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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 5 December 2014

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:  5th December 2014



Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré, Chairman Deputy S.M. Bree, Vice-Chairman Connétable C.H. Taylor





In attendance

Deputy K.C. Lewis [except Item 2]

Chief Minister [Item 2]

Assistant  Minister  with  responsibility  for  community,  social  inclusion, population and migration [Item 2]

Chief Executive of the States of Jersey [Item 2]

Chief Officer External Relations and Constitutional Affairs [Item 2]

Director of Corporate Policy [Item 2]

Executive Support Officer, Chief Minister's Department [Item 2]

Professor M.J. Oliver [Item 3 in part]

Mrs J. Hales , Scrutiny Officer Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 24th November 2014 and 1st December 2014, which were signed accordingly by the Chairman.



2.  Site Visit to Chief Minister's Department and External Relations

The Panel undertook a site visit to the Chief Minister's and External Relations Departments. The Panel met the Chief Minister, Assistant Minister (with responsibility for Community, Social Inclusion, Population and Migration), Chief Executive of the States of Jersey, Chief Officer External  Relations  and  Constitutional  Affairs,  Director  of  Corporate Policy and Executive Support Officer before being given a tour of both Departments.


Item1 01.12.14


3.  Medium Term Financial Plan – Interim Report

The Panel welcomed Professor M.J. Oliver of MJO Consulting to give a presentation with regard to its work on the Draft Budget 2015 and the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2016 – 2019.

Following the departure of Professor M.J. Oliver, the Panel discussed the presentation and agreed to appoint MJO Consulting for Phase 1 of its  review  within  the  terms  of  its  Scoping  Document.  The  Panel requested  that  the  necessary  process  regarding  the  creation  and




approval of an engagement brief and contract be undertaken to confirm the appointment.

The Panel considered its approach to following up the findings and recommendations of S.R.12/2015 Draft Budget Report with the Minister for Treasury and Resources. The Officer gave examples of the options available and the Panel agreed to request the Minister to complete a revised  Ministerial Response. This would require completion by the Minister  of  an  additional  column  added  to  the  original  Response, requesting  an  update  to  progress  made  in  the  implementation  of accepted recommendations.

The  Panel  discussed  the  possibility  of  receiving  views  from stakeholders. It requested a letter be drafted and sent to the Chairman for approval before being distributed to targeted stakeholders as part of its evidence gathering process.

The Panel was advised that the Department of Treasury and Resources had offered a relevant briefing to the Panel in the week commencing 12th January 2015, to coincide with the start of its review. The Panel agreed to the briefing, and would ask that it focus primarily on income forecasting.



Item 9 24.11.14


4.  Jersey International Finance Centre

The Panel noted that, further to its previous discussions, its Scoping Document had been approved by the Chairmen's Committee and a subsequent media release approved by the Chairman and circulated accordingly to publicly launch its Review. The Panel was informed that communication had taken place between the Chairman, Officer and Mr

R.  Law  regarding  the  possibility  of  the  latter  becoming  the  expert adviser to the Panel for the Review. The Chairman outlined to the Panel some background regarding Mr R. Law and his previous involvement with related Scrutiny reviews. The Panel agreed to proceed with the appointment and asked that his CV or similar document be circulated for additional information.

The  Panel  agreed  that  the  Chairman  and  Officer  would  undertake preparatory information gathering with the adviser, prior to an initial briefing from the adviser to the Panel with a view to establishing the Review's Terms of Reference. It further agreed that any initial meeting arranged  between  itself  and  the  States  of  Jersey  Development Company and/or the Department of Treasury and Resources should take place after an initial briefing from its adviser.

The  Panel  discussed  relevant  material  that  Members  had  or  might receive during the course of the Review. It agreed to forward such correspondence to the Officer for collation and distribution to the Panel.


TO Panel


5.  Topic Proposal

The  Panel  considered  two  topic  proposals  relating  to  international conventions  received  from  a  member  of  the  public.  The  Panel requested the member of the public be informed that due to its workload and priorities, it was not in a position to review the two proposals at this




stage. It would however, consider raising the issues at the relevant quarterly public hearings that were being arranged for early in 2015.



