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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 29 October 2015

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel Future Hospital Sub-Panel

Record of Meeting

29th October 2015



Deputy R.J. Renouf , Chairman

Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré, Vice-Chairman Deputy T.A. McDonald

Connétable C.H. Taylor


Deputy G.P. Southern



In attendance

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter


22/10/15 Item 1


1. Expert Advisor

The Sub-Panel held four conference calls with each of the potential advisors. Once this had taken place, the Sub-Panel discussed the matter and unanimously agreed to appoint Concerto as its advisor. The officer explained  that  a  conversation  would  take  place  with  the  Scrutiny Manager and Accounting Officer regarding the proposed fees.



2. Future Meetings

The Sub-Panel agreed to defer all other items on the agenda to its next meeting. The Sub-Panel noted that its next meeting would take place at 2:30pm on 12th November in the Le Capelain room, States Building.


