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Public Accounts Committee - Approved Committee Minutes - 4 February 2013

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Public Accounts Committee

Record of Meeting

Date:   4th February 2013 Meeting No:  20



Deputy T. Vallois, Chairman Senator S. C. Ferguson, Deputy R. Rondel

Deputy G. Baudains

Mr J Mills


Mr S. Haigh Mr I. Ridgway

In attendance

Mr M. Robbins, Officer to Public Accounts Committee


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Agenda matter


Item 8 07.01.13

1.  Records of Meetings

The records of the meetings held on 7th and 22nd January 2013 were approved and signed.



2.  Previous Recommendations

The request of the Chairman to follow up on all recommendations of the PAC  and  Comptroller  and  Auditor  General  by  writing  to  all  Chief Officers had not been actioned due to pressure of work on the Reviews.


Item 10 07.01.13

3.  Property Holdings

It was agreed that any decisions into a review of Property Holdings or the acquisition of Lime Grove House should be deferred until the new Comptroller and Auditor General was in post. It was to be placed on the agenda of the next scheduled meeting.


Item 4 07.01.13

4.  Comptroller and Auditor General

The  Committee  was  advised  that  the  new  Comptroller  and  Auditor General was in the Island for three days from Tuesday 5th February 2013. Part of her agenda included a meeting with the Chairman and Officer to discuss the role of the Committee and lines of communication.



5.  Committee Membership

The Committee received notice that Mr S. Haigh was resigning from the Committee due to a heavy personal workload. His letter of resignation had been sent to the Bailiff and was to be announced in the States on 19th February 2013.

Following a discussion relating to the constitution of the Committee, it was agreed that the constitution of Committee should remain as it was. Following the announcement in the States, a formal recruitment process



was to be undertaken


Item 8 07.01.13

6.  Procurement Review

The resignation of the lead member of this review was noted. It was recognised that the savings made by the Corporate Procurement Unit would need verification. Details given verbally at the briefing were not considered to be sufficient. It was recognised that it was appropriate that the Committee probed deeper into one or two specific areas to confirm what had been stated by the Unit.

It was agreed that the Chairman was to head the review.


Item 12 07.01.13

7.  Canbedone Productions Limited Grant

The public hearing which had been scheduled for 25th January 2013 had been postponed due to illness. The Chairman offered her apologies and a new date had been set for 11th February 2013.

It was noted that a member of the public who had wished to make a submission  had  repeatedly  attempted  to  connect  his  evidence  with housing qualifications. The Committee considered that this connection would place it in a position of conflict and the evidence was rejected. A method of obtaining the information from another source was to be found.

The  Committee  noted  figures  relating  to  the  company  accounts  of Canbedone UK Limited had been obtained from Companies House. Any information received by the Economic Development Department since the initial documentation was to be obtained.



Item 5 07.01.13

8.  Grants and Subsidies

The Committee heard that the Terms of Reference for the review had been approved by the Chairmen's Committee. It was agreed that the subject was huge and it would not be possible to examine everything. Therefore, the review was to examine Education, Sport and Culture and Economic Development grants in depth.

Deputy  Rondel  declared  a  conflict  of  interest  in  the  area  of  Rural Grants.

The Committee reminded itself that it was interested in the governance, due diligence and stewardship of the grants. This would focus on the process undertaken in the application of policies and not the policies themselves.

It  was  noted  that  a  briefing  from  the  Economic  Development Department had been arranged for 12th February 2013 and that the lead member and officer had an appointment to visit the Education, Sport and Culture Department.


Item 11 07.01.13

9.  Financial Report and Accounts 2011.

The draft report was examined and some amendments made. The Committee agreed that once the amendments had been made, the report was to be sent to the relevant stakeholders for factual checking and  any  changes  considered  by  the  Chairman.  It  was  then  to  be published.



10. Future Meeting

The Committee agreed that the next scheduled meeting was to be at

12.30 pm on Monday 11th March 2013 in the Blampied Room of the States Buildings.