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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 3 September 2015

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 3rd September 2015



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman Deputy T. McDonald





In attendance

Deputy S. Pinel, Minister for Social Security

Mrs S. Duhamel, Policy and Strategy Director, Social Security Mr S. Jackson , Operations Director

Ms. S. Le Sueur , Operations Director, Back-to-Work

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer

Miss L. Stoodley , Scrutiny Officer (acting up)


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Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of its meetings held on 9th, 16th,  23rd,  24th,  and  27th  July  2015  and  14th  August  2015.  The Chairman thereby signed the records accordingly.


24/07/15 Item 1


2. Respite for Adults: Evaluation

The  Panel  evaluated  its  review  and  agreed  that  there  had  been unfortunate  circumstances  with  the  timetable  due  to  the  Health Department's reorganisation of the respite service. Irrespective of the timetable,  the  Panel  agreed  that  it  could  have  presented  its  report sooner and would aim to do so when undertaking future reviews.

The Panel also agreed that in order to assist with its own timetable, it would set aside a whole week in order to hold Public Hearings. It agreed that this would be beneficial as it would focus the Panel on its evidence gathering.

The Panel noted that the Ministerial Response to its report was due to be received on 8th September 2015.


14/08/15 Item 1


3. Future Hospital

The Panel noted that a Sub-Panel had been established to undertake the  review,  which  included  members  of  the  main  Panel  and  two members from the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel.

The Officer advised the Panel that the Future Hospital project had been delayed due to consideration of a fifth site. Furthermore, the Gleeds report which had previously been received was due to be updated by the Health Department. The Panel agreed that once a revised timetable had been received the Sub-Panel would meet to discuss the review and




draft its Terms of Reference.


23/07/15 Item 2


4. Staff Recruitment and Retention

The Panel noted that several Public Hearings had been organised to take place in September. These included employee representatives and the Minister for Housing.

The Officer advised that a draft question plan had been developed and would be circulated to the Panel in due course.

The Panel noted that its first Public Hearing was due to take place on 10th September at 12 noon. The Panel agreed that it would meet at 11:00a.m to discuss and confirm the question plan.


27/07/15 Item 31 517/33

5. Zero Hour Contracts

The Officer advised that approximately 130 people had responded to the employee survey and approximately 30 people had responded to the  employer  survey  to  date.  The  Panel  noted  that  the  hard  copy responses would be collected in due course and would be inputted into Survey Monkey.

The Officer advised that the survey would remain open to respondents until 9th October.

The Panel requested the Officer to send an analysis of the responses collected so far.


22/05/15 Item 7


6. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security

The Panel received the Minister for Social Security and her Officers for a Quarterly Public Hearing. The proceedings were recorded in order that a transcript could be made.



7. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would be held on 17th September at 9:30am in the Le Capelain room, States Building.