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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 12 March 2014

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   12th March 2014 Meeting No:  149



Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Deputy R.J. Rondel


Connétable D.W. Mezbourian


Deputy S. Power [Co-opted under Standing Order 138(5A), Absent for Item 1]

In attendance

Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Interim Population Policy

The Panel received Mr. J. Filleul, President of Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. I. Taylor , Chief Executive of Chamber of Commerce, for a public  hearing  in  respect  of  the  Interim  Population  Policy.  The proceedings were recorded in order that a transcript could be made.

The  Panel received  an  update  on  the  status of  the  review.  It  was recalled that a draft Heads of Report had been circulated to the Panel for consideration at the meeting. After some discussion the Heads of Report were approved and, subsequently, the Panel was advised that report writing could begin.

It  was  recalled  that  written  questions  had  been  sent  to  the  Chief Minister on 5th March 2014 in which the Panel had requested that a response be provided by 10th March 2014. The Panel noted that, as of yet, no response had been received. The Panel was further advised that the information it had requested from the Department regarding business licenses and end of year statistics had not yet been received. The Panel noted the potential impact that delays in information being forwarded from the Department could have on the agreed timeframe for its review. In this regard the Panel agreed that, in the first instance, the Officer should follow up the requests that had been made in order to ascertain the information's status. The Panel further agreed that if the information had not been forthcoming by Monday 17th March 2014 then a letter should be sent to the Chief Minister asking when the information would be made available and outlining the implications of the delay for the completion of the Panel's report. It was noted that such a letter could be used as a template in the future if the Panel faced similar issues while undertaking other reviews.

The  Panel  was  advised  that  the  Institute  of  Directors  (IoD)  had corresponded  with  the  Scrutiny  Office  and  expressed  interest  in contributing to its review. The Panel noted that, in the first instance, IoD had  been  requested  to  submit  a  written  submission  to  the  Panel expressing its views regarding the proposed policy. The Panel agreed



that due to its tight timeframe it might not be possible to receive IoD at a Public  Hearing  but  that  a  written  submission  would  be  gratefully received.

The Scrutiny Officer was requested to provide the Panel with a project plan for its review.

The Panel noted that, due to personal circumstances, Deputy S. Power had been unable to attend a number of meetings and Public Hearings since he had been co-opted onto the Panel for its review of the Interim Population Policy. The Panel agreed to end the co-option and for the Chairman to write to Deputy Power about this matter.




2. Records of Meetings

The records of the meetings held on 20th, 21st, 24th, 26th and 28th February  2014  and  a  private  record  of  the  meeting  held  on  21st February 2014 were approved and signed accordingly.


06/03/14 Item 2


3. Implementation of European Legislation

The Panel received an update on the status of the review. The Panel noted that a Public Hearing with the Minister for External Relations had been  held  and  that  responses  to  its  written  questions  had  been received. The Panel was advised that draft Heads of Report would therefore  be  circulated  for  Panel  consideration  and  that,  once  the Heads  of  Report  had  been  approved,  drafting  of  the  report  could commence.


21/02/14 Item 1


4. Public Sector Pensions

The  Panel received  an  update  on  the  status of  the  review.  It  was advised that the process of engaging an expert advisor had begun and that  a  number  of  companies  had  been  approached.  It  was  further advised that one of the companies that had been contacted had queried the  amount  of  time  that  was  available  to  undertake  this  work  and whether it would be sufficient. The Panel recalled that the draft Law had been lodged on 11th March 2014 and was due to be debated on 29th April 2014. It was further recalled that the draft Law was an enabling law and that the Regulations would be debated in July 2014. The Panel noted  that  under  new  procedures,  once  the  draft  law  had  been approved by the States Assembly the Regulations could be lodged immediately.

The Panel recalled that it had approved a revised Scoping Document and Terms of Reference on 7th March 2014. The Panel was advised that the Scoping Document had allowed provision for a day's worth of Public Hearings and had identified the Chairman of States Employment Board  (i.e.  the  Chief  Minister)  and  the  Chairman  of  the  PECRS Committee of Management as potential witnesses. Consideration was given to extending this provision to allow for the Panel to receive an employee representative at a Public Hearing. The Panel recalled that it had previously been advised that once the draft Law had been lodged, unions would ballot their members on the proposed reforms. The Panel noted  that  the  decision  had  previously  been  made  not  to  receive evidence from Unions because of the ballot and the risk of information duplication. The Panel agreed to include provision within the Scoping Document for a Public Hearing with an employee representative. The Officer was requested to amend the Scoping Document accordingly.  



