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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 25 November 2013

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   25th November 2013 Meeting No:  43



Deputy J. M. Maçon, Chairman

Connétable M. P. S. Le Troquer, Vice Chairman Deputy M. Tadier

Deputy G. Southern



In attendance

M. Haden, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Minutes

The Minutes of meetings held on 21st and 28th October and 19th November 2013 were approved and signed.


Item 5 28.10.13


2.  Topic  proposal:  review  of  Education  Department's investigation of incident at Le Rocquier School

The Panel received notes of the meeting with Mr McMurray on 28th October 2013 which had been held to explain the Panel's position on the matter. It was noted that individual members had lodged both written and oral questions for the Minister at the last States meeting.


Item 2 21.10.13


3.  Quarterly  Hearing  with  Minister  for  Education  Sport  and Culture

The Panel considered notes on the quarterly hearing held on 21st October 2013. It was agreed in principle to undertake a review of Higher Education funding in 2014.

The Panel also agreed to write to the teachers' unions to request their views on the recently published report into the review of Mathematics and to ask the Minister for details of his department's action plan to respond to the recommendations of the review.


Item 2 28.10.13


4. CCTV Camera Surveillance

The Panel considered the second draft of its report and requested a number  of  amendments  to  the  Executive  summary  and recommendations.  Members  noted  that  further  changes  might  be made to the report once the advisers' final report had been received.

The Scrutiny Officer was requested to contact the Data Protection Commissioner  to  clarify  the  resource  implications  of  their recommendations.

The Panel noted that the target date for presentation of the report was 10th December 2013.


Item 1 18.11.13

5. Introduction of Tasers

The Panel considered notes of the meeting with the States of Jersey



Police on 18th November 2013 and agreed to forward the notes to the States of Jersey Police.

Members requested access to the remarks of the Metropolitan Police peer review relating to the introduction of Tasers



6. Policing of Parks and Beaches

The Panel agreed to request the Minister for a progress report on implementing  the  recommendation  for  the  introduction  of  fixed penalties from the previous Panel's review