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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 4 December 2014

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 4th December 2014



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman Deputy T. McDonald





In attendance

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1.  Record of Meetings

The Panel noted the record of the meeting held on 20th November 2014. It requested a minor change to the text under item 3 "working practices" to include reference to reviewing policy in preparation. The Officer advised that the amendment would be made and the final record could be signed by the Chairman at the Panel's next meeting.



2.  Respite Care for Adults

The Panel agreed to undertake a review into Respite Care for Adults and requested the Officers to draft a Scoping Document. The Panel advised that Deputy J. Hilton had expressed an interest in being co- opted onto the Panel for the review. The Officers advised that the Deputy would be contacted to confirm.

The Panel noted that it would be meeting the Chairman of the Special Needs Advisory Panel (SNAP) on 12th December 2014 at 10:30. The Panel  agreed to  meet at  10:15am  so  that  it could  prepare for  the meeting.


20/11/14 Item 5 517/1/1(6)

3.  Quarterly Hearing Schedule

The  Panel  noted  and  confirmed  its  Quarterly  Hearing  schedule  for 2015. The Officer advised that meeting requests would be sent to the Panel in due course.

The  Panel  requested  that  key  issues  for  Quarterly  Hearings  were included  on  every  agenda.  It  was  agreed  that  specific  areas  of questioning  would  be  agreed  at  every  Panel  meeting  prior  to  the Quarterly Hearing. In that regard, the Panel agreed to discuss and prepare for its Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services scheduled for 2nd February on 29th January 2014.

The Panel also agreed that if there were to be a specific issue arising prior to a Quarterly Hearing, it would request an initial response from the Minister.




4.  Voluntary and Community Sector Partnership

The Panel noted an email from the Chairman of the Voluntary and



Community Sector Partnership, Mr. J. Hopley. Within the email, it was noted that Mr. Hopley had offered a meeting with the Panel to talk about any relevant issues within its remit. The Panel agreed that this may be beneficial for its review of adult respite care and requested the Officer to arrange a meeting for as soon as possible.



5.  Adaptation of Buildings (topic proposal)

The  Panel  noted  a  topic  proposal  from  a  member  of  the  public regarding adaptation of buildings for people with disabilities. The Panel noted  that  the  proposal  had  also  been  sent  to  the  Environment, Housing,  Transport  and  Technical  Services  Scrutiny  Panel  for  its consideration as the matter crossed over both Panels.

The Panel noted that the Chief Minister's Department was currently undertaking work on a Disability Strategy. The Chairman advised that an email would be sent to Senator P. Routier, Assistant Minister with responsibility for Social Policy asking for an update.

The Panel requested the Officer to advise the member of the public that a  review  would  not  be  considered  immediately  due  to  the  work undertaken by the Executive. Furthermore, the Panel would question both the Minister for Social Security and Minister for Health and Social Services during its Quarterly Hearings.



6.  Pubs and the Licensed Trade in Jersey (topic proposal)

The  Panel  noted  a  topic  proposal  from  a  member  of  the  public regarding pubs and the licensed trade in Jersey. The Panel agreed that the matter was more suited to the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel, which had also already received the proposal and requested the Officer to reply to the member of public accordingly.



7.  Trading  Standards  and  the  Citizen's  Advice  Bureau  (topic proposal

The  Panel  noted  a  topic  proposal  from  a  member  of  the  public regarding  the  Trading  Standards  Department  and  Citizen's  Advice Bureau. The Panel agreed that the matter was more suited to the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel, which had also already received the proposal and requested the Officer to reply to the member of the public accordingly.



8.  Hospital Appointments and Waiting Lists (topic proposal)

The  Panel  noted  a  topic  proposal  from  a  member  of  the  public regarding hospital appointments and the effect on waiting lists. The Panel agreed that, although it would not be a review topic, it would follow up waiting lists in the first Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services scheduled for 2nd February 2014.

The Panel requested the Officer to advise the member of the public accordingly.



9.  Income Support Sanctions

The Panel noted a topic proposal from Deputy M. Tadier regarding income support sanctions and the appeals process for individuals. The Panel agreed that it would raise the issue with the Minister for Social Security at its introductory meeting on 16th December 2014 in order to obtain further clarification and information.



The Panel requested the Officer to advise Deputy Tadier accordingly.



10. Suicide and Self-Harming

The  Panel  noted  a  topic  proposal  from  a  member  of  the  public regarding suicide and self-harm. The Panel agreed that this was a topical issue as there appeared to be very high rates of suicide in Jersey.

The Panel requested the Officer to contact the Health Department to find  out  what,  if  any,  initiatives  were  being  developed  in  order  to address this issue.


20/11/14 Item 10 510/1(3)

11. Visit to Westminster

The Panel was advised that UK Officials had been contacted to arrange a visit to Westminster and the London Assembly. The potential dates identified for a visit were 13th, 20th or 27th January 2015. It was noted that the 20th and 27th would not be possible due to a States sitting and Scrutiny Chairman training. It was agreed that the only suitable date would be 13th January, however, Deputy G. Southern advised that he was likely to be away on this date. It was agreed that the Deputy would advise the Officers on the exact dates he was away in due course.


20/11/14 Item 7 517/1/1(1)

12. Work Programme

The Panel recalled that it had identified several potential review topics at its last meeting. It agreed that, as well as a review into respite care for adults, it was likely to review the forthcoming sex discrimination regulations. It requested the Officers to obtain more information on this topic, and confirm when the regulations would be lodged in 2015.



13. Questions without notice

The Panel received a list of when questions without notice would be held in 2015 for the Minister for Social Security and Minister for Health and  Social  Services.  It  was  agreed  that  these  may  assist  when developing questions for Quarterly Hearings.

The Panel requested the Officers to add, when appropriate, dates of when questions without notice would be held in the Assembly to its Agendas.


01/12/14 Item 1 517/1/1(3)

14. Introductory Meeting: Minister for Health and Social Services

The Panel discussed the introductory meeting with the Minister for Health and Social Services and his Assistant Ministers which was held on 1st December 2014. It agreed that the meeting had been very useful and looked forward to having a good working relationship with the Minister.


20/11/14 Item 9 510/1(3)

15. Scrutiny Training

The  Panel  agreed  that  the  Scrutiny  Training  held  on  2nd  and  3rd December  had  been  very  useful,  and  had  added  to  Members' knowledge and understanding of the Scrutiny process.

The Panel agreed that, as discussed at the training, it would aim to produce short and precise reports at the end of reviews.



16. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next Panel meeting would be held on Thursday



18th December in the Le Capelain room, States Building.

The Panel also noted that its introductory meeting with the Minister for Social Security would be held on December 16th 2014 at 2:30pm – 3:30pm.