The Panel noted the tight timescale it had to complete the review before the debate on 29th April 2014. It was further noted that extending the Scope of the review beyond what had already been agreed by the Panel would put even greater strain on the timeframe. The Panel was advised that more consideration would be given to the timetable by the Officer and that it would be kept under review.

Consideration was given to whether the Chairman would be asked, once the principles of the draft Law had been adopted, if she wished to have the draft Law referred to the Panel under Standing Order 72, notwithstanding that the Panel might already have begun a review of the draft Law. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to seek confirmation as to whether a draft Law which was currently being reviewed by a Panel could be referred to Scrutiny by the States Assembly in that way.

The Panel noted that a paper on repayment of the PECRS Pre-1987 Debt had been received and circulated following the briefing to the Panel on 21st February 2014. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to re-circulate the document.



16/02/14 Item 5


5. States Employment Board

The Panel recalled its agreement to defer consideration of whether to undertake  a  Scrutiny  Review  in  respect  of  the  States  Employment Board at its last meeting.

The Panel was advised that a request had been made to the Chief Executive for more information in regards to the timescale in which the draft amendments to the Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005 were to be lodged and subsequently debated. It was further advised that, as of yet, no response had been received. The Officer was asked to follow-up on this request. The Panel agreed to await  the  timetable  for  the  draft  amendments  before  an  ultimate decision was made on whether or not to undertake a Scrutiny review.


12/02/14 Item 7


6. States of Jersey Development Company

The Panel noted receipt of a third topic proposal that it had received in respect of the proposed development of the Esplanade Quarter. It was recalled that the first two proposals had been circulated by email to the Panel on 24th February 2014 ahead of the previous Panel meeting. The Panel  noted  that  a  response  had  been  sent  to  each  of  the  three individuals thanking them for their topic proposals and advising that their concerns would be forwarded to the Panel for its consideration. It was  agreed  that  further  correspondence  should  be  made  which provided an update of the Panel's actions in regards to this subject.

It was noted that some of the matters raised within the third topic proposal fell  within  the  remit  of  other  Scrutiny  Panels  such  as  the Environment  Panel  and  Economic  Affairs  Panel.  Subsequently,  the Panel requested that such matters be directed to the Panels to which they related.

The Panel recalled that a letter had been sent to the Board of SoJDC on 3rd March 2014 requesting confirmation about the actions which the Board had taken in respect of the issues raised in P.15/2014 and about the  reassurance  which  the  Board  could  thereby  provide  to  States Members on those issues. The Panel was advised that no response as of yet had been received from the Board.




The Panel noted that Senator A. Breckon's Proposition (P.15/2014) was still due to be debated on 18th March 2014. It was further noted that the proposition could potentially be referred to the Panel under Standing Order 79 but there would be no automatic call-in.

The Panel noted that the debate would assist in its decision as to whether or not to undertake further work in respect of this subject.

The Officer was requested to re-circulate private minutes from previous briefings that the Panel had received in respect of SoJDC.



7.  Quarterly  Public  Hearing with  the  Minister  for  Treasury  and Resources

The Panel considered a draft question plan for its Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources on 13th March 2014. The Panel identified amendments and additions to the question plan, which the Scrutiny Officers were requested to enact.



8. Quarterly Public Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel noted that a public hearing was due to be held with the Chief Minister at 4:15pm on 27th March 2014. The Panel identified a number of subject areas to question the Chief Minister on and the Officer was requested to draft a question plan.



9. Extradition (Jersey) Law 2004

The Panel noted receipt of correspondence from the Chief Minister in respect of proposed amendments to the Extradition (Jersey) Law 2004.

The Panel agreed to accept the offer of a private briefing on the draft law amendments once these had been developed. The Officer was requested to correspond with the Department accordingly.


26/02/14 Item 10


10. Work Programme

The Panel noted the status of its Work Programme for 2014.



11. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 26th March 2014.