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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 6 November 2015

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:  6th November 2015  



Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré, Chairman Deputy S.M. Brée, Vice-Chairman Deputy K.C. Lewis

Connétable C.H. Taylor





In attendance

Mr T. Walker , Chief Officer Community and Constitutional Affairs Mr A. Metcalfe, Head of Constitutional Affairs

Mr D. Dixon, Legal Advisor Law Officers Department

Mrs J. Hales , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter


Item 3 27.10.15


1.  Budget 2016

The Panel discussed its question plan in preparation for its hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources on 9th November 2015. The Panel made amendments and requested an updated question plan be circulated prior to its meeting scheduled for Monday 9th November 2015.


Item 4 27.10.15


2.  Jersey International Finance Centre

The Panel discussed the status of the challenge to the Summons which was  currently  being  reviewed  by  the  Privileges  and  Procedures Committee (PPC). The Panel requested a letter be drafted to PPC stating it was finalising its documentation and expected to be in position to issue a response by Friday 13th November 2015.



3.  Draft Extradition Law

The  Panel  welcomed  Mr  T.   Walker ,  Chief  Officer  Community  and Constitutional Affairs, Mr A. Metcalfe, Head of Constitutional Affairs and Mr D. Dixon, Legal Advisor Law Officers Department to give a briefing on the draft Extradition Law. Following the briefing, the Panel agreed it would contact the Department to confirm if further Scrutiny work would be required.


