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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 24th February 2014 Meeting No: 47
Present | Connétable S. W. Pallett, Chairman Connétable M. P. S. Le Troquer, Vice Chairman |
Apologies |
In attendance | M. Robbins, Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on 4th February 2014 were approved and signed. There were no matters arising. |
516/1(51) | 2. Work Programme of the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture. The Panel welcomed the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture and the Chief Executive Officer and received a briefing on the Minister's work programme for the next nine months. The meeting was held in private in accordance with Article 3.2.1(a)(xiii) and (xiv) of the Code of Practice on Access to Official Information. |
516/1(51) | 3. Work Programme of the Minister for Home Affairs The Panel noted the Home Affairs work programme, as supplied in a private briefing by the Minister for Home Affairs on 13th February 2014. The meeting was held in private in accordance with Article 3.2.1(a)(xiii) and (xiv) of the Code of Practice on Access to Official Information. Consideration was given, in turn to numerous topics of current interest to the Minister. |
Item 1 28.10.13 516/37 | 4. Control of Public Entertainment The Panel considered the position in relation to public entertainment and agreed that this was of low priority. The Panel would not undertake a review of Public Entertainment at this time. |
516/18(4) | 5. Mathematic Provision Review The Panel noted that the Education Minister had undertaken an external review into the provision of Mathematics in Jersey (Jersey DfESC Mathematics Review 2013 by Angle Education Solutions) and that all the recommendations contained within the review were being actioned. In view of that, the Panel considered that a Scrutiny Review would not add value to the process at this time. |
516/36(1) | 6. Passports The Panel considered P.14/2014, Draft Passports (False Statements and Forgery)(Jersey) Law 201- which had been lodged au Greffe' on 6th February 2014 and was due for debate in the States on 1st April 2014. It was agreed that there were specific areas of concern to the Panel and that a review was needed. It was further agreed that there | MR |
| was little time for such a review and that any conclusions may have amounted to comments in response to P.14 rather than a full scrutiny report. Scoping and Terms of Reference were to be drafted. |
516/18(1) | 7. Child Care Registration The Panel noted that the Education, Sport and Culture Minister had offered the provision of a nursery service and had also provided the regulatory authority for that service. It was considered that was a direct conflict. A scrutiny review was to bring the matter to public attention and establish recommendations on how the Minister was to resolve the unacceptable position. Scoping documents were to be drafted. | MR |
Item 5 12.03.12 516/18(2) | 8. Youth Service The Panel noted that the Youth Service had undergone significant rationalisation following the Comprehensive Spending Review. It considered that this was the correct time to undertake a review to establish how the cuts imposed by the Minister's decisions had impacted on the provision of service. | MR |
516/18(3) | 9. Trackers Apprenticeship Schemes. There were problems recognised by the Panel in terms of the availability of places in trade vocational courses. There was interest in how the Ministers policy dealt with individuals at the end of their training. It was considered that there could be a review for the Panel in this subject area and scoping documents were to be drafted. | MR |
Item 4 09.09.13. 516/1(51) | 10. Draft Explosives (Jersey) Law 201- The Panel recognised that there were numerous questions that needed answering in relation to the proposed new law. A review would be necessary to deal with the issues. The Chairman was to liaise with the Officer to prepare scoping documents and Terms of Reference. The Committee des Connétable s was to be contacted to establish its position in relation to the draft law. | SP / MR MR |
Item 2 10.06.13 516/34 | 11. H.M.P. La Moye Prison The Panel recognised that there may have been some issues needing attention relating to the Prison but that these matters would be dealt with at the next quarterly public hearing with the Minister for Home Affairs. | MR |
Item 5 19.12.13 516/32 | 12. Introduction of Tasers The Panel considered P.18/2014, Tasers: deployment and use in Jersey by the States of Jersey Police, lodged au Greffe' on 17th February 2014 and due for debate in the States on 1st April 2014. In recognition that a scrutiny review had been undertaken on this subject by the previous Panel, the recommendations contained within the scrutiny report that had been accepted by the Minister, had been compared against P.18/2014 to ensure inclusion. It was established that all were included. The Panel agreed that comments in response to the proposition were to be drafted. | MR |
| 13. Date of next meeting The next meeting was scheduled for 0930hrs on 17th March 2014 in | MR |
| the Blampied Room. |