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Public Accounts Committee – Approved Committee Minutes - 15th June 2015

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Public Accounts Committee

Record of Meeting

Date:  15th June 2015



Deputy A.D. Lewis , Chairman

Deputy S.M. Wickenden, Vice-Chairman Deputy J.A. Martin

Mr. G. Drinkwater

Mr. R.J. Parker

Mr. M.J. Robinson


Connétable C.H. Taylor



In attendance

Mrs. K. McConnell, Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) Mr. I. Clarkson, Committee Officer


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Agenda matter



A1.  Records of Meetings

The records of the meetings held on 11th May and 18th May 2015 were approved and signed.



A2.  Conflicts of Interest

No new conflicts of interest were declared.



A3.  Visit to National Assembly for Wales

The Committee noted that arrangements were in hand for a delegation of the Committee to visit to the National Assembly for Wales on 23rd – 24th June 2015. It was confirmed that the Wales Public Accounts Committee  had  invited  a  delegation  of  the  Northern  Ireland  Public Accounts Committee and the Committee to attend to discuss working practices. Arrangements would also be made for the delegation to observe a public and private meeting of the Wales Public Accounts Committee and to visit the Welsh Audit Office.

The Committee noted that the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Mr. G. Drinkwater would attend the National Assembly for Wales and that they would be accompanied by the Committee's Officer. It was estimated that the total cost of the visit would be of the order of £1800, which would be drawn from the Chairmen's Committee budget as per the arrangements made for similar visits made by Scrutiny Panels earlier in 2015.

The Officer was instructed to finalise arrangements for the visit.




A4.  Work Programme

The Committee considered a report concerning the status of its work programme for 2015 and beyond.

There  followed  a  discussion  concerning  Andium  Homes  Limited. Having  recalled  that  the  Committee  had  recently  presented  to  the States  its  report  on  the  management  of  planned  and  responsive maintenance undertaken by Andium Homes, the Chairman apprised the Committee of anecdotal evidence he had received concerning aspects of the shareholder relationship between the Treasury and Resources Department and Andium Homes. The Committee noted the position and  recalled  that  the  shareholder  management  function  within  the Treasury  and  Resources  Department  had  been  considered  in  the C&AG's  report  R.109/2014  (The  States  as  Shareholder:  Jersey Telecom').

The Committee noted the report and reaffirmed its intention to follow-up the C&AG's report R.109/2014 during 2015.


Item 4 18.05.15


A5.  Financial Management

The Committee noted that it was still waiting to receive a final response from both the Chief Executive and the Treasurer of the States to the C&AG's report concerning financial management (R.38/2015 refers).

It was reported that executive departments were prioritizing construction of the draft Medium Term Financial Plan 2016-2019 and that they were reportedly finding it difficult to find time to complete other tasks. The reported desire to obtain ministerial input regarding the content of the responses to R.38/2015 was understood to be a further reason for the ongoing delay.

The Committee recalled that it had been waiting in excess of 10 weeks for  a  formal  response  to  the  C&AG's  report.   It  was  considered potentially anomalous that scheduled financial planning activity should be conducted by executive departments in a manner that rendered them unable to carry out other core duties. The Committee further recalled having experienced delays in receiving evidence in respect of the  Public  Sector  Reform  programme review  and  in  respect  of  the response to recommendation 1 of the internal audit report PAC.3/2014, which was over 3 months overdue.

They  recommended  that  the  Chairman  raise  with  the  Chairmen's Committee the matter of the above delays in early course.


Item 5 18.05.15


A6.  Private Patients Income

The Committee noted the response of the Health and Social Services Department to the C&AG's report on private patient income (R.51/2015 refers).

The Committee was pleased to note that the department had accepted the recommendations in full and had outlined what appeared to be a reasonable  programme  of  work  with  proportionate  timescales  for





The Committee agreed that the Chairman should write to the Chief Officer, Health and Social Services Department and request additional information by 22nd September regarding the project plans to take the workstreams forward, the budgetary approvals required to fund those workstreams and confirmation of the completion dates being targeted for each project.

Chair / Officer

Item 6 18.05.15


 A7.  Public Sector Reform

The  Committee  noted  that  following  questions  asked  by  the Committee's Officer regarding documents supplied to the Committee following a request for evidence submitted to that department on 14th April 2015, the Chief Minister's Department had asserted that the full content  of  the  supplied  documents  remained  confidential.   Affected documentation included certain Minutes of, and certain related reports submitted to, the Council of Ministers during the period 2012 – 2014. The Committee had nevertheless reportedly been given permission to quote during a public hearing any of the text within the documentation supplied,  save  for  that  which  related  directly  to  the  workforce modernization workstreams.

The Committee recalled that each of the documents supplied by the Chief Minister's Department had been marked either as confidential on the sole basis of exemption 3.2.1(a)(xiv) of the now obsolete Code of Practice on Public Access to Official information (commonly cited as policy in the course of development'), or had simply been marked as confidential  but  without  any  specific  exemption  having  been  cited. None of the documents supplied had been re-evaluated in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011.

The  Committee  considered  that  the  stance  adopted  by  the  Chief Minister's Department was anomalous and somewhat counter-intuitive and had put the Committee in a difficult position. It agreed that the Chairman might wish to raise the matter during the next scheduled meeting of the Chairmen's Committee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the  Committee  agreed  to  make  every  effort  to  comply  with  the restrictions applied by the Chief Minister's Department.

The Committee held a public hearing with the following witnesses in attendance –

Chief Executive, States of Jersey

Chief Officer, Environment Department

Director of Human Resources, Chief Minister's Department Business Change Director, Chief Minister's Department

The Committee resolved to review transcripts of the hearing during the course of its next scheduled meeting.

The Comptroller and Auditor General was not present for this item.

Chair / Officer


Item 7 18.05.15

A8.  Financial Directions

The Committee considered transcripts of the 2 public hearings held on




18th  May  2015  and  reached  a  series  of  provisional  conclusions regarding the content of its final report.

The Officer was instructed to prepare a draft report for the Committee's consideration and to circulate the draft prior to the Committee's next scheduled meeting.

PAC/ Officer

Item 8 18.05.15


 A9.  Comptroller and Auditor General – Work Programme

The Committee –

  1. noted  a  draft  project  specification  for  a  review  of community  and  social  services  to  be  conducted  by  the Comptroller and Auditor General, and
  2. received a further oral briefing regarding a forthcoming report on information security.


Signed  Date: ..  

Chairman Panel