6.  Possible Areas for Review – Work Programme

The  Panel  noted  its  draft  2015  work  programme  and  agreed  that requests should be made for updates on the following areas to help inform its planning:-

  • Population and Migration
  • Public Sector Pension Reform
  • Charities (Jersey) Law - Regulations

The Panel agreed that, together with the above topics, the following should be included on its work programme for ongoing consideration and as potential question areas for its Quarterly Public Hearings:-

  • Public Sector Reform/Modernisation Programme
  • Development of a Monetary Authority
  • External Relations – Common Policy
  • Long Term Plan
  • Equal Marriage and Partnership

The Panel noted the recent presentation by the Council of Ministers of R.170/2014 Equal Marriage and Partnership: Options Paper Report. It noted  in  particular  the  objective  for  a  report  and  proposition  to  be lodged for States debate in the first quarter of 2015 to seek States approval  for  the  process  and  timeframe  associated  with  certain developments as set out in the Report, including:

  • a  commitment  to  full  public  and  specialist  stakeholder consultation on any associated draft legislation
  • a commitment to making same-sex marriage a reality in Jersey by end 2017 at the very latest

The Panel considered its possible approach to work on the matter, including in relation to its planned work programme, the appropriate timing of any associated Review and whether the scope of the issue might more appropriately lend itself to cross-panel working through a sub-Panel or, potentially, a Review Panel. The Panel was advised of the process for the establishment of Review Panels and the resource implications and it was agreed that the Chairman would discuss this further at the next Chairman's Committee meeting.

The  Panel  also  considered  work  relating  to  the  States  of  Jersey (Establishment  of  Minister,  Re-Naming  of  Ministers  and  Transfer  of Functions) (Jersey) Regulations 201-, which it understood were due to be lodged imminently by the Chief Minister. The Panel agreed to the merits  of  reviewing  the  rationale  and  business  cases  behind  the creation of the new roles. It agreed to scope a Review accordingly, and extend an invitation to the Chairman of the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel to be co-opted for the Review in view of his known interest in the notable proposed changes relevant to the remit of his Panel.







The Panel further requested that correspondence be sent to the Chief Minister's  Department,  advising  about  the  Panel's  decisions  and  to request that the lodging of the Regulations be delayed whilst the Panel scoped its Review and determined the likely timeframe that it would require to complete its work.



7.  Westminster Select Committee

The Panel received an Officer update regarding the available dates for a training visit to London. The Panel was informed that 28th January 2015 was the confirmed date for the visit to the House of Commons. It was  noted,  however,  the  days  either  side  clashed  with  prior engagements, namely Scrutiny Chairing training on 27th January 2015 and the swearing in of the new Bailiff on 29th January 2015. The Panel agreed that, whilst reluctant to miss the Scrutiny Chairing training, it would be necessary to use that date to undertake its planned visit to the London Assembly as part of its training visit in London.

The Panel also agreed that it would be beneficial to undertake the visit alongside Members of the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel and asked the Officers to co-ordinate accordingly.




8.  States Questions without Notice

The Panel noted the 2015 schedule of Ministers' Questions Without Notice.



9.  Livelink

The Panel agreed that the Officers would re-circulate relevant contact details in order that Members might take the opportunity to install the Livelink software onto their relevant electronic devices.



10. Quarterly Hearings

The Panel noted its draft schedule of Quarterly Public Hearings for 2015 and agreed that some changes be made to the dates. The Panel requested that updated dates be circulated electronically.



11. Panel Meeting Dates

The Panel noted and agreed its meeting dates for 2015 and requested that the dates be circulated electronically.



12. Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting date of 14th January 2015 and its site visit to the Treasury and Resources Department on Monday 12th January 2015 at 2.30pm to 4pm. It agreed that it would also seek to undertake site visits to States owned utility companies when time permitted in quarter three of 2015.