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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 31 March 2014

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   31st March 2014 Meeting No:  51



Connétable S. W. Pallett, Chairman Connétable M. P. S. Le Troquer, Vice Chairman Connetable S. Rennard



In attendance

M. Robbins, Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back


Agenda matter




1.  Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on 17th March 2014 were approved and signed. There were no matters arising.


Item 27.03.14



2.  Draft Explosives (Jersey) Law 201-

The Panel had held a hearing into the Draft Explosives Law on 24th March  with  the  Minister  for  Home  Affairs.  The  dialogue  induced significant movement from the Minister in the wording of some of the articles within the draft that the Panel had issues with.

The Panel also held a hearing on Thursday 27th March with the Bomb Disposal Expert and Explosives Licensing Officer who deal with the Explosives Law on a day to day basis.

The Panel noted that arrangements had been made for it to attend at the meeting of the Comité Des Connétable s on 7th April 2014 at Trinity Parish Hall .

Panel / MR

Item 24.03.14



3.  P.14/2014, Draft Passports (False Statements and Forgery) (Jersey) Law 201-

The Panel noted that scoping documents had been approved by the Chairmen's Committee.

On  Monday  24th  March  2014,  the  Minister  for  Home  Affairs  had




attended a productive hearing with the Panel. During this hearing the Minister  had  moved  significantly  on  issues  that  the  Panel  had




concerns with.

The Panel required that heads of report be drafted.


Item 17.03.14



4.  Introduction of Tasers

The  Panel  noted  the  response  from  the  Minister  of  Home  Affairs relating to the amount of times firearms had been deployed over the last three years. It had nothing to add at that time.  


Item  5 17.03.14

5.  Police User Pays

The Panel noted there was no change in the status of this topic.


Item  7 17.03.14

6.  Draft Criminal Justice (Young Offenders) Law 201-. The Panel noted there was no change in the status of this topic.


Item  8 17.03.14

7.  Sex Offenders Law Amendments.

The Panel noted there was no change in the status of this topic.


Item  9 17.03.14

8.  Rehabilitation of Offenders

On recalling that the Minister for Home Affairs had agreed to supply the Panel with all papers on this matter, the Panel noted that the Minister had not completed his work in this area and could not supply the details at that time. It requested that a briefing on the matter be provided by the Minister at his convenience.


Item  10 17.03.14

9.  Armed Forces Covenant.

The Panel noted that they were awaiting further information from the Home Affairs Minister relating to how and when the Armed Forces Covenant was to be presented.



10.  Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister For Education, Sport and Culture.

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture and the Director - Education, Sport & Culture to a public hearing at which the following topics were discussed:

  • Underspends;
  • Adopt and Adapt policies.
  • Exam Results.
  • ESC Review of the Structure of Secondary Education.
  • Replacing Les Quennevais School.
  • A 50 Meter pool in Jersey.
  • The Future of Fort regent.
  • An artificial Pitch at Springfield.
  • The Island Games
  • Succession Planning.
  • The Youth Service.
  • Trackers Apprentice programme.
  • Child Care Regulation and registration.

The hearing was recorded and transcripts of the proceedings were to be placed on the Scrutiny Website.


Item  13 17.03.14


11.  Child Care Registration

Following the quarterly public hearing with the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture, the Panel decided that there was scope for a review into this subject which it would consider in more detail at its next meeting.


Item  14 17.03.14


12.  Youth Service

The Panel noted that due to unavoidable delays due to sickness at the Youth Service, the research was not complete. The Panel looked forward to information at its next meeting.


Item  15

13.  Trackers Apprenticeship Schemes.


17.03.14 516/18(3)

It was agreed that a review into the Trackers Apprentice Programme could add value to the Minister's policies. Scoping Documents were to be drafted with Terms of Reference for the Panel to consider.


Item  16 17.03.14

14.  Intellectual Property Rights

The Panel noted a briefing document but considered it needed a briefing from the Department. This was to be arranged for the next scheduled meeting.



15.  Date of next meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for 9.00am on 14th April 2014 in the Blampied Room.