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PAC - Approved Minutes - 23rd June 2014

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Public Accounts Committee

Record of Meeting

Date: 23rd June 2014 Meeting No: 49



Deputy T. Vallois, Chairman Senator S.C. Ferguson Deputy G.C.L. Baudains Mr. I. Ridgeway

Mr. R. Parker


Deputy R. Rondel Mr. J. Mills, C.B.E.



In attendance

Mrs. K .McConnell, Comptroller and Auditor General

Mr. I. Clarkson, Officer to the Public Accounts Committee


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1.  Records of Meetings

The record of the meeting held on 2nd June 2014 was approved and signed.


Item 2 28.04.14

2.  Conflicts of Interest

No conflicts of interest were declared.


Item 3 02.06.14


3.  Grant to Canbedone Productions Limited  

The Committee noted that the Chief Minister's Department had been contacted  regarding  the  anticipated  additional  response  to  the Committee's supplementary report. It was now anticipated that the additional response would be forwarded to the Committee prior to the end of July 2014.

The  Committee  recalled  that  on  17th  June  2014  the  Minister  for

Economic Development had advised the States Assembly that he would –

be making a statement to Members about the exact position that we  are  in  with  regard  to  this  particular  film  and  investment funding.'

The Committee noted the position and resolved to await the statement.


Item 4 02.06.14


4.  Working Practices

The Committee noted that the matter of digital first working was being actively  progressed  by  the  Scrutiny  Manager  and  the  Chairmen's Committee  in  conjunction  with  the  Privileges  and  Procedures Committee. An update on progress would be provided in due course.

On  a  related  matter,  the  Committee  noted  that  individual  Scrutiny Panels  were  broadly  content  with  the  structure  and  quality  of departmental responses to initial information requests.

Chair- man / IC

Item 11 02.06.14

1443/10 (60)

5  Internal Audit Review

The Committee considered transcripts of the public hearings held on 2nd June 2014 with the following witnesses in attendance –

The Chief Executive, States of Jersey The Treasurer of the States

The Chief Internal Auditor

The Committee concluded that the hearings had tended to increase the Committee's level of concern in a number of areas including, but not exclusive to

  1. the organisational approach to risk,
  2. the manner in which internal audit planning was executed,
  3. the application of Public Sector Internal Audit Standards to the States of Jersey.

The Committee noted that the C&AG was minded to include in her audit plan a further review of the Internal Audit function for 2015.

The  Committee  instructed  its  officer  to  prepare  a  draft  report  for consideration at the Committee's next scheduled meeting.


Item 1 13.06.14

1443/10 (57)

6.  Draft Comptroller and Auditor General (Jersey) Law 201-

The Committee noted that the draft Comptroller and Auditor General (Jersey) Law 201- was scheduled for debate during July 2014.


Item 7 02.06.14


7.  Integrated Care Records

The Committee, having considered a further draft of its final report, confirmed that it was content with the format and content of the same.

The Committee instructed its officer to forward the body of the report to key witnesses for comment in accordance with the Code of Practice for Scrutiny and the Public Accounts Committee. It further resolved to meet and consider comments as soon as possible following receipt.


Item 8 02.06.14


8.  Comptroller and Auditor General: work programme

 The Committee received an oral update on progress against the audit plan.


Item 6 13.01.14


9.  Comptroller and Auditor General: review of governance of States of Jersey Pension Schemes

The Committee noted a report on the governance of States of Jersey Pension Schemes.



10.  Comptroller and Auditor General: review of Housing Department maintenance

The Committee noted a draft project specification for a review of housing maintenance.


Item 13 02.06.14

11.  Future meetings

The Committee noted its remaining meeting dates in 2014 as follows - Monday 18th August

Monday 15th September


Signed  Date: ..


Public Accounts Committee