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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 16 April 2015

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 16th April 2015



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman

Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman Deputy T. McDonald

Deputy J. Hilton [Co-opted for Item 2]





In attendance

Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the record of its meeting held on 2nd April 2015. The Chairman thereby signed it accordingly.


13.04.15 Item 1


2. Respite Care for Adults

The Panel received an update in respect of its review. It was noted that Public Hearings with the Minister for Social Security and Minister for Health and Social Services were due to take place next week. The Panel agreed that, for both of its Hearings, it would meet an hour before the start time in order to prepare. The Officer was requested to amend the meeting requests accordingly.

The Panel considered the draft question plans for both Hearings. A number of amendments were identified which the Officer was requested to enact. In regards to the Hearing with the Social Security Minister, the Officer  was  asked  to  advise  the  Department  of  particular  areas  of questioning the Panel had identified in respect of the Long-Term Care Scheme.

The Panel noted that once the evidence gathering stage of its review had concluded it would meet again to discuss the content and structure of its report. It was advised that draft Heads of Report would be drafted for the Panel's meeting on 7th May 2015.

It was noted that the Panel was due to receive a presentation from respite service users at 10:00am on Monday 20th April at Le Geyt Centre.




02.04.15 Item 3


3. Sex Discrimination Regulations

The Panel considered how It wished to proceed with its review of the draft  Sex  Discrimination  Regulations.  It  was  agreed  that  it  had  no further  concerns  regarding  the  Regulations  and  therefore  a  Public Hearing with the Minister was not necessary. It was advised that the Regulations and Report were due to be lodged on Tuesday 21st April and the Department would provide the Panel a draft copy before this





It was noted that the Officer would begin drafting Comments for the Panel's consideration.



4. Work Programme

The Panel considered its Work Programme and current workload. It was noted that it was important that the Panel utilised its available resources (two Officers) by undertaking more than one review at one time.

The Panel noted that it was currently waiting for the reports on Zero Hour Contracts and Minimum Wage to be completed by the Social Security Department. It was advised that the reports were due on 11th May. The Panel agreed to request that it received a copy of the reports, and was provided with a briefing on their content, prior to the States lodging date. It was noted that once the reports had been received, the Panel would decide whether it would undertake a review on this subject.

The Panel identified a number of areas of interest and potential future review topics. These included; Long-Term Incapacity Benefits system, waiting  lists,  transport  for  the  disabled,  hospital  transport  and recruitment and retention. Furthermore, the Panel noted that it had also previously identified the new hospital, mental health and the Regulation of  Care  as  topics  it  intended  to  review  once  the  work  had  been undertaken by the Department.  


02.04.15 Item 6


5.  Quarterly  Hearing  with  the  Minister  for  Health  and  Social Services

The Panel considered a draft question plan that had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Panel identified a number of amendments which the Officer was requested to enact. It was noted that the question areas were due to be sent to the Department today.

The Panel identified recruitment and retention as an area it wished to question  the  Minister  on.  In  order  to  aid  preparation,  the  Panel requested up-to-date figures on staffing levels and current vacancies from the Department.



7. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that it was due to meet next at 9:30am on Thursday 23rd  April  for  a  scheduled  Panel  meeting.  However,  due  to  the Quarterly Hearing taking place that afternoon it was agreed that the Panel would meet at 1:00pm to discuss any Panel business prior to the Quarterly hearing at 2:00pm. The Officer was requested to amend the meeting request accordingly.