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Environment - Approved Panel Minutes - 30 May 2014

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Environment Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 30th May 2014 Meeting No: 65



Deputy J. Young, Chairman Deputy S. Luce (Vice chairman) Deputy J. Le Bailly

Connétable P. Rondel





In attendance

Mr. M. Orbell, Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of meetings

The Minutes of the meetings held on 8th and 28th April and 6th May 2014 were approved and signed.



2. Draft Planning and Building (Amendment No. 6) (Jersey) Law 201-

The Panel noted a briefing paper from the Panel Chairman on the proposed amendment to legislation (P.94/2014)  in respect of the planning appeals process. Matters raised included concerns about the informality of the Planning Applications Panel, and whether its constitution was appropriate. Members discussed whether a Scrutiny review was an option; it was agreed that while it might be desirable, there was no realistic possibility of completing a report in time for the debate.  The  Panel  agreed  that  the  best  way  forward  in  the circumstances was for the Chairman to lodge an amendment to the proposition in his capacity as a Private Member.


8.04.14 Item 2


3. Compulsory wearing of cycle helmets

The Panel noted a submission received from TRL Limited (known as the Transport Research Laboratory) and agreed to appoint TRL as advisers to the review. It was considered that a visit to the Island would  add  credibility  as  well  as  giving  them  the  opportunity  to discuss issues directly with stakeholders; the Scrutiny Officer was asked to discuss this with the advisers and add it to their work programme if possible. Suggestions were made regarding aspects of the terms of reference and it was agreed to pass these on to the advisers. It was noted that given the strictly limited time available for the  review,  it  would  not  be  practical  to  attempt  full  public consultation, so the aim would be to contact relevant stakeholders wherever possible to obtain relevant evidence.



Item 4 8.04.14


4. Radon

The Panel noted the final draft report from the adviser and received an oral update on progress with the draft Panel report. It was agreed that the Scrutiny Officer should maintain contact with the adviser and ask for comments on the Panel's draft report when this was ready; it was noted that there would be some additional cost to this over and



above the price originally quoted by the adviser, but this would still be covered within the overall budget allocated for the review. When complete the report would be circulated to Panel members by email.  



5. Forthcoming meetings

Private briefing with the Minister for Transport and Technical Services:  2.00pm  on  Friday  30th  May  2014,  Transport  and Technical Services Department Committee Room, South Hill