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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 28th May 2014 Meeting No: 168
Present | Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Deputy R.J. Rondel |
Apologies | Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Connétable D.W. Mezbourian |
Absent |
In attendance | Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer Miss. S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
26/02/14 Item 7 513/35 | 1. Medium Term Financial Plan The Panel recalled that the States Assembly had agreed to reduce the lodging period for Housing Transformation Programme: Amendment to the Medium Term Financial Plan 2013 – 2015 (P.59/2014) in order that it could be debated at the sitting due to begin on 3rd June 2014. It was noted that it had been necessary to postpone the Panel's briefing on the proposition which had previously been arranged with the Department of Treasury and Resources. The Panel requested that the briefing be re- arranged for 30th May 2014. The Panel further requested that its questions regarding the need for the proposition to be debated so urgently be forwarded to the Department ahead of the briefing. | WM WM |
| 2. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 7th and 8th May 2014. The records were signed accordingly. |
23/04/14 Item 6 513/1(41) | 3. States of Jersey Development Company The Panel recalled its agreement to request a copy of the Trowers and Hamlin report from the Department of Treasury and Resources. The Panel was informed that the request had been made but that the document had yet to be received. The Panel noted the recent decision of the Royal Court not to strike out the claims of Harcourt against the former Waterfront Enterprise Board (WEB) and the Minister for Treasury and Resources. The Panel was advised that Paragraph 7.11 of the Code of Practice for Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee stated that review topics would be rejected if they were sub judice. |
07/05/14 Item 6 513/41 | 4. Interim Population Policy The Panel was advised that H.M. Solicitor-General had not yet been contacted in respect of the advice he had provided to the States Assembly during the debate on Interim Population Policy: 2014 - 2015 (P.10/2014). |
07/05/14 Item 3 | 5. Draft Charities Law The Panel noted that public hearings had been arranged with the |
513/43 | Chairman of the Jersey Voluntary and Community Sector on 30th May 2014 and with the Chairman of the Association of Jersey Charities on 3rd June 2014. Consideration was given to the draft question plan for the first public hearing. Amendments were agreed, which the Scrutiny Officer was requested to enact. It was noted that a draft question plan for the latter hearing would be circulated in due course. It was noted that the summary report on the consultation undertaken by the Chief Minister's Department in respect of the Draft Charities Law had been received and would be circulated for the Panel's attention. The Panel was advised that a public hearing with the Chief Minister had been arranged for 2:45pm on 9th June 2014. | SM |
513/1(40) | 6. Quarterly Public Hearing with Minister for Treasury and Resources The Panel noted that its next Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources, scheduled for 1:30pm on 9th June 2014, could not take place as the Minister would be unavailable. Taking into account arrangements already made in respect of the Draft Charities Law Review, the Panel agreed to enquire whether the Quarterly Public Hearing could instead take place on either 11th or 13th June 2014. | WM |
08/05/14 Item 1 513/42 | 7. Public Sector Pensions The Panel noted that Draft Public Employees (Pensions) (Jersey) Law 201- (P.28/2014) had been debated and approved by the States Assembly on 21st May 2014. It was further noted that the States Employment Board had presented a formal response to the Panel's report on 27th May 2014 although it effectively amounted to an interim response and a full response to the Panel's recommendations was therefore expected by 23rd June 2014. The Panel recalled the advice it had previously received that Regulations arising from the Law would be debated at the sitting of the Assembly due to take place on 14th July 2014. It was noted that, in order for a debate to take place during that sitting, the Regulations would need to be lodged during the week beginning 2nd June 2014. The Panel further noted that the unions had yet to ballot on the proposed reforms to public sector provision and that the Law would need to receive Royal Assent and be registered in the Royal Court before the Regulations could be debated by the Assembly. Taking into account that these actions needed to occur within a limited timeframe, the Panel agreed to seek confirmation of the timetable for development and debate of the Regulations. The Panel recalled that its review had been divided into two phases, with Phase 1 to last until the debate on the Law and Phase 2 to run from that point until the debate on the Regulations. The Panel confirmed that it would continue with Phase 2 of the review and agreed that it would seek to engage the same expert advisor which had been engaged for Phase 1. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to make the necessary arrangements. The Panel agreed that, at its next meeting, it would consider the Scoping Document and Terms of Reference for the review in order to determine whether amendments might be required. In that regard, the Panel agreed that public hearings with the witnesses who appeared during Phase 1 of the review would be beneficial. | WM WM |
07/05/14 | 8. Draft 2015 Budget |
Item 4 513/44 | The Panel noted that it would be briefed by the Minister for Treasury and Resources and his Department on draft Budget proposals on 13th June 2014. The Panel was advised that work on a draft Scoping Document and draft Terms of Reference would be undertaken subsequent to the briefing. The Panel agreed that it would need to receive paperwork relating to the briefing sufficiently far in advance of the briefing itself. The Panel noted that a public hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources had been arranged for 31st July 2014. The Panel was advised that this was currently the earliest date on which a hearing could be arranged due to the sittings of the States Assembly and the subsequent absence from the Island of both the Minister and his Assistant Minister during the week beginning 21st July 2014. The Panel agreed to request that an initial public hearing with the Minister therefore be arranged for one of the lunchtime adjournments of the Assembly during the week beginning 14th July 2014. The Panel also requested that the Scrutiny Officers undertake discussions with the relevant officers of the Department of Treasury and Resources in order to assist the provision of information to the Panel. | WM WM |
| 9. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 11th June 2014. |
513/36 | 10. Population and Migration The Panel recalled that a post-implementation review of the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 was due to be undertaken by July 2014. It was agreed to request an update on the status of the review. It was also agreed to request information in respect of the granting and removal of licences. | SM |