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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 29th January 2015
Present | Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy T. McDonald Deputy J. Hilton [Co-opted Member item 2 only] |
Apologies |
Absent | Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman |
In attendance | Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Record of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the record of its meeting held on 15th January 2015. The Chairman signed it accordingly. |
15/01/15 Item 3 517/30 | 2. Respite Care for Adults The Panel received an update on the status of its review. It was advised that the Managing Director of Les Amis had expressed interest in speaking with the Panel and providing a tour around the respite care facility. The Panel agreed to visit Les Amis and suggested the afternoon of Friday 6th February as a potential date. The Officer was asked to confirm with the Managing Director whether the date was suitable and to make the necessary arrangements. The Panel considered other premises it wished to visit that provided respite care for adults. It was agreed that the Panel would request to visit Le Geyt and Cheshire Homes. The Officer was asked to liaise with both facilities. It was noted that an Officer meeting had been arranged for Wednesday 4th February with the Director of Adult Services. It was envisaged that this meeting would provide the Scrutiny Officers the opportunity to ask some background questions before the Panel's Hearing on 9th February. The Scrutiny Officers were requested to ascertain whether there were other facilities that provided out-of-home respite care services in Jersey that the Panel could visit. It was also requested that the Scrutiny Officers determined whether Oakwell continued to provide respite care to people over the age of 18 years. The Panel recalled the letter it had received from the Interim Managing Director of Community and Social Services in response to the Panel's letter to the Health and Social Services Minister which announced the review and Terms of Reference. It was noted that the Interim Managing Director has asked the Panel to define what it had meant by Long-Term Stay'. The Panel considered and agreed its definitions of Short-Term | KB SM/KB SM/KB SM/KB |
| Stay, Long-Term Stay' and Day Services'. The Scrutiny Officers were asked to respond to the letter accordingly. The Scrutiny Officers were requested to liaise with the liaison Officer at the Social Security Department to ascertain the relationship between the Department and the Jersey Employment Trust (JET) in respect of funding. Consideration was given to who the Panel would like to write to request a written submission for its review. In this respect, the Panel identified a number of adult respite care approved providers. The Panel agreed it would also like to speak to witnesses who were involved in the previous Panel's review of respite care for children and young adults. It was noted that many of those witnesses' children would have now transitioned into Adult Services. The Panel approved template letters that would be sent to stakeholders requesting a written submission. The Scrutiny Officers were asked to send them out accordingly. It was noted that the Panel was due to receive the Minister for Health and Social Services for a Public Hearing at 10:00am on 9th February 2015. The Panel agreed that it would meet at 9:00am to allow for sufficient preparation time before the Hearing. Subsequently, the Scrutiny Officers were requested to amend the meeting request. Consideration was given to the draft question plan for the Public Hearing. The Panel agreed to review the question plan over the weekend and revert to the Scrutiny Officers with any changes or comments by Monday. It was advised that the areas of questioning had to be sent to the Health Department by Monday afternoon. The Panel was advised that a written submission had been received by a member of the public in respect of its review. The Officer was requested to send the submission to the Panel via email. It was agreed that consideration would be given to the submission at the Panel's subsequent meeting. The Officer was requested to respond to the member of the public accordingly. | KB SM SM/KB KB SM KB KB |
Item 4 15/01/15 517/1/1(6) | 3. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services The Panel noted the question plan for the Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services that was due to take place at 9:30am on 2nd February 2015. It was agreed that the Panel would meet at 9:00am to allow for preparation time before the start of the Hearing. |
517/1/1(6) | 4. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security The Panel considered areas of questioning for its Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security which was due to take place on 19th February 2015. The Panel identified a number of key issues it wished to address at the Hearing. The Scrutiny Officers were requested to draft a question plan based on this discussion and circulate to the Panel before its next meeting. | SM/KB |
Item 5 15/01/15 | 5. Health Treatment Travel Policy: Topic Proposal |
517/1/1(5) | It was recalled that the Panel had requested to receive a briefing from the Health Department on the health treatment travel policy as a result of Deputy Tadier 's topic proposal on this subject. It was advised that the Department had offered to brief the Panel on 12th February 2015 at 10:30am. It was further advised that the Minister would be unable to attend the meeting and the briefing would be provided by departmental Officers. The Panel agreed the date of the briefing and requested the Scrutiny Officers to confirm with the Department and send out a meeting request. The Panel further requested that the Department provide any relevant documents prior to the briefing. The Scrutiny Officers were asked to notify Deputy Tadier of the date and time of the briefing. | KB KB KB |
| 6. Annual Report The Panel noted and approved the Panel's section of the Scrutiny's Annual Report. |
| 7. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next Panel meeting would be held on Thursday 12th February 2015 at 9:30am in the Le Capelain room, States Building. |