within the Panel's  remit  should  continue  to  be  so,  as  they  remained  most appropriately within its remit. Discussions would be sought with the Bailiff to ascertain if this could be achieved within the Standing Orders of the States.



11. Review Budget and Expenditure

The Panel's 2013 Review expenditure to date was noted.


8/5/13 Item 10


12. Briefing Visits

The Panel agreed the following arrangements for planned site visits:

  • Rural Economy – 26th June, 2pm.
  • Ports of Jersey – St Helier Harbour – 1st July, 3pm.
  • Jersey Gambling Commission – to be confirmed

 The Panel recalled its visit to Jersey Business and Digital Jersey on 6th June, and agreed that it was very grateful to both organisations for what had been an extremely informative visit.



17. Future Meetings

The Panel agreed that its next scheduled meeting would take place on Tuesday 25th June 2013, at 9.30am, Scrutiny Meeting Room, Morier House.

It also agreed to seek to hold a Quarterly Update Public Hearing with the  Minister  for  Economic  Development  on  4th  July.  Due  to  the Minister's  acknowledged  restricted  availability,  should  he  not  be available to attend, nor one of his Assistant Minister's in his place, it was agreed that the Chief Minister would be requested to appear on behalf of the Minister.