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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 24 August 2015

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:  24th August 2015



Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré, Chairman Deputy K.C. Lewis

Connétable C.H. Taylor


Deputy S.J. Brée, Vice-Chairman



In attendance

Mrs J. Hales , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The record of the meeting held on 4th August 2015 was approved. The record was signed accordingly.


Item 1 20.08.15


2. Jersey International Finance Centre

The Panel noted correspondence from HSBC dated 18th August 2015 in response to its recent request for disclosure of information. The Panel requested the officer follow up to ascertain the status of receiving the documents requesting a response by Thursday 27th August 2015.

The Panel recalled a meeting with Mr R. Foster, Director of Estates, Jersey Property Holdings and its advisor EY where it was disclosed that the Minister for Treasury and Resources had requested an independent appraisal be carried out on the site of the Jersey International Finance Centre. The Panel enquired as to the status of this appraisal and requested the officer follow up and provide an update.

The  Panel  discussed  the  possibility  of  a  presentation  to  all  States Members in early October 2015, depending on the publication date of its report. The Panel agreed to discuss this further at its next scheduled meeting.



Item 1 05/08/15


3. Review of the MTFP 2016 - 2019

The Panel agreed to meet on Friday 28th August 2015 to discuss possible amendments to the MTFP. The Panel requested its advisor, Mr M. Oliver from MJO Consulting be asked to attend the meeting. The Panel was advised that the budget for MJO Consulting had recently been increased by 5 days at a cost of £3,500 to allow for additional unbudgeted work. The Panel was further advised this increased budget would not, therefore, cover attendance at the proposed meeting. With this in mind, the Panel agreed to ask the advisor to attend for one hour of the meeting and approved the increase in budget for this time, should it be required. The Panel was informed that Deputy S.J. Brée had sent a draft list of amendments to the officer which would be circulated to the Panel prior to the meeting on Friday.

The  Panel  discussed  the  upcoming  hearings  with  the  Minister  for Treasury  and  Resources  and  the  Chief  Minister  on  7th  September



2015. The Panel agreed the areas of questioning should be centered around its intended amendments and confirmed that it would discuss areas for the question plan once it had held its meeting on 28th August 2015.

The Panel agreed to offer a presentation to all States Members on 5th October 2015, the day before the MTFP debate. The Panel requested the officer look into suitable venues for this date.


Item 2 07/08/15


4. Transfer of Functions

The Panel noted the upcoming Public Hearings with the Minister for Education,  Sport  and  Culture  and  the  Minister  for  Economic Development on 17th September 2015.

The Panel discussed the recent oral evidence received from its advisor, Concerto regarding the transfer of Jersey Property Holdings from the Department of Treasury and Resources to the Department of Transport and Technical Services. The Panel agreed to have a follow up call with its advisor and requested a call be arranged for the afternoon of Friday 25th September 2015.

The Panel recalled the report it had received from Mr M. Foot regarding the transfer of functions of the financial and banking sector from the Minister for Economic Development to the Chief Minister. The Panel requested this report be circulated for discussion at its next scheduled meeting.



Item 3 13/07/15


5. PFL Amendment 3

The Panel recalled the Draft Public Finances (Amendment of Law No.3) (Jersey) Regulations 201- (P.57/2015) which was currently lodged and due to be debated on 22nd September 2015. The Panel was advised that these Draft Regulations were due to be withdrawn and a revised set lodged in their stead. The Panel was further advised that a briefing had been arranged on 15th September 2015 by the Department of Community and Constitutional Affairs to discuss the new Regulations. The Panel requested the revised draft regulations be circulated together with a document noting what the changes were in comparison to the original set of Regulations.



6. Ministerial Decisions

The Panel noted the Ministerial Decisions to date and requested MD- TR-2015-0093 Budget Transfers: Liquid Waste Strategy be circulated.



7. Extradition (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 201-

The Panel noted the Draft Law due to be lodged by the Chief Minister on 8th September 2015 with a proposed debate date of 20th October 2015. The Panel requested a letter be drafted to the Chief Minister stating its current work load and informing of the possibility of the Panel asking for this item to be deferred, should Scrutiny be required. The Panel also requested a briefing be arranged for some time after 22nd September  2015  for  further  clarification  of  the  Draft  Law  and  its implications. The Panel agreed for the officer to liaise directly with the Chairman regarding approval of the letter.



7. Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled Panel Meeting to be held on 7th



September  2015  at  9.30am  in  Blampied  Room,  States  Building  to include a Public Hearing on the MTFP with the Minister for Treasury and Resources and the Chief Minister.