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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 3 September 2014

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   3rd September 2014 Meeting No:  192



Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman

Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman

Connétable D.W. Mezbourian [Item 1]

Deputy R.J. Rondel

Deputy T.A. Vallois [Co-opted for Item 1 under Standing Order 138(5A)]





In attendance

Mr. S. Fair, Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting (CIPFA), Expert Advisor [Item 1]

Mr. M. Oliver, MJO Consultancy, Expert Advisor [Item 1]

Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer Miss. S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter


02/09/14 Item 1


1. Draft 2015 Budget

The Panel, with its expert advisors in attendance, discussed progress on its review of the Draft 2015 Budget Statement. The Panel was advised of the work undertaken by the expert advisors, including a visit made by Mr. S. Fair to the Department of Treasury and Resources on 2nd September 2014, and consideration was given to the advisors' preliminary conclusions and recommendations.

Following its discussions, consideration was given to whether the Panel would lodge any amendments to the Draft Budget. It was noted that amendments would need to be lodged by 8th September 2014. The Panel discussed whether, instead of lodging amendments, it should seek to have the debate on the Draft Budget deferred. Consideration was  given  to  the  potential  advantages  and  disadvantages  of  each approach and it was ultimately agreed to seek a deferral of the debate. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to confirm with the Greffier of the States whether such a measure would be procedurally possible.

Consideration was given to whether a written question in respect of a potential deferral should be tabled for the Minister for Treasury and Resources to answer at the States Assembly sitting of 9th September 2014. It was ultimately agreed not to pursue that course of action but that a meeting with the Chief Minister and Minister for Treasury and Resources would be held once the Panel's report had been completed at which the matter could be discussed.

The Panel agreed to seek confirmation of how it had been decided that the Draft Budget would be debated in September 2014.

The Panel agreed to meet during the lunchtime adjournment of 9th




September 2014 in order to discuss the review further.


23/07/14 Item 4


2. Public Sector Pensions

The Panel received an update on work in respect of proposed reforms to the Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme (PECRS). The Panel recalled its agreement to request that the Panel's expert advisor be asked to complete a short report that would act as an end point for the Panel's work and to request updated from the PECRS Committee of Management and the Joint  Negotiating Group (JNG). The Panel was advised that a response had been received from the JNG and that one was awaited from the Committee of Management. The Panel was also advised that its expert advisor would prepare a report in time for it to be considered at the meeting on 17th September 2014.