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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 31 March 2014

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   31st March 2014 Meeting No:  154



Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connétable D.W. Mezbourian Deputy R.J. Rondel





In attendance

Miss. S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer

Mr W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer [Item 2]


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Agenda matter


26/03/14 Item 2


1. Interim Population Policy

The Panel considered the first draft report that had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Panel identified a number of amendments which the  Scrutiny  Officer  was  asked  to  enact.  It  was  advised  that  an amended draft report would be circulated to the Panel on 1st April 2014 for its consideration and approval. The Panel agreed to discuss its findings and recommendations after its next formal Panel meeting on 9th April 2014.


26/03/14 Item 3


2. Implementation of European Legislation

The  Panel  recalled  that  a  draft  report  on  Draft  European  Union Legislation (Implementation) (Jersey) Law 201- (P.164/2013) had been circulated for Panel comment and noted that no amendments had been identified by Panel Members. It was therefore agreed that the draft report would be distributed to stakeholders for comment on the factual accuracy and the reporting of evidence.


