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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 29 October 2015

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 29th October 2015



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy T. McDonald


Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman



In attendance

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer

Miss L. Stoodley , Scrutiny Officer (acting up)


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Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 12th, 15th  and  16th  October  2015.  The  Chairman  thereby  signed  them accordingly.


16/10/15 Item 1


2. Zero-Hour Contracts

The Panel agreed that it would hold a Public Hearing with representatives from two recruitment companies – ASL and Rowland Recruitment. The officer advised that these would be organised to take place on Thursday 5th November. It was also agreed that a Public Hearing with the Minister for Social Security would be confirmed in due course.

The Panel agreed that it would meet after the States sitting on Tuesday 3rd November to discuss the question plan.


15/10/15 Item 2


3. Staff Recruitment and Retention

The Panel noted that the Public Hearing with the Director of Human Resources had to be postponed. The officer advised that the Hearing would be reorganised as soon as the Director was back from special leave.

The Panel agreed that once the Public Hearing with the Director of Human Resources was organised, a Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services would be confirmed. The Panel also agreed that once the Hearings had taken place, it would consider draft Heads of Report for the review.



15/10/15 Item 4


4. Future Hospital Sub-Panel

The Panel noted that the Sub-Panel would be meeting on 29th October at 2:00pm to consider expressions of interest for the role of advisor.



5. Written Question

The Panel noted that a written question had been asked by Deputy M. Tadier regarding an alcohol strategy. The Panel approved a response




drafted by the Chairman, and requested the officer to send it to the Assistant Greffier.

The Panel requested that a letter was drafted to the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding an update on the strategy and to enquire about further work by the Alcohol and Licensing Policy Group.



6. Meeting Dates 2016

The Panel agreed that its meeting day and time would remain the same for 2016. The officer advised that meeting requests would be circulated in due course.



7. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 12th November 2015 at 9:30am in the Le Capelain room, States Building.