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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 9th November 2015
Present | Deputy L. M. C. Doublet , Chairman Deputy J. M. Maçon, Vice-Chairman |
Apologies | Deputy S. Y. Mezec |
Absent |
In attendance | Deputy R. Bryans, Minister for Education, Sport and Culture (Item 5 only) Mr J. Donovan, Director for Education (Item 5 only) Ms Tracy Mourant, Executive Officer, Communications, Education, Sport and Culture (Item 5 only) Keith Posner, Head of Planning and Projects, Education, Sport and Culture (Item 5 only) Mr M. Robbins, Scrutiny Officer. |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The minutes of the meetings held on the 13th July, 18th September, 1st and 12th October 2015 were approved for signing. |
Item 2 12.10.15 | 2. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest declared. |
| 3. Meeting Dates for 2016 This item was deferred to the next meeting. | MR |
516/1/1(3) | 4. Meeting between Chairman and Chief Officer of Constitutional Affairs The Chairman provided an oral report of the meeting between the Chairman and the Chief Officer of Constitutional Affairs. The main subject of the discussion was the inaccurate information provided to the Panel for the MTFP Public Hearing. The Chief Officer had explained that the information was correct when supplied but the problems outlined within the document had been managed out' prior to the hearing date. The Panel was undecided as to whether further action was to be taken in complaining about this behaviour. The matter was deferred to the next meeting in order that all Members were involved in the consideration. | MR |
Item 1 20.07.15 516/1/1(6) | 5. Education Sport and Culture Quarterly Public Hearing The Panel received Deputy R. Bryans, Minister for Education, Sport and Culture, and a team from his Department for a public hearing where the Panel questioned the Minister on various educational policies. The hearing was recorded in order that a transcript could be made of the proceedings. | MR |
Item 6 12.10.15 | 6. School Starting Age |
516/44 | The Chairman advised the Panel that work was continuing in a structured interview process of two prospective advisors who had been shortlisted. The Chairman was to interview candidates by phone and would advise the Panel when a decision was made. | LD/MR |
Item 7 12.10.15 516/43 | 7. Prison Board of Visitors The draft of the report was approved pending some minor amendments. The report was sent to the Home Affairs Department for factual checking following which it was to be published during the week commencing 23rd November 2015. The Panel noted the new appearance of the report and considered it to be more interesting to look at than previous reports. | SM/MR |
| 8. Future Meetings The next meeting was scheduled for 9.30am on Monday 7th December 2015 in the Blampied Room. | MR |