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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 26th February 2014 Meeting No: 143
Present | Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connétable D.W. Mezbourian Deputy R.J. Rondel |
Apologies |
Absent | Deputy S. Power [Co-opted under Standing Order 138(5A), Absent for Item 1] |
In attendance | Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The records of the meetings held on 12th, 13th, 14th and 17th February 2014, including the private record of 17th February 2014, were approved and signed accordingly. |
12/02/14 Item 2 513/41 | 2. Interim Population Policy The Panel received an update on work in respect of Interim Population Policy: 2014 – 2015 (P.10/2014). It was noted that two written submissions had been received from the public, copies of which were distributed to the Panel. It was noted that the written submissions raised issues which the Panel would need to consider addressing during its review. Consideration was given to the issues to be considered during the Panel's review. It was noted that some of the issues had been considered during the previous Scrutiny Reviews on population and migration matters. It was agreed that the Scrutiny Reports emanating from those reviews would be circulated for Panel consideration The Panel was informed that a written submission from the Chamber of Commerce would be received by the deadline of 28th February 2014. The Panel was advised that the Chairman had corresponded with Chamber regarding the results of a survey it had undertaken on the proposed Interim Population Policy and which had been circulated to all States Members. Consideration was given to whether a public hearing with Chamber should be arranged and it was agreed to await receipt of Chamber's written submission before making a decision. Consideration was given to how the proposed Interim Population Policy differed from the population policy which had been agreed as part of Strategic Plan 2009 – 2014. The Panel recalled that a paper on this matter had previously been prepared by the Scrutiny Office and it therefore requested that the paper be re-circulated. | SM SM |
| The Panel noted that a public hearing with Senator P.F. Routier MBE, Assistant Chief Minister, would be held on 28th February 2014. Consideration was given to a draft question plan to which some amendments were agreed. The Panel was informed that Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief Minister, would not be present at the public hearing. It was noted that the Chief Minister could therefore be invited to attend a second public hearing at a later date. Apologies for the public hearing on 28th February 2014 were received from Connétable D.W. Mezbourian . |
24/02/14 Item 1 513/37(5) | 3. Implementation of European Legislation The Panel noted that written questions in respect of Draft European Union Legislation (Implementation) (Jersey) Law 201- (P.164/2013) had been despatched to the Chief Minister's Department and that it was anticipated that responses would be received in time for the Panel to consider them before the public hearing that was due to be held. The Panel further noted, in that regard, that a public hearing with Senator Sir P.M. Bailhache , Minister for External Relations, had been arranged for 11th March 2014. The Panel was advised of research that was ongoing within the Scrutiny Office into the corresponding legislative situation in other jurisdictions, in particular Guernsey and the Isle of Man. The Panel requested that a paper on the subject be prepared for its consideration. The Panel was informed that the law-drafting instructions for the draft Law had yet to be requested from the Department and that a request would therefore be submitted. The Panel requested that the relevant extract from the Official Record of the initial debate on P.164/2013 be circulated for Panel consideration. The Panel, recalling its request for a private briefing on the draft Law, was advised that 9:00am on 6th March 2014 had been suggested. The Panel, noting that the briefing would only take place if the States Assembly did not sit that day, agreed to arrange the briefing for that day but to request whether the briefing could commence at 9:30am. | WM WM WM WM |
21/02/14 Item 1 513/1(40) | 4. Public Sector Pensions The Panel recalled the briefing it had received on 21st February 2014 in respect of proposed reforms to the Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme (PECRS). It was noted that the briefing would be provided to all States Members on 3rd March 2014, after which it was anticipated that draft legislation in respect of the proposed reforms would be lodged for eventual debate on 29th April 2014. The Panel agreed that it would undertake a Scrutiny Review of the proposed reforms, for which it would engage an expert advisor to consider and review the proposals (including a comparison of how the proposed reforms compared to the corresponding situation in other jurisdictions) and report back to the Panel. It was noted that, upon receipt of the expert advisor's report, a decision would need to be taken as to what further work, if any, the Panel would itself need to undertake. The Scrutiny Officers were requested to draft a Scoping Document and Terms of Reference for the Panel's review. It was noted that, as a member of the States Employment Board (SEB), Connétable Mezbourian would not take part in any review undertaken | WM |
| by the Panel. |
17/02/14 Item 1 513/1(40) | 5. States Employment Board The Panel recalled the briefing it had received on 17th February 2014 in respect of proposed reforms to the Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005 and, in particular, the functions of the States Employment Board (SEB). The Panel was informed that, in line with agreements reached at the briefing, a request had been made by the Scrutiny Office for the relevant law-drafting instructions and for confirmation of when the first draft of the resultant legislation would be made available to the Panel. The Panel was informed that a short review of the proposed legislative changes could be resourced within the Work Programme as it stood (including the review agreed in respect of PECRS reform). The Panel agreed to defer consideration of whether to undertake a Scrutiny Review. |
