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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 9th April 2014 Meeting No: 156
Present | Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connétable D.W. Mezbourian Deputy R.J. Rondel |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The records of the meetings held on 26th, 27th and 31st March and 2nd April 2014 were approved. |
31/03/14 Item 2 513/37(5) | 2. Implementation of European Legislation The Panel recalled that the draft report on Draft European Union Legislation (Implementation) (Jersey) Law 201- (P.164/2013) had been distributed to stakeholders for comment on the factual accuracy and the reporting of evidence. The Panel noted that comments had been received from the Chief Minister's Department and that a revised draft had subsequently been circulated for Panel consideration. The Panel was advised that certain comments received from the Chief Minister's Department would require a decision by the Panel and particular consideration was therefore given to those comments. Some minor amendments were agreed which the Scrutiny Officer was requested to enact. The Panel discussed the review in private session under Paragraph 3.2.1(a)(v) of the Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information. A separate record was therefore taken. The Panel subsequently considered draft Key Findings. Amendments to the draft Key Findings were agreed, which the Scrutiny Officer was requested to enact. The Panel agreed that it would give further consideration in due course to recommendations arising from the Key Findings. | WM WM |
12/03/14 Item 5 513/1(41) | 3. States Employment Board The Panel considered whether to undertake any work in respect of proposed amendments to the Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005. It was noted that, as it was currently understood, the amendments would be lodged au Greffe in May 2014 for eventual debate by the States Assembly in June 2014. The Panel was advised that, on that basis, there would be scope and resources available for the Panel to undertake some work on the matter. The |
| Panel agreed to defer discussion of the topic, noting that it had also expressed interest in undertaking work on the Draft Charities Law and that a decision on which of these two topics to review would need to be undertaken in due course. |
| 4. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 23rd April 2014. |
27/03/14 Item 2 513/42 | 5. Public Sector Pensions Connétable D.W. Mezbourian , as a Member of the States Employment Board, declared an interest in this matter and withdrew from the meeting. The Panel noted receipt of documentation relating to Draft Public Employees (Pensions) (Jersey) Law 201- (P.28/2014) which had been collated by the Scrutiny Office. The Panel was advised that documentation had also been despatched to the Panel's expert advisor and that contractual arrangements with the advisor had been finalized. The Panel was informed that arrangements were in hand for the expert advisor to come to the Island on 15th April 2014 to hold meetings with relevant personnel in the Department of Treasury and Resources. It was agreed that arrangements would also be made for the advisor to meet the Panel. The Panel was informed that requests for written submissions had been sent to the Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme (PECRS) and to the Chairman of the Joint Negotiating Group. It was apparent that both would endeavour to provide the Panel with a written submission by Easter 2014. The Panel noted that arrangements had been made for a public hearing with the Chief Minister (in his capacity as Chairman of the States Employment Board) to take place at 2:00pm on 22nd April 2014. The Panel was informed that the Chairman of the Joint Negotiating Group would be able to attend a public hearing on 23rd April 2014 and it was further noted that arrangements for a public hearing with the Chairman of the PECRS Committee of Management would also be made, either for 22nd or 23rd April 2014. | WM WM |
13/03/14 Item 2 513/1(40) | 6. States of Jersey Development Company The Panel recalled its decision that there was no scope for a Scrutiny Review in respect of the Esplanade Quarter to be undertaken and that three correspondents who had submitted topic proposals in relation to that subject would be informed to that effect. The Panel was informed that all three correspondents had been advised of the Panel's decision. It was noted that one correspondent had subsequently responded with a request that the Panel undertake work on this subject. Consideration was given to how the Panel would respond to this request and it was agreed that the Chairman would draft correspondence and circulate it for Panel consideration. The Panel requested that a copy of the correspondence which had been sent to the three correspondents also be circulated for the Panel's information. The Panel recalled that it had previously agreed to request the Trowers | SF WM |
| and Hamlin report. The Panel was advised that the report had been requested from the Department of Treasury and Resources but that it had ultimately not been received. The Panel was also informed that the Minister for Treasury and Resources had indicated that he would not object to the Panel receiving a copy of the Kings Sturge report (which formed part of the Trowers and Hamlin report). The Scrutiny Officer was therefore asked to request a copy of the Kings Sturge report. | WM |