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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 23rd July 2015
Present | Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman [apologies for Item 6] Deputy T. McDonald |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer Miss L. Stoodley , Scrutiny Administrator |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the records of its meetings held on 25th and 26th June and 2nd, 7th and 9th July 2015. The Chairman thereby signed them accordingly. |
07/07/15 Item 1 517/32 | 2. Staff Recruitment and Retention The Panel noted that it had received written submissions from Andium Homes and the Minister for Housing. The Panel requested that it receive hard copies of all the written submissions received to date. The Panel recalled the submission from the Union Prospect and noted that an external report of the Chief Minister's Department was mentioned. The Panel tasked the officer to request the report. The Panel agreed that several Public Hearings should be organised to take place in September, including Union representatives and the Minister for Housing. The officer advised that these would be organised and confirmed in due course. The Panel requested that letters were drafted to all residential nursing homes and Family Nursing and Homecare to seek information regarding recruitment and whether they had to compete with the Hospital particularly for recruiting nurses. | KB KB KB KB |
09/07/15 Item 2 517/33 | 3. Zero-Hours Contracts The Panel considered its survey questions for both employers and employees. It had discussed including an optional question to ask employees who their employer was. The Panel noted that the advice received from the Statistics Unit was that the question should not be included as it may deter employees from completing the survey. The Panel discussed the matter and agreed that the question was included in order to obtain the information it was seeking. The Chairman dissented from the decision. The Panel requested that a statement was included that made it clear that confidentiality and privacy would be maintained. |
| The officer highlighted a potential repercussion of including the question which was that employees could be identified if very few within an organisation were on a zero-hours contract. The Panel agreed that this may be a risk if it was to ask employers to give evidence. The Panel agreed that this would be considered again once the survey had been completed. Furthermore, it would only ask an employer to give evidence if a significant number of respondents had responded to the question. The Panel made minor changes to both surveys and requested that the revised versions were circulated for final approval. The Panel agreed that the review budget should be increased to allow for an advert in the Jersey Evening Post. The officer advised that the Scoping Document would be amended and circulated to the Chairmen's Committee via the Scrutiny Manager. | LS KB |
19/03/15 Item 5 513/45 | 4. Medium Term Financial Plan The Panel noted that the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel (CSSP) had requested that all Panels undertake work on the MTFP. The CSSP had provided a framework of topic areas and the Panel agreed that these should be sent to the Health and Social Services Department and the Social Security Department. The Panel requested that additional areas were added to the framework which included the modernisation programme, income support and health charges. The officer advised that the additional areas would be included in the framework and circulated for approval before being sent to the Departments. | KB |
09/07/15 Item 1 517/1/1(6) | 5. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security The Panel noted that it was due to receive the Minister for Social Security for a Quarterly Hearing on 3rd September. The Panel agreed that the Hearing would primarily focus on the Medium Term Financial Plan and allocated each Panel Member to establish a list of questions in preparation for the Hearing. The Panel noted that the Social Security Department would be advised that the Hearing would focus on the Medium Term Financial Plan. | RR, GS, TM KB |
02/07/15 Item 8 517/1/1(4) | 6. Back to Work Offices: Site Visit The Panel visited the Back to Work offices and was given a tour of the building as well as a PowerPoint presentation. |
| 7. Future Meetings The Panel noted that it would next meet on Thursday 3rd September at 9:30am in the Le Capelain room, States Building. |