12/02/14 Item 7 513/1(41) | 6. States of Jersey Development Company The Panel noted receipt of two proposals that it undertake a Scrutiny Review in respect of the proposed development of the Esplanade Quarter. The Panel also noted that the Chairman had circulated for Panel consideration a copy of the letter provided by the States of Jersey Development Company (SoJDC) as part of the planning application for the Jersey International Finance Centre in which it was explained how the proposed phasing of development of the Esplanade Quarter would be delivered. Consideration was given to what work, if any, the Panel would undertake on this matter. It was noted that the Chairman had identified an individual who could potentially be approached as a possible expert advisor on this matter. The Panel recalled its agreement that a Scoping Document and Terms of Reference be drafted for a review of this subject. The Panel was advised that this work had not been undertaken as it was apparent that, following the briefing to all Members from SoJDC on 17th February 2104 and the statement of Senator P.C.F. Ozouf , Minister for Treasury and Resources, on 18th February 2014, further Panel discussion would be required before a Scoping Document and Terms of Reference could be completed. The Panel further recalled that it had agreed to request a copy of the Trowers and Hamlins report from the Department of Treasury and Resources. The Panel was informed that a request had been made but that the document had not yet been received. Consideration was given to Esplanade Quarter Developments: Approval by the States (P.15/2014) which had been lodged by Senator A. Breckon and which was due to be debated on 18th March 2014. The Panel noted that the proposition could potentially be referred to it under Standing Order 79, albeit that the Panel was not procedurally obliged to review the proposition if it were so referred. The Panel considered the information and advice received at the briefing on 17th February 2014 and from the Minister's statement of 18th February 2014. The Panel, taking into account the sensitivities of the subject under consideration, also discussed what a Scrutiny Review of this matter at this time would achieve. It was ultimately agreed that the Panel would seek confirmation from the Board of SoJDC about the | SM |
| actions which the Board had taken in respect of the issues raised in P.15/2014 and about the reassurance which the Board could thereby provide to States Members on those issues. It was also agreed that the Chairman would table an oral question for the next sitting of the States Assembly to the Minister for Treasury and Resources in respect of the matters discussed by the Panel. | SF |
12/02/14 Item 4 513/35 | 7. Medium Term Financial Plan / Draft 2015 Budget The Panel was advised that provisional arrangements had been made between the Scrutiny Office and the Department of Treasury and Resources for a private briefing on the Draft 2015 Budget during the lunchtime adjournment on 5th June 2014. The Panel requested that the arrangements be confirmed. | WM |
12/02/14 Item 9 513/1(41) | 8. Legislative Process The Panel agreed it would not undertake a Scrutiny Review of the Legislative Process. Noting that there were matters which nevertheless merited examination, it was agreed that questions on the subject would be included at a subsequent Quarterly Public Hearing with the Chief Minister and that the subject would be raised in the legacy report to the successor Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel. | WM / SM |
29/01/14 Item 6 513/38 | 9. Starter Home Deposit Loan Scheme The Panel noted receipt of an update from the Chief Minister's Department in respect of the Starter Home Deposit Loan Scheme. The Panel also noted the importance of following up on this subject and agreed that questions would be put at the next Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources. The Panel was advised that as there were still applications to the Scheme awaiting completion, the Scheme had not yet been taken to have ended formally and a review of the Scheme had therefore not yet been implemented. |
29/01/14 Item 8 513/1(41) | 10. Work Programme The Panel considered its Work Programme for 2014 and noted that provision had been made for its reviews in respect of the Interim Population Policy; the implementation of European legislation; the Draft 2015 Budget; and PECRS reform. It was further noted that no provision was currently made for work in relation to Freedom of Information, the Modernisation Programme and the proposed Charities Law. In relation to the Modernisation Programme, it was considered that this was likely to be a topic for inclusion in the Panel's legacy report (and therefore more appropriate for review by the Panel's successor). In terms of the proposed Charities Law, it was noted that a briefing for all Members would be provided on 2nd April 2014, after which a decision could be taken on what work (if any) the Panel would undertake on the matter. In respect of Freedom of Information, the Panel was advised that debates in the Assembly would be required in 2014 through the adoption of some amendments to the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law and of Regulations which had yet to be lodged. |
513/1(40) | 11. Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources The Panel considered a draft question plan for its Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources on 13th March 2014. The Panel identified amendments and additions to the question plan, which the Scrutiny Officers were requested to enact. | WM |
| 12. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 12th March 2014. |