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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 19th May 2014 Meeting No: 55
Present | Connétable S. W. Pallett, Chairman Connétable M. P. S. Le Troquer, Vice Chairman Connétable S. Rennard (Item 2) |
Apologies |
In attendance | Mr. M. Lundy Director, Education, Sport and Culture (Item 2) Mr. J. Donovan - ESC Director designate (Item 2) Ms. S. Johnson – ESC Professional Advisor to Schools (Item 2) Ms. L. Young – Head of ESC Statistics (Consultant) (Item 2) Mrs K. Tremellen-Frost, Scrutiny Manager [except item 2] Mr M. Robbins, Scrutiny Officer |
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| Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The record of the Panel's meetings held on 28th April 2014 were approved and accordingly signed by the Chairman. |
Item 28.04.14 | 8 | 2. Exam Results |
516/1(51) |
| The Panel Welcomed the Director of Education, Sport and Culture to the meeting. The Director and his team provided a private briefing to the Panel on exam results in Jersey. At the conclusion of this presentation, the Panel concluded that there was a substantial review to be done in the area of education. Work was in progress by the department and when the report was published, the Panel could consider a review. The concerns of the Panel were to be recorded in a legacy report. | MR |
Item 28.04.14 516/39 | 2 | 3. Draft Explosives (Jersey) Law 201- The Panel recalled that it had agreed to the drafting of comments once the Minister's proposition had been lodged. This was expected to be lodged on 20th May 2014. | MR |
Item 28.04.14 516/36(1) | 1 | 4. P.14/2014, Draft Passports (False Statements and Forgery) (Jersey) Law 201- The Panel noted paragraph 11.21 of the Code of Practice that required Panels to evaluate the effectiveness of the process undertaken throughout reviews and reported any problems which have occurred to the Chairmen's Committee. It was agreed that in the case of the Passport Review, the process had been suitable and this had been reflected in comments within the States during the debate on the proposition. The Minister had been very open to the Scrutiny process |
| which had allowed the Panel to deal with the reporting of the review by a simple comments' document rather than a full Scrutiny report. The review had come in below the budget allocated within the Scoping Document. |
Item 19.12.13 516/27 | 2 | 5. Camera Surveillance in Jersey. The Panel noted an enquiry by the Panel advisor into the position of this review. It considered the Ministerial responses provided to the Panel in relation to the recommendations contained within the Scrutiny Report, S.R.1/2014 and agreed that it was content, overall, with the responses. Monitoring of the progress of the action expected from the Ministers concerned was to be dealt with at the quarterly public hearings. The advisor was to be informed. | MR |
Item 28.04.14 516/40 | 9 | 6. Trackers Apprenticeship Programme. Since the last meeting, an invitation had been sent, via the Department of Education, Sport and Culture, to apprentices within the programme inviting them to talk to the Panel regarding the benefits or otherwise of the scheme. As no responses had been received, the Department was to be contacted to confirm that the invitation had been sent out. Contact had been made with the Chairman of the Jersey Construction Council and a meeting was being aranged. | MR |
| It was agreed that the Minister was to be invited to a hearing. The Panel was available on 9th June. | MR |
Item 28.04.14 516/18(2) | 7 | 7. Youth Service The Panel approved scoping documents and terms of reference for the review. It was minded that time was limited and agreed that this review was to be placed on hold with no dates within the scoping in order that it could be picked up when the Panel had the time available. The documents were to be sent to the Chairmen's Committee for approval. | MR |
Item 28.04.14 516/1(51) | 7 | 8. Sex Offenders (Amendment No 2) (Jersey) Law 201- Following the presentation by Senator B. I. Le Marquand, Minister for Home Affairs, and the Chief Officer of the Home Affairs Department in relation to the proposition by the Minister relating to Sex Offenders (Amendment No 2) (Jersey) Law 201-, the Panel noted that the Minister had encountered problems with this subject and had intended to split it into sections. A close eye was to be turned to the propositions as they were lodged. | MR |
Item 28.04.14 516/1(51) | 8 | 9. Criminal Justice (Young Offenders) (Jersey) Law 201- Following the presentation by Senator B. I. Le Marquand, Minister for Home Affairs, the Chief Officer of the Home Affairs Department and the Senior Manager of the Jersey Financial Services Commission in relation to a proposition relating to Criminal Justice (Young Offenders) (Jersey) Law 201-, the Panel agreed that it had no concerns which indicated that a review was needed. This was to be confirmed when the proposition was lodged. | MR |
Item 28.04.14 | 9 | 10. Rehabilitation of Offenders (Exceptions) (Amendments) (Jersey) Regulations 201-. |
516/1(51) | Following the presentation by Senator B. I. Le Marquand, Minister for Home Affairs, and the Chief Officer of the Home Affairs Department in relation to a proposition relating to Rehabilitation of Offenders (Exceptions) (Amendments) (Jersey) Regulations 201-, the Panel agreed that it had no concerns which indicated that a review was needed. This was to be confirmed when the proposition was lodged. | MR |
| 11. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled to take place at 9.30am on 2nd June 2014 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Buildings. | MR |