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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 15 June 2015

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:  15th June 2015



Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré, Chairman

Deputy S.J. Brée, Vice-Chairman

Connétable C.H. Taylor [Apologies for Items 1 to 10] Deputy K.C. Lewis





In attendance

Senator A.J.H Maclean, Minister for Treasury and Resources (Item 11 only)

Mr P. Bradbury, Director, Corporate Policy, Chief Minister's Department (Item 11 only)

Mr R. Foster, Director of Estates, Jersey Property Holdings

Mr. T. Oldham , Scrutiny Manager [Item 11 only] Mr W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer [Items 1 to 10] Mrs J. Hales , Scrutiny Officer [Items 1 to 10]


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Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The records of the meetings held on 26th May and 1st and 2nd June 2015 were approved.


Item 2 11.06.15


2. Review of the MTFP

The Panel considered a project plan for its review of the new Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP). The Panel was informed that, further to discussions at the Chairmen's Committee, it was suggested that each Scrutiny Panel would be asked to undertake work on the MTFP and to feed back the results of that work to the Panel. It was agreed that it would  be  beneficial  to  provide  the  other  Scrutiny  Panels  with  a framework of topic areas that could be used to structure their work. In that regard, the Panel was advised that, during the review of the first MTFP in 2012, a list of questions for use by all Scrutiny Panels had been developed. It was agreed that, in the first instance, consideration would be given to that list of questions as a means of developing the framework and that assistance in its development would be sought from the Panel's expert advisors.

It was agreed that it would be beneficial for other Scrutiny Panels to have completed their work on the MTFP by the end of July 2015 in order that the Panel might reasonably benefit from that work. Noting that this might potentially represent a challenge for some Panels, given their other workload, it was agreed to communicate this expectation to the other Panels in order that any potential issues could be identified.

The Panel was advised that the Council of Ministers would consider the draft MTFP at its meeting on 18th June 2015. It was noted that the relevant paperwork might therefore potentially be available for Panel




consideration subsequent to that meeting and it was therefore agreed to meet at 9:30am on 22nd June 2015 to consider the paperwork. It was also agreed, however, that if the paperwork had not been received in time for that meeting the Panel would instead met at 11:30am on 25th June  2015. The  Panel  was  advised  that,  in  accordance  with  the timetable received from the Department of Treasury and Resources, a briefing for all States Members on the draft MTFP would be provided on 26th June 2015 (ahead of the lodging of the draft MTFP on 30th June 2015).

The Panel noted that it would meet the Fiscal Policy Panel at 1:00pm on 18th June 2015.

Consideration was given to the arrangement of public hearings. It was agreed that, in the first instance, the Chief Minister and the Minister for Treasury and Resources would be invited to public hearings.

Consideration was subsequently given to the timetable for the drafting and presentation of the Panel's report. It was agreed that it would potentially be beneficial if, prior to the presentation of a Scrutiny Report, the Panel presented at an earlier stage comments on the draft MTFP with a focus on income forecasts.



Item 5 01.06.15


3. Transfer of Functions

The Panel noted that the Scoping Document and Terms of Reference for its review of Draft States of Jersey (Transfer of Functions No.8) (Miscellaneous Transfers) (Jersey) Regulations 201- (P.46/2015) had been forwarded for ratification by the Chairmen's Committee. It was further noted that correspondence would in due course be despatched to the Chief Minister to advise him of the Panel's review. The Panel was informed that the Panel's advisors had been in contact and that, once  the  Chief  Minister  had  been  informed  of  the  Panel's  review, arrangements would be made for the advisors to come to Jersey to hold meetings with stakeholders.


Item 6 01.06.15

4. Public Sector Pensions

The Panel noted that a conference call with the prospective advisors to its review of public sector pension reform would take place during the lunchtime adjournment of the States Assembly on 23rd June 2015. The Scrutiny Officers were requested to circulate, ahead of the call, copies of Public Sector Pension Reform – Supplementary Report (SR13/2014).


Item 7 01.06.15


5. Public Finances (Jersey) Law – Amendment No.3

The Panel was advised that contractual arrangements with the expert advisor for its review of  Draft Public Finances (Amendment of Law No.3) (Jersey) Regulations 201- (P.57/2015) were almost completed. It was noted that written advice from the advisor would subsequently be provided, with comments on P.57/2015 then to be drafted.



6. Public Sector Reform

The Panel considered what work it would undertake in respect of public sector reform. It was agreed to defer consideration of this matter until work on the Panel's current reviews had been completed.



7. Work Programme

The Panel noted the status of its work programme for 2015.



8. Future Hospital

The Panel considered what work it would undertake in respect of the future hospital. The Panel was informed that the Chairman had been in discussion with the Chairman of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel and it was apparent that the other Panel would look to review the matter. It was suggested that joint working of some kind between the two Panels on this subject might be beneficial; the Panel discussed whether this would be appropriate. The Panel was advised that, during the 2011 to 2014 session, work on the future hospital had seen the then Chairman of the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel co-opted on to the Health, Social Security and Housing (HSSH) Scrutiny Panel of the time for the HSSH Panel's hospital review, whilst the Corporate Services Panel of the time had taken responsibility for reviewing the proposed funding mechanism for the Hospital Project. It was noted that the Chairman would continue his discussions with the Chairman of the Health and Social Security Panel on this matter. It was agreed to request from the Minister for Treasury and Resources an update on the funding options for the Hospital Project.


Item 8 01.06.15

9. Ministerial Decisions

The Panel noted that there were no significant Ministerial Decisions which  had  recently  been  made  and  which  required  the  Panel's attention.



10. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place at 9:30am on 29th June 2015.


Item 1 12.06.15


11. Jersey International Finance Centre

The Panel welcomed Senator A.J.H Maclean, Minister for Treasury and Resources,  the  Director  of  Corporate  Policy  Chief  Minister's Department and the Director of Estates Jersey Property Holdings to a Public Hearing. The Hearing was recorded and transcribed.