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Public Accounts Committee - Approved Committee Minutes - 8 July 2013

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Public Accounts Committee

Record of Meeting

Date:   8th July 2013 Meeting No:  28



Deputy T. Vallois, Chairman Senator S. C. Ferguson,

Deputy R. Rondel

Deputy G. Baudains

Mr. I. Ridgway (except for item 9) Mr. J. Mills

Mr. R. Parker



In attendance

Mrs K. McConnell, Comptroller and Auditor General Mr. M. Robbins, Officer to Public Accounts Committee. Mrs J. Hales , Scrutiny Officer (item 3 only)


Ref Back

Agenda matter


Item 1 15.04.13

1.  Records of Meetings

The record of the meeting held on 10th June 2013 was approved but would be signed subsequently,



2.  Conflicts of Interest

The Committee noted conflicts of interest already declared at previous meetings.


Item1 02.07.13 512/21

3.  Car Park Trading Fund

The  Committee  noted  that  background  documents  had  been  re- circulated  to  Members  and  that  the  terms  of  reference  had  been agreed. It was agreed that a map showing the eighty-seven car parks in Jersey was required.

It was also agreed that details of the original intention and purpose of the States to establish a Car Park Trading Fund should be researched. It was further agreed that it was important to investigate the deficit of £18million by 2035.


Item 8 10.06.13 512/22

4.  Health Consultants

The Committee considered a proposal that the hours worked by Health Consultants  should  be  considered  including  the  time  they  spent  in theatre, both private and public. There was a suggestion that accessing tax returns might reveal the true earning of the consultants and this would need to be compared against base salaries and current waiting lists. The Committee was cognisant that its concerns were with the use of public funds and should, therefore, be focussing on public processes and not private ones.



The  Committee  was  advised  that  the  Public  Accounts  Committee, House of Commons had recently published a report on managing NHS Consultants.

It  was  agreed  that  this  was  a  matter  which  warranted  further investigation  in  terms  of  Information  technology,  administration, management and controls.

The Committee decided that the limitations of the scope of the Internal Audit Advisory Report should be considered and further information ascertained  on  whether  the  hospital  was  performing  the  correct functions in terms of consultants. The Committee was apprised that it might be beneficial to consider the management and governance issues around whose facilities and resources were being used to treat private patients.

It was agreed that Senator S.C. Ferguson would meet the officer to progress the scoping document and the terms of reference.



5.  Integrated Care Records

The Committee was appraised that the Chairman had started reviewing the information received as she had concerns in respect of the funding of the project due to three differing figures having been provided. It was noted that the Business Case to justify the £12million funding had been requested in order to fully understand what the money was intended for.



6.  Energy from Waste Plant

The Committee considered apparent concerns in respect of the Energy from Waste Plant and the Comptroller and Auditor General was asked if she would be investigating the matter in terms of expenditure and Value for Money. The Committee was advised that it might be included in the forward work programme.


Item 7 10.06.13 512/18

7. Canbedone

The Committee recalled that, having considered the response from the Minister  for  Economic  Development,  it  had  requested  two  further specific pieces of information in respect of 9.33 and 10.33 of the report.

The Committee agreed to write formally to the Chief Officer, Economic Development Department to request some specific information.

It  was  agreed  that  the  Chief  Officer,  Economic  Development Department should be requested to attend a public hearing on 2nd September  2013  at  11.30am.  The  meeting,  itself  would  start  at 11.00am.


Item 8 10.06.13 512/19

8.  Grants and Subsidies

The Committee noted that correspondence was being sent out to all Accounting  Officers  who  had  grants  listed  in  the  Annual  Accounts. Confirmation  was  being  sought  that  there  was  compliance  with Financial Directions 5.1 and 5.5.


Item 4 10.06.13 512/1(45)

9.  Gigabit Jersey

The Committee considered a suggestion that it should accept an offer of  a  visit  to  the  Jersey  Telecom  offices  but  this  did  not  receive Committee support.

It  was  noted  that  the  Comptroller  and  Auditor  General  intended  to consider  shareholder/company  relationships  which  would  consider solely public funds and would not become involved in decision-making practices of the company.

It was agreed that the matter be deferred until a response from the Treasurer of the States had been received following an earlier briefing with her on this matter.



10. Comptroller and Auditor General [C&AG]: briefing

The Committee noted that the C&AG had published her first report; that it was planned for her website to go live in August and a new staff member would start on 1st September 2013.

The Committee also noted that a twelve month rolling programme was to be devised and would be forwarded to the Committee through the Officer.



11. Future Meeting

The Committee agreed that the next meeting would take place on 12th August  2013  in  the  Blampied  Room.  Mr.  J.  Mills  advised  of  his unavailability and sent his apologies.