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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 7 May 2014

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   7th May 2014 Meeting No:  166



Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connétable D.W. Mezbourian [Items 2-9] Deputy R.J. Rondel





In attendance

Mrs. M. Galpin, BWCI Consulting Limited [Item 1]

Miss. S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer

Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer [Item 1]


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Agenda matter


06/05/14 Item 1


1. Public Sector Pensions

The Panel, with its expert advisor in attendance, considered a report which had been prepared by BWCI Consulting Limited in respect of Draft Public Employees (Pensions) (Jersey) Law 201- (P.28/2014) and the proposed reforms to the Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme (PECRS). It was noted that a copy of the report had been sent to the Department of Treasury and Resources for comment on the factual accuracy and reporting of evidence and that comments had subsequently been received from the Department. The Panel also noted that typographical and formatting amendments would be made to the report by BWCI Consulting Limited. The Panel was advised that neither the comments from the Department nor the amendments from BWCI Consulting Limited would affect the overall tenor of the advisor's report.

The Panel discussed the advisor's recommendations and agreed Key Findings and Recommendations which the Panel itself would make. It was noted that the Panel's report would encompass a brief introductory section from the Panel itself (in which the Panel's Key Findings and Recommendations would be included) alongside the advisor's report. Having  agreed  Key  Findings  and  Recommendations,  the  Panel requested that drafting on the Panel's introductory section take place.



2. Records of Meetings

The records of the meetings held on 16th, 17th, 22nd, 23rd and 24th April and the private records of the meetings held on 9th and 23rd April 2014 were approved and signed accordingly.


23/04/14 Item 5


3. Draft Charities Law

The Panel considered a draft Scoping Document and draft Terms of Reference for its review of the Draft Charities (Jersey) Law 201-. The Panel identified a number of minor amendments to the documents, which  the  Officer  was  requested  to  enact.  Both  documents  were



approved by the Panel following these enactments. The Officer was requested  to  send  the  agreed  Scoping  Document  and  Terms  of Reference to the Chairman's Committee for approval and subsequently to the Chief Minister's Department for comments.



4. Draft 2015 Budget

The  Panel  noted  dates  for  private  briefings  and  public  hearings  in respect of its review of the Draft 2015 Budget. It was further noted that if the Minister for Treasury and Resources were for any reason unable to attend any of the public hearings given the tight timeframe, it would be preferable for the Assistant Minister to attend in his place rather than re- arranging.

The Panel recalled that it was due to receive documentation, under confidentiality,  on  the  Draft  2015  Budget  from  the  Treasury  and Resources Department. The Officer was requested to follow up this matter.


23/04/14 Item 2


5. Implementation of European Legislation

The Panel noted that its report had been presented to the States on 29th April 2014. It was further noted that the debate on the Legislation had been deferred by the Minister for External Relations from 29th April to the next States sitting on 13th May 2014.

The Panel recalled that it had previously agreed to meet H.M. Attorney General prior to the presentation of its report in respect of legal advice it sought during its review. It was noted that the H.M. Attorney General was  unavailable  to  attend  a  meeting  with  the  Panel  prior  to  the presentation of the report.


23/04/14 Item 3


6. Interim Population Policy

The Panel noted that P.10/2014 was approved by the States on 1st May  2014.  The  Panel recalled  that  the  H.M.  Solicitor  General  was requested, during the debate of P.10/2014, to provide legal advice to the States in regard to States Policies. The Panel agreed to write to H.M. Solicitor General to request further information in respect of this advice.



7. Work Programme

The Panel recalled that it had previously agreed to undertake a short review on the proposed amendments to the Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005. The Panel noted that two of its Members would be unavailable for some time in May due to personal commitments and the States had agreed extra States continuation days from Tuesday 20th – Thursday 22nd May. As a result, the Panel agreed that it would be problematic to undertake a review during this period. It was further agreed that the Panel would concentrate on the other topics identified within its current Work Programme.



8. Quarterly Public Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel noted that the next Quarterly Public Hearing with the Chief Minister was due to take place on 22nd May 2014. It was further noted, however,  that  the  States  were  now  due  to  sit  on  that  day  and subsequently the Officer was requested to re-arrange the Hearing with the Department.



9. Future Meetings



The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place on 21st May 2014. However, it was further noted that the States were now sitting on this day. The Panel agreed to re-arrange its meeting for Wednesday  28th  May  2014.  The  Chairman  and   Connétable  D.W. Mezbourian  gave  their  apologies  for  the  meeting.  The  Officer  was requested to send out a new meeting request.