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Chairmen's Committee - Approved Committee Minutes - 26 January 2016

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Chairmen's Committee

Record of Meeting

Date: 26th January 2016



Deputy  J.A.N.  Le  Fondré,  President  and  Chairman,  Corporate  Services Scrutiny Panel

Deputy L.M.C. Doublet , Vice-President and Chairman, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Deputy S.M. Brée, Chairman, Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman, Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel Deputy D. Johnson , Chairman, Environment, Housing and Technical Services Scrutiny Panel

Deputy S.M. Wickenden, Vice-Chairman, Public Accounts Committee


Deputy A.D. Lewis , Chairman, Public Accounts Committee



In attendance

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Manager


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Agenda matter



1.  Records of meetings

The Committee approved the records of its meetings held on 8th and 15th  December  2015  and  12th  January  2016,  which  were  signed accordingly by the President.  


08.12.15 Item 2

2.  Activity Reports

The Committee noted Panel and Public Accounts Committee activity reports.


08.12.15 Item 3

3.  Privileges and Procedures Committee: update

The Committee considered a briefing paper on the deliberations of the Privileges and Procedures Committee.  


08.12.15 Item 4


4.  Protocol for  Engagement  between  Scrutiny  Panels  and the Executive

The Committee considered the draft Protocol for Engagement between Scrutiny Panels and the Executive, agreeing minor amendments as discussed. It was agreed that the revised draft would be circulated to the Committee for further consideration at a meeting to be held on 10th February  2016.  Confirmation  would  also  be  sought  from  the  Law Draftsman and Greffier as to the suitability of the use of the term Executive'.

The Committee also discussed possible actions that might be available to Chairmen in the event of an infringement of the Protocol. It was agreed that a list of such steps would be further developed by the President in liaison with the Vice-President, Deputy R. Renouf and Deputy D. Johnson . It was noted that such steps might be included in the  forthcoming  Scrutiny  Proceedings  Code  of  Practice.  Further consideration would be given to the matter at the meeting scheduled for 10th February.




5.  Panel Names and Remits

Noting the implementation of the States of Jersey (Transfer of Functions No.  8)  (Miscellaneous  Transfers)  (Jersey)  Regulations  2015,  the Committee considered the potential requirement for it to update Panel remits  and  names  to  more  accurately  reflect  new  Executive responsibilities and titles.

It considered whether such changes would in particular be required in relation to public, stakeholder and media engagement with Scrutiny, in order to provide Panels with clear and easily recognised identities. It further discussed whether updating remits and names would also assist internally', by providing clarity about individual Panel responsibilities and helping to ensure that the framework for Scrutiny was appropriately organised following the Executive changes.

It was agreed that all Panels would be requested to consider the matter, in  order  to  provide  feedback  to  the  Committee  to  help  inform  its decisions. Panels would be asked to provide feedback ahead of the Committee's meeting scheduled for 1st March 2016.


08.12.15 Item 5


6. Use of social media

The Committee noted that progress had been made to establish a Jersey States Assembly' Facebook page, which would include content from Scrutiny Panels. The page was due be launched in the near future.


08.12.15 Item 6


7.  Residential Property Transactions Review Panel

The Committee noted that scoping of a proposed Review Panel by the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee was ongoing.


19.05.15 Item 11


8.  Training

Training undertaken by Scrutiny Members during the previous year was considered by the Committee, with a view to informing identification of future training opportunities. It was agreed that Panels would also be requested to consider the matter individually, in order for feedback to be provided to the Committee by all Scrutiny Members ahead of its meeting scheduled for 1st March 2016.


07.07.19 Item 7


9.  Business Cards

The  Vice-President,   Deputy  S.M.  Brée,  and   Deputy  D.   Johnson requested business cards, as per arrangements approved in 2015.


15.09.15 Item 7


10. Blackberries/Mobile Devices

The Committee requested that the agreement reached in 2015 on the options for Chairmen of Scrutiny Panels to be afforded parity with Ministers in regard of access to mobile devices (and/or assistance with associated costs) in carrying out their roles, should be re-circulated for information.



11. Future Meetings

It  was  noted  that  the  Committee's  forthcoming  meetings  were scheduled as follows:

 Long Term Vision briefing – 4th February, 2pm, Le Capelain Room



  • Scrutiny Protocol – 10th February, 2pm, Le Capelain Room
  • Full scheduled meeting - 1st March, 9.30am, Le Capelain Room.