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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 21 August 2013

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 21st August 2013 Meeting No: 63



Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman Connétable S.W. Pallett, Vice-Chairman


Connétable M.J. Paddock

In attendance

Strategy Manager from the Economic Development Department (Item 4) Mr. T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer

Ms. P. Brown, Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1.  Records of Meetings

The record of the Panel's meetings held on 24th, 26th and 30th July and  7th  August  2013  were  approved  by  the  Panel  and  signed accordingly by the Chairman.


10/07/13 Item 1


2. McKinsey Review

The Panel recalled its recent wide ranging briefing from the Adviser on International  Affairs  and  the  Director  of  Financial  Services,  and considered  its  continued  approach  to  work  on  the  Executive's implementation  of  the  McKinsey  Review  recommendations.  It  was agreed that, at this stage, it would be most appropriate to request updates on the matter on a Quarterly basis, to help inform the Panel as to the progress being made and in turn about any additional work that it might undertake.


24/07/13 Item 2


3. Digital Skills

It was noted that the Digital Skills Sub-Panel had received a briefing from the Assistant Minister for Education, Sport and Culture, Deputy

R. G. Bryans and the Chief Officer, Department of Education, Sport and Culture on 13th August 2013, regarding the draft IT strategy. Furthermore, the Sub-Panel had further received copies of the most recent version of the draft strategy.

The Panel noted that in view of the Department's own timetable, it was unlikely that public work on the Review would begin until October, but in  the  meantime  the  Sub-Panel  would  be  seeking  a  further background  information  meeting  with  Digital  Jersey  on  20th September.


12/06/13 Item 5


4. Financial Services Ombudsman

The  Panel  welcomed  the  Strategy  Manager  from  the  Economic Development  Department,  who  provided  a  detailed  update  on  the progress of drafting the Financial Services Ombudsman legislation.

The Panel was informed that dialogue was ongoing with Guernsey counterparts  on  the  pan-island  Ombudsman  issue,  with  further



political  progress  anticipated  there  after  the  summer  recess.  It remained the intention that the Ombudsman would be operational in Jersey, as previously outlined, early in 2014. Only a small number of matters remained to be resolved before the Primary Legislation would be presented for approval to the Minister for Economic Development, ahead of distribution to the Council of Ministers and subsequently the Panel, when it could begin the public phase of its Review. A Policy Paper  outlining  the  principles  of  the  subsequent  Regulations  was expected to accompany the draft Primary Legislation, although this had yet to be formally decided.

Following the briefing, it was noted by the Panel that the inclusion or otherwise of this Policy Paper would affect the nature of its approach to  the  Review,  which  would  need  to  be  finalised  once  the Department's format was clear. The Panel therefore approved its draft Scoping and Terms of Reference for the Review, subject to receipt and consideration of the final format of the draft legislation.


24/07/13 Item 4


5. Aircraft Registry

The Panel noted arrangements for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development on 9th September 2013, and requested that certain background information relating to its 2012 Review be re- circulated to assist its preparation.


30/07/13 Item 1


6. Ports of Jersey Incorporation

The Panel considered the approach to its Review of the incorporation of  the  Ports  of  Jersey,  particularly  in  regard  to  recent  significant amendments to the Economic Development Department's approach to the legislative framework. It was agreed that the topic, in particular the incorporation timetable, should be included for discussion at the Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development scheduled for 9th September. Those discussions would assist the Panel's drafting of a Scoping Document and Terms of Reference for the Review.


10/04/13 Item 7


7. Licensing Law

The Panel noted that the draft Licensing Law White Paper was due to be presented to the Council of Ministers on 4th September 2013, the outcome of which would inform the Panel's subsequent approach to a related Sub-Panel Review of the associated legislation.



8. Future meetings

The Panel agreed the cancellation of its meeting scheduled for 4th September  2013.  It  noted  arrangements  for  a  combined  Aircraft Registry and Ports of Jersey Incorporation Public Hearing, with the Minister for Economic Development, at 2.30pm, 9th September, Le Capelain Room, States Building. The Panel agreed to meet at 12pm to undertake pre-hearing preparation.