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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 20 March 2015

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 20th March 2015



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman Deputy T. McDonald

Deputy J. Hilton, Co-opted Member





In attendance

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer


19.03.15 Item 2


1. Respite Care for Adults

The Panel received Senator P. Routier, Assistant Chief Minister and Chairman  of  the  Service  User  Forum  for  a  Public  Hearing.  The proceedings were recorded in order that a transcript could be made.

The Panel requested various documents which had been mentioned in the  Service  User  Forum  minutes  dated  7th  April  2014  and  5th September  2014.  The  Officers  advised  that  the  requests  would  be made to the Chief Minister's Department.

The Panel also requested information on Oakwell Children's Respite Home including whether it was providing respite to people aged 18 or over and whether the service was currently open 7 days a week.




2. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that it would next meet on Thursday 2nd April 2015 at 9:30a.m in the Le Capelain room, States Building.


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