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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 18th September 2015
Present | Deputy L. M. C. Doublet , Chairman Deputy J. M. Maçon, Vice-Chairman Deputy S. Y. Mezec |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Deputy K. L. Moore , Minister for Home Affairs Connetable D. W. Mezbourian , Assistant Minister for Home Affairs Mr T. Walker , Chief Officer, Community and Constitutional Affairs Mr M. James, Chief Fire Officer Mr B. Taylor , Deputy Chief Officer, States of Jersey Police Mrs E. Middleton, Finance Director, Home Affairs Mr M. Robbins, Scrutiny Officer. |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
Item 1 17.09.15 513/45 | 1. Medium Term Financial Plan The Panel received Deputy K. L. Moore , Minister for Home Affairs, Connetable D. W. Mezbourian , Assistant Minister for Home Affairs, Mr T. Walker , Chief Officer, Community and Constitutional Affairs, Mr M. James, Chief Fire Officer, Mr B. Taylor , Deputy Chief Officer, States of Jersey Police, Mrs E. Middleton, Finance Director, Home Affairs for a hearing where the Panel questioned the Minister on matters relating to the Medium Term Financial Plan. The hearing was recorded in order that a transcript could be made of the proceedings. The Panel then considered the evidence it had heard at the hearings with the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture and the Minister for Home Affairs. Whilst it was concerned over the manner in which certain information had been provided to the Panel, it agreed that the Home Affairs Minister appeared to have resolved the areas that had caused the Panel concerns and there was nothing for the Panel to do in that area. However, the Minister for education and Home affairs had allowed the Medium Term Financial Plan to remove £263,200 from his budget for 2015 after the impact of demographics had been taken into account. The Panel noted that as the Strategic Plan 2015-2018 held education as a strategic priority that required investment. Taking money out of education was considered to be contrary to that plan. The Panel agreed to lodge an amendment to P72/2015 Medium Term Financial Plan in order to try and recover that money for the department. | MR MR |
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