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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 17 December 2014

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

17th December 2014



Connétable J.E. Le Maistre, Chairman Deputy S.M. Brée, Vice-Chairman Deputy D. Johnson


Connétable M.J. Paddock



In attendance

Mr. M. Orbell, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Records of meetings

The Minutes of meetings held on 19th November and 1st and 4th December 2014 were approved and signed.



2. Schedule of meetings

The Panel considered an amended schedule of meetings. It was agreed that  no  meeting  would  take  place  on  18th  February  2015.  Other meetings  listed  to  take  place  during  school  holiday  periods  would remain on the schedule, but could be reviewed in light of member availability nearer the time.



3. Rural Economy Strategy 2016

The Panel welcomed the Director, Environmental Management and Rural  Economy;  the  Rural  Economy  Manager;  the  Land  and Horticultural Development Manager; and the Entomologist and Head of Plant Health from the Department of the Environment for a briefing on the Rural Economy Strategy (RES) 2016. It was noted that Scrutiny engagement with the previous RES had been considered useful by the department, and it was hoped that similar involvement of the new Panel would also prove beneficial. The target date for the new strategy to be debated was September 2015, and it was expected that an 8 week consultation period based on an issues and options' paper would begin early in the New Year. A costed White Paper was expected to be prepared during the second quarter of 2015. It was noted that there might be a case for a combined review with the Environment, Housing and Technical Services (EHTS) Panel due to the shared responsibility for  the  Rural  Economy  between  the  departments  of  Economic Development  and  Environment;  members  agreed  that  an  approach should be made to that Panel.



4. Chairmen's Committee

Following comments during Scrutiny training sessions the question of public  versus  private  meetings  had  been  further  discussed  at  a Chairmen's Committee meeting on 8th December 2014. The Panel

reaffirmed its earlier decision to hold its scheduled meetings in private. It was noted that the Chairmen's Committee had agreed to supply business cards to Scrutiny members.



5. Renaming of Ministers and Transfer of Functions

The Chairman confirmed that he had agreed to take part on a co-opted basis in a review to be carried out on this topic by the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel. This was expected to be a high level review of the process adopted, so there could be an opportunity in due course for the Economic Affairs Panel to look in more detail at how the transfer of functions  would  affect  the  operation  and  budgets  of  the  Economic Development Department.



6. Financial Services Ombudsman

The Panel agreed that it would not seek to review the draft Financial Services Ombudsman (Case Fee and Levy)(Jersey) Regulations 201-, although it was suggested that it could revisit this matter at a later date to look at the process eventually adopted for setting levies.



7. Topic proposals from a member of the public

The  Panel  considered  2  topic  proposals  potentially  within  its  remit submitted to the Scrutiny Office by a member of the public. With regard to  a  suggested  review  of  Pubs  and  the  Licensed  Trade,  members decided that it would be preferable to wait until new licensing standards were issued before considering this topic. It was agreed that the wider alcohol strategy did not fall entirely within the Panel's remit, aspects to do with alcohol abuse and health being more relevant to the Health, Social Security and  Housing Scrutiny Panel. It was noted that that Panel  had  already  considered  the  same  topic  proposals  and  had advised that it would not be taking them further.

In respect of Trading Standards and the Citizens' Advice Bureau, the Panel agreed that it did not intend to address this topic in the short term. The Scrutiny Officer was asked to convey the Panel's decisions to the member of the public.  



8. Forthcoming meetings

  • Visit to St. Helier harbour with Group Chief Executive, Ports of Jersey: 9.30am on 19th December 2014, Maritime House
  • Visit to Jersey Airport and briefing with Group Chief Executive, Ports of Jersey: details to be confirmed
  • Next scheduled Panel meeting: 9.30am on 14th January 2015, Blampied Room, States Building