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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 24 November 2014

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:  24th November 2014



Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré, Chairman Deputy S.M. Bree, Vice-Chairman Connétable C.H. Taylor





In attendance

Mrs J. Hales , Scrutiny Officer Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Welcome  

The Chairman welcomed all present to the Panel's first meeting.



2. Vice-Chairman

The  Panel  appointed   Deputy  S.M.  Bree  as  its  Vice-Chairman  in accordance with Standing Order 135(5).



3. Future Meetings

The Panel considered its next meeting date and a meeting schedule for 2015, agreeing the proposal that it would meet approximately fortnightly at  9:30am  on  Monday  mornings.  The  Panel  considered  the  2015 schedule, requesting minor amendments as agreed regarding school half  term  holidays.  It  agreed  that  the  revised  schedule  should  be included for approval at its next meeting.

The  Panel  noted  arrangements for  site  visits  to  the  Department of Treasury and Resources and Chief Minister's Department on 1st and 5th December 2014 respectively. The Panel agreed that it would meet for a full Agenda meeting at 2pm on 5th December, following its site visit to the Chief Minister's Department, and requested that electronic meeting invitations be issued accordingly.




4. Panel Working Practices

A briefing paper on proposed working practices, including the process established by the Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee for liaison with Departments, was considered by the Panel.

The  Panel  agreed  that  Panel  Members  should  check  their  e-mails regularly for Panel correspondence. Consideration was subsequently given to how each Panel Member would receive meeting agendas and it was confirmed that each Member would receive an electronic and a hard copy.

The Panel also discussed the shared document facility that would be




available to Scrutiny Panel Members for electronic access to Panel documentation  including  Meeting  papers,  Quarterly  Hearings  and Reviews. The Panel noted that Members should contact the Information Services  Department  in  the  first  instance  to  have  the  necessary software installed on their device and for any further technical advice. The  Scrutiny  Office  would  provide  further  administrative  support  on accessing the facility as documentation began to be uploaded.

A number of existing Scrutiny Protocols were noted by the Panel, these being:

  • Statement of Intent
  • Meetings in Private
  • Public/Private Hearings
  • Conduct of Scrutiny Hearings

It was agreed by the Panel that where a topic area had been discussed and  agreed  by  the  Panel,  responsibility  for  approval  of  related correspondence  would  lie  with  the  Chairman.  The  correspondence would be presented to the Panel at its subsequent meeting for noting. The Chairman agreed that for the purpose of administrative efficiency in such circumstances, his electronic signature could be used subject to his approval in each instance. Furthermore, any electronic document published by the Scrutiny Office would have his electronic signature removed.



5. Quarterly Hearings

The Panel agreed that it should hold quarterly meetings with the Chief Minister, Minister for Treasury and Resources and Minister for External Relations. It was agreed that it would be beneficial if these meetings could be held within the Ministers' respective Departments. The Panel agreed that the first Hearings should take place in February 2015.



6. Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted that no Panel Members had an immediate conflict of interest to declare in relation to the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel's remit. It was agreed that at the start of each review, consideration would be given to whether any Member had a conflict in the relevant area.



7. Scrutiny Training

The Panel noted that Scrutiny Training would be provided on 2nd and 3rd December 2014. The Panel was advised that this training, which would focus on the role of Scrutiny and the Review process, was part of an  overall  programme  that  would  subsequently  include  training  on chairing and questioning skills.

In addition, the Panel agreed that arrangements should be pursued for a training visit to the House of Commons and an additional suitable Authority such as the London Assembly. It noted that such visits were in keeping with the training undertaken by previous Scrutiny Panels, from whom  there  had  been  positive  feedback  about  the  value  of  such training, and the plans of the other current Scrutiny Panels. In agreeing to this training, the Panel was very mindful of ensuring value for money




from  its  visit  and  that  the  proposed  programme  should  reflect  this accordingly.



8. Work Programme

The Panel noted the legacy report of the previous Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel. Consideration was given to the work that had been undertaken between 2011 and 2014 by that Panel and to that Panel's suggestions of subsequent work.

The  Panel  further  considered  a  briefing  paper  in  relation  to  work programme  development.  It  noted  the  wide-range  of  Ministerial responsibilities covered by the topics within its remit and the framework and process for the development of Scrutiny Panel work programmes established by the Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee. It also considered the remit for the scrutiny of Financial Services related matters, proposed to be undertaken by the Economic  Affairs  Scrutiny  Panel.  It  discussed  the  possible consequences to this of both the proposed Ministerial remit changes and the development of a Monetary Authority, and agreed that further consideration may be needed to be given to the appropriate structure for related scrutiny by the Chairmen's Committee.

Additionally, the Panel noted the following documents:

  • Example Department Work Programme
  • Indicative timetables for the development of the Strategic Plan, Medium Term Financial Plan 2016-2019 and Budget 2016
  • Template  Live  Work  Programme  and  Work  Programme Calendar
  • To discuss initial potential topic suggestions for review as part of the Panel's Work Programme

In  anticipation  of  further  discussions  to  develop  its  2015  work programme, and to compliment the forthcoming site visits, the Panel agreed to request at the earliest appropriate opportunity the following to be forwarded by the relevant Department:

  • Departmental Work Programme
  • Departmental Business Plan
  • Draft Corporate Delivery Plan
  • Draft Strategic Plan
  • Confirmation of any intention on the part of the Minister for External  Relations  to  hold  an  in  committee  debate  on  the Common Policy for External Relations
  • Confirmation of the Ministerial framework for responsibility of the proposed Monetary Authority
  • Advice  from  the  Communications  Unit  regarding  the  criteria applied for media accreditation

In addition to the above, the Panel considered the immediate scoping of Reviews in two areas, the Medium Term Financial Plan and States of Jersey Development Company: Jersey International Finance Centre.




9. States of Jersey Development Company (SoJDC)




The Panel noted that its predecessors had undertaken work of various nature relating to the States of Jersey Development Company. Due to significant public interest and recent high profile coverage of matters relating  to  plans  to  shortly  begin  development  of  the  Jersey International Finance Centre', the Panel agreed to write to the Minister for Treasury and Resources to request clarification regarding pre-let policy  with  regard  to  this  development.  Consideration  was  given  to whether any further work would be required and it was agreed that initial scoping of a related Review should begin, a process that would be further informed by the response of the Minister for Treasury and Resources. The Panel agreed that it was likely to require expert advice should it progress a Review, and identified a potential source for that advice that would be followed up by the Officer as part of the process of identification of potential suitable advisers.



10. Medium Term Financial Plan

The Panel noted that a Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) for 2016- 2019 would be developed by the Executive during late 2014 and the first  part  of  2015  alongside  the  new  Strategic  Plan  and  that  it represented a key topic that the Panel would need to review. The Panel noted a draft timescale for the development and implementation of the MTFP from the Executive, and subsequently agreed that it would begin scoping of phase 1 of a planned two to three phase MTFP Review. Phase  1  would  focus  on  relevant  follow  up  to  key  findings  and recommendations  of  S.R.12/2014  Draft  Budget  2015,  including  the actions of the Minister for Treasury and Resources in implementing accepted Recommendations. Noting the advice from Officers regarding the potentially limited requirement in this phase of the Review for expert advice, the Panel agreed that this was likely to be required in certain areas. The Chairman identified a potential source for that advice that would ensure continuity from the work undertaken on S.R.12/2014 Draft Budget 2015, and the Panel agreed that this should be followed up by the Officer as part of the process of identification of potential suitable advisers.



11. States Questions Without Notice

It  was  noted  that  the  Chief  Minister  and  Minster  for  Treasury  and Resources were scheduled to answer Questions Without Notice at the meeting of the States on 25th November 2014. The Panel requested that the full schedule for 2015 should be circulated for information.