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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 15th June 2015
Present | Deputy L. M. C. Doublet , Chairman Deputy J. M. Maçon, Vice-Chairman Deputy S. Y. Mezec Deputy J.A. Martin (Co-Opted Member for SEN Review, present from 1700hrs) |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Director of Education (in part) Assistant Director for Inclusion and Family Support (in part) Head of Special Education Needs (in part) Principal Educational Psychologist (in part) Mr M. Robbins, Scrutiny Officer Mr B. Lamb, Real Group. Mr J. Sevior, Real Group. |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
Item 6 10.06.15 516/42 | 1. Special Education Needs Provision At 1000hrs the Panel met to discuss and prepare for the events of the day. At 1330 the Panel met at Mont a l'Abbe School where they welcomed their advisors from Real Group Ltd. They met the Head Teacher and undertook a tour of the School. At 1700hrs the Panel and its advisors met to discuss and prepare for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture. At 1900hrs the Panel and its advisors met at St Paul's Centre and held a public meeting where it engaged with members of the public who presented information relating to the review. At 1930hrs the Panel and its advisors held a public hearing with the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture relating to the review. Also present was the Director of Education, the Assistant Director for Inclusion and Family Support, the Head of S.E.N. and the Principal Educational Psychologist. The proceedings were recorded and the transcripts published on the Scrutiny website. | MR MR |