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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 29 June 2015

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:  29th June 2015



Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré, Chairman Deputy S.J. Brée, Vice-Chairman Connétable C.H. Taylor

Deputy K.C. Lewis





In attendance

Senator P.F. Routier MBE, Assistant Chief Minister [Item 3 only] Dr L. Diggle, Head of Healthcare Programmes [Item 3 only]

Mr P. Bradbury, Director of Corporate Policy [Item 3 only]

Mr. T. Oldham , Scrutiny Manager [Item 2 only]

Mrs J. Hales , Scrutiny Officer

Mr W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer [Items 3 - 10]


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Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The records of the meetings held on 8th, 10th, 12th, 15th and 18th June 2015 were approved and accordingly signed.


Item 3 23.06.15


2. Jersey International Finance Centre (JIFC)

The Panel considered draft correspondence and advice in relation to its ongoing matter of accessing three commercially confidential contracts; the  pre-let  agreement  between  SoJDC  and  UBS;  the  funding agreement between SoJDC and HSBC; and the construction contract between SoJDC and Camerons. It was agreed that in the first instance the  Panel's  adviser,  Ernst  Young,  should  proceed  to  sign  a  non- disclosure  agreement  to  allow  them  to  receive  the  outstanding confidential  information  from  the  States  of  Jersey  Development Company in order to be able complete their report. Once that report, redacted  as  necessary  within  the  terms  of  the  non-disclosure agreement, was received by the Panel it would consider the next steps of its Review, including with regard to its own requirement to obtain the confidential documentation as outlined.

It was further agreed to request from the adviser confirmation of the full list  of  documentation  that  it  required  from  the  States  of  Jersey Development Company within the non-disclosure agreement, and for the adviser to provide ongoing updates on the receipt of that information in order that the Panel was informed as to the progress being made.




3. P.55/2015 Draft Register of Names and Addresses (Comparison with Electoral Registers) (Jersey) Regulations 201- and P.56/2015 Draft  Register  of  Names  and  Addresses  (Access  for  Medical Purposes) (Jersey) Regulations 201-

The  Panel  welcomed  Senator  P.F.  Routier  MBE,  Assistant  Chief Minister, Dr L. Diggle, Head of Healthcare Programmes, and Mr P. Bradbury, Director of Corporate Policy to a briefing on P.55/2015,



Draft Register of Names and Addresses (Comparison with Electoral Registers) (Jersey) Regulations 201- and P.56/2015, Draft Register of Names  and  Addresses  (Access  for  Medical  Purposes)  (Jersey) Regulations 201-.

The Panel was advised that a proposition had been lodged by the Chief Minister which would allow the Register of Names and Addresses to be accessed  by  Health  and  Social  Services  and  the  Privileges  and Procedures Committee (PPC). The proposed regulations would allow Health and Social Services access to the register for the purposes of following up on health screening procedures and allow PPC to consider how the Electoral Register compared with relevant data on the Register of Names and Addresses.

The Panel was informed that PPC would be undertaking a pilot scheme which  would  help  provide  a  clear  picture  to  the  alignment  of,  and discrepancies between, the Register of Names and Addresses and the Electoral Register. The pilot scheme would involve 3 Parishes.

The Panel asked if clarification could be given around some of the wording in P.55/2015 as it did not appear to clearly indicate that the information extracted from the register would be used solely for the pilot scheme. The Panel was informed that the Chief Minister's Department would follow up this request in writing.


Item 2 23.06.15


4. Review of the MTFP – 2016 - 2019

The  Panel  considered  the  framework  and  communication  plan  for circulation to all Scrutiny Panel Chairmen. The Panel requested the framework be circulated to its advisers for approval and it was agreed the  Chairman  would  liaise  directly  with  the  officer  regarding  any amendments to the communication plan. The Panel agreed it would circulate the framework to all Scrutiny Panel Chairmen by 13th July 2015. The Panel also considered the interim reports from its advisers. The Panel noted an all States Members briefing on the MTFP would take place on 10th July 2015 at St Paul's Centre.


Item 2 23.06.15


5. Public Finance (Jersey) Law – Amendment No. 3

The Panel was advised that its expert adviser had prepared a report on Draft Public Finances (Amendment of Law No.3) (Jersey) Regulations 201- (P.57/2015) and that a copy of the report would be circulated for the Panel's consideration. It was noted that comments on P.57/2015 would  be  drafted  for  Panel  consideration  and,  subject  to  approval, presentation to the States. Consideration was given to the prospective content of the comments.


Item 6 23.06.15


6. Transfer of Functions

The Panel was advised that arrangements would be made for its expert advisers to visit Jersey on 23rd and 24th July 2015 in order to hold meetings with relevant officers from the Executive. It was agreed that the Panel would meet the advisers on 24th July 2015 once the advisers had undertaken their series of meetings. It was noted that, subsequent to this visit, arrangements would be made for the advisers to return during the week beginning 3rd August 2015 in order that the advisers' oral report could be provided to the Panel.

The Panel was informed that transfers had reportedly taken place within the machinery of government of the Isle of Man, including in relation to



property services and culture. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to undertake research into the matter.

The Panel noted that the debate on Draft States of Jersey (Transfer of Functions No.8) (Miscellaneous Transfers) (Jersey) Regulations 201- (P.46/2015) had been deferred to 6th October 2015 in line with the Chairman's request to the Chief Minister.


Item 1 23.06.15

7. Public Sector Pension Reform (PECRS)

The Panel, recalling its agreement to undertake a review of proposed changes  to  public  sector  pension  provision  and  its  telephone conversation  with  BWCI  Consulting  Limited,  was  advised  that  draft scoping material was being prepared and would be circulated in due course for Panel consideration and approval.



8. Possible JT and Airtel Merger

The Panel noted a briefing from Jersey Telecom on Friday 3rd July 2015 at 2.30pm.



9. Ministerial Decisions

The Panel requested the full report for MD-PH-2015-0056 – Overdale Hospital, Grant of drainage rights for Hillcrest Development, Westmount Road be circulated.



10. Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting would take place on 13th July 2015 at 9.30am in Le Capelain Room, States Building.