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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 9 June 2016

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 9th June 2016



Deputy L. M. C. Doublet , Chairman Deputy J. M. Maçon, Vice-Chairman Deputy T. A. Vallois

Deputy S. Y. Mezec





In attendance

Deputy K. L. Moore , Minister for Home Affairs

Connétable D. W. Mezbourian , Assistant Minister for Home Affairs Mr T. Walker , Chief Officer, Community and Constitutional Affairs Mr M. Robbins, Scrutiny Officer.


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Agenda matter


Item 10 13.05.16


1.  Medium Term Financial Plan Addition

The Panel discussed its work programme in relation to the Medium Term Financial Plan Addition which was to be lodged on 30th June 2016. It set aside four separate blocks of time in order that the Panel might  focus  specifically  on  the  work,  as  found  to  be  necessary.  It recognised that the final date for amendments was 13th September. All timetables had to be subject to that fixed point to ensure that the Panel achieved  the  results  required.  It  also  agreed  that  the  Panel  would ensure that Members did have time for a summer break during August.


Item 3 08.03.16

2.  Home Affairs Quarterly Public Hearing

The  Panel  received   Deputy  K.L.   Moore ,  Minister  for  Home  Affairs, Connétable D.W. Mezbourian , Assistant Minister for Home Affairs and Mr T. Walker , Chief Officer for Community and Constitutional Affairs, for a scheduled quarterly public hearing where the Panel questioned the Minister on various Home Affairs policies. The hearing was recorded in order that a transcript could be made of the proceedings.


88 09.06.2016