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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 14 April 2014

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 14th April 2014 Meeting No: 52



Connétable S. W. Pallett, Chairman Connétable M. P. S. Le Troquer, Vice Chairman Connetable S. Rennard



In attendance

Senator B. I. Le Marquand, Minister for Home Affairs (Item 6)

Mr S. Le Marquand, Director, Legal Status and Revenue - Customs & Immigration (Item 5 and Item 6 in part)

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1.  Records of Meetings

The records of the Panel's meetings held on 24th and 27th and 31st March 2014 were approved and accordingly signed by the Chairman.


Item  2 31.03.14


2.  Draft Explosives (Jersey) Law 201-

The Panel considered the current position of its Review, and noted that it might shortly expect to receive a response from the Home Affairs Department to recent correspondence, as well as an updated draft of the law following work on further amendments.


Item  3 31.03.14


3.  P.14/2014, Draft Passports (False Statements and Forgery) (Jersey) Law 201-

The Panel noted that drafting of its report was ongoing, with active liaison between the Chairman and the Officer.

MR/ Chairm an


4.  Work Programme

The Panel agreed that whilst it would continue to work as productively as possible, it would need to be mindful in arranging its future Work Programme of the significant impact of upcoming States meetings between  now  and  the  summer  recess  on  the  time  available  to Members.  It  noted  further  limitations  associated  with  the  summer recess itself and the subsequent elections in October.

MR/ Panel


Item  14 31.03.14


5.  Intellectual Property Rights

The  Panel  welcomed  the  Director,  Legal  Status  and  Revenue  - Customs  &  Immigration  who  provided  a  briefing  on  the  draft Community  Provisions  (Goods  Suspected  of  Infringing  Intellectual Property Rights) (Jersey) Regulations 201-. The Director outlined the differences  between  the  new  European  Union  (EU)  Regulation (608/2013) incorporated within this legislation and the previous EU Regulation (1383/2003), which had been repealed in December 2013.

It  was  explained  that  both  Regulations  were  concerned  with  the importation  of  goods  which  infringed  certain  intellectual  property rights, allowing a right holder to apply to the Agent of the Impôts, as the competent Customs authority, for action to be taken by Jersey Customs where it is suspected that goods were being imported into the Island in contravention of the relevant law.

However, whilst Regulation 608/2013 served the same purpose as the previous Regulation, it served to extend the scope of the intellectual property covered.

It  was  noted  by  the  Panel  that  as  this  was  EU  legislation  that automatically  applied  to  Jersey  through  the  existing  constitutional relationship, it would not be possible for any amendments to be made to the detail of the Regulations as drafted.

Following the briefing, the Panel agreed that it was content with the draft Regulations as explained by the Director, and that subject to consideration of the Report provided to State Members accompanying the  draft  Community  Provisions  (Goods  Suspected  of  Infringing Intellectual Property Rights) (Jersey) Regulations 201-, it was unlikely to undertake further work on the matter.

MR/ Panel

Item  10 31.03.14


6.  Quarterly Public Hearing, Minister for Home Affairs

The Panel welcomed Senator B. I. Le Marquand, Minister for Home Affairs, and the Director, Legal Status and Revenue - Customs & Immigration, to a Quarterly Public Hearing. The Hearing was recorded and transcribed.

Following the Hearing, the Panel agreed that arrangements should be made for  a  site  visit  to  be  undertaken  to  HMP  La  Moye,  with  a particular focus on the new Visitor Centre.

It also agreed that it would include a recommendation for further follow  up  work  to  be  undertaken  relating  to  the  Customs  & Immigration Service to be included in its forthcoming legacy report.



Item  12 31.03.14


7.  Youth Service

The Panel considered background papers and agreed that drafting of a Scoping Document and Terms of Reference for a related Review of the Service should be progressed.




8.  Exam Results

The Panel agreed that it would be beneficial to take up the offer of a briefing  from  the  Director  of  the  Education,  Sport  and  Culture Department regarding exam results, and that the morning of 19th May might be most suitable.


Item  13 31.03.14


9.  Trackers Apprenticeship Schemes.

The  Panel  considered  and  approved  the  Scoping  Document  and Terms of Reference for the Review.



10.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled to take place at 9.30am on 28th April. The meeting would include a briefing from the Minister for Home Affairs at 